One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#101 2019-07-02 09:08:16

Registered: 2019-07-02
Posts: 115

Re: Implementation plan 3 for the curse system

A couple of ideas to stop what I call town killers. I don't know if there is a generally accepted term for them, but I mean the people who kill all the women in the town so that the town cannot continue. I think this is much worse than killing an individual, as all work is now lost. So here are my ideas:

A stabbed or shot person should easily be able to curse their attacker, even if they didn't see the name. I think that especially includes babies. While they normally can't type enough to curse, I think they should be able to curse if attacked. There is never a reason to stab a baby.

I also think that a person who kills multiple females of their own family should require less than the normal number of curses to go to donkey town. One wouldn't be sufficient, as in the case of someone killing multiple female griefers and being cursed by one of them. But perhaps three or four should be sufficient with certain triggers.


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