One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: News » Update: End Game » 2024-05-14 06:09:13

Is this going to split the community up with a sequel? How is this going to be implemented?

#4 Main Forum » Forum Griefers? » 2022-02-23 18:07:03

Replies: 4

I'm just curious if the game is dead, why do I meet and see so many griefers on average, especially at very early hours of the morning grrefers, griefing?

I feel like most of the progress people make is thwarted by a couple of you experienced forum trolls. There isn't anyone else that knows the advance methods of griefing such as kiting bears, raising and beating pit bulls, and I would recommend getting the zoom out mod for anyone that doesn't grief.. Just to watch some of these guys in action. It's hilarious. Enjoyed the game until y'all killed it. thanks.

#5 Re: Main Forum » The plan moving forward » 2022-02-23 17:45:21

JonySky wrote:
Goliath wrote:
WumboJumbo wrote:

You clearly haven't been caught up to speed yet.

What do you mean?

Dead game my friend!

Yeah games die, and ill play this till D Day.
Wouldn't be surprised there isn't a private server somewhere that Jason plays.

#6 Re: Main Forum » The plan moving forward » 2022-02-23 06:29:39

WumboJumbo wrote:
Goliath wrote:
jasonrohrer wrote:

But when I get back to it, here's the plan:

---Of course fix all the open bugs

---Do several months of bigger content updates

---Figure out a satisfying "endgame" of some kind.

Just got back into your game. Going to learn everything and all the updates and be the best player ever. Hope you do finish the game. It's amazing, that's why everyone always complaining. It's addicting. Hope project December works out for you. It sounds fun but I like oHoL a ton. Bought it when it first became available.

You clearly haven't been caught up to speed yet.

What do you mean?

#7 Re: Main Forum » Missed Connections » 2022-02-21 08:56:27

On server two, it was a great time. Being able to visit the whites on their small farm out West, brown family on their eve start and the black family on their huge farm out East with the three delivery trucks.

#8 Re: Main Forum » One hour one life Mobile? Anyone else gave it a run? » 2022-02-20 23:06:53

Yeah, it's pretty fun but it's not as advanced as the PC version.

#9 Main Forum » One hour one life Mobile? Anyone else gave it a run? » 2022-02-20 19:21:07

Replies: 8

"This game is from DualDecade, but is based on a PC game called "ONE HOUR ONE LIFE", which was made by one single person: Jason Rohrer. He has put his work into the public domain, so others can use it.

Jason is not at all involved in making this mobile game though, and has not specifically approved any of the changes and additions we have decided to make.

The game world is running on Dual Decade servers."
-Opening Page … .evolution

#10 Re: Main Forum » So what's the meta? » 2022-02-20 00:15:34

Eve Troll wrote:

Leave your biome band so you dont have babies as a woman. Stay in town as a male to keep your relatives alive. Dont waste food on afks, unless you're a meme score wh***. Just let them die. Families with the least amount of females get a fertility boost so its almost impossible for them to die out naturally like they used to.

There are a lot of ways to meta play. Most of them I hate and are a big reason I left.

Best meta is to try and have fun the best you can.

I will have to listen to this advice and leave my biome as a woman. Because I don't want to negativity influence the boost to fertility. That brings a whole new meaning to understanding each system.  Also likewise about being a male.

Understanding the mechanics in such a way that the game becomes boring that's why I took a break but I think creating an experience with your family and making sure that you guys succeed and build marvelous High Tech things is kind of the wonder of the game. I would say this is one of my all time favorite games hopefully the updates keep coming and we can keep changing the Meta.  Because everything I've heard so far is really helpful and I feel like it'll make mu impact in the game felt vibrate ever further. Thank you.

#11 Re: Main Forum » So what's the meta? » 2022-02-20 00:11:53

Laggy wrote:

The meta is getting 200 health by yumming then afking.

Probably better that people do afk, I can keep them alive for much less food then they would munch.

Okay, that is the craving system? That is pretty cool, does the whole family have the same craving.

#12 Re: Main Forum » As a new player, returning player? » 2022-02-19 23:18:45

Eve Troll wrote:

Teching is probably the most important part of the game. Specifically drilling oil with an engine. Farms often get neglected though and water runs out quickly. Collecting water from ponds in buckets and using wild soil is a good way to stretch resources. Race restrictions get in the way of a lot of tech and development so until you get your feet under yourself again I suggest focusing on stability oriented things like food, farming, cothes, firewood, and nursery building.

Pine trees dont take hungry work.

Okay, im using to tech but I don't know if there is a flow chart somewhere. I will have to look. Yeah I've heard about this race restrictions. That's kinda cool. Separate factions. That makes more sense then a chaotic scene of a bunch if random families.

I will definitely focus on food, farming, clothing, firewood making, and maintaining the nursery. Great tips. thank you.

#13 Re: Main Forum » Return to Old Days » 2022-02-19 23:10:29

DestinyCall wrote:
Goliath wrote:
DestinyCall wrote:

How long ago did you play last?

When the war sword and horse wagon basically.

Before or after the rift experiment?

Before that, im not sure what the rift is.

#14 Main Forum » So what's the meta? » 2022-02-19 09:52:07

Replies: 8

Is the meta feeding afk's so that they give birth?
Lock your delivery van behind a privacy fence?
Draggin a bear to a town to grief when bored?

What do you think the meta is?

#15 Re: News » Update: Crave Spice » 2022-02-19 09:37:47

Spoonwood wrote:
jasonrohrer wrote:

As I work toward my goal of making the largest and most comprehensive crafting game of all time---a true love letter to our civilized world, which is so full of all the amazing things that people make---64 foods is just the beginning.

It's 13 days short of being 18 months, a year and a half, later now.  The last food added to the game was cooked mutton with rub on June 27, 2020, when the above got posted.

64 foods is just the beginning???

The next update gonna be lite.

#16 Re: Main Forum » The plan moving forward » 2022-02-19 09:00:57

jasonrohrer wrote:

But when I get back to it, here's the plan:

---Of course fix all the open bugs

---Do several months of bigger content updates

---Figure out a satisfying "endgame" of some kind.

Just got back into your game. Going to learn everything and all the updates and be the best player ever. Hope you do finish the game. It's amazing, that's why everyone always complaining. It's addicting. Hope project December works out for you. It sounds fun but I like oHoL a ton. Bought it when it first became available.

#17 Main Forum » As a new player, returning player? » 2022-02-19 04:55:25

Replies: 2

What should I be looking for?
Should I be farming carrots? Baking? Smithing? Building?
How do I know where to begin?
Should I build a property fence?
Should I build a nursery, if there isn't one?
Should go exploring for a new village?

What is the meta now? Race cars? And roads?
I haven't seen any villages with houses and cars for each family.  I do kinda of agree that bears are the biggest griefers.

What are your thoughts, what should a new player learn first?
Which aspect of the game should you focus on? Farming, buildings, teching?

#18 Re: Main Forum » Return to Old Days » 2022-02-19 04:51:36

DestinyCall wrote:

How long ago did you play last?

When the war sword and horse wagon basically.

#19 Main Forum » Return to Old Days » 2022-02-16 20:02:36

Replies: 8

Best way for a returning player to get up to speed on the meta and recipes?

#20 Re: Main Forum » Horse Corral » 2018-10-19 11:49:52

I was born into this place, took the horse and went rabbit hunting. It was an awesome life!

#21 Re: Main Forum » Donkey Town? » 2018-10-16 19:31:00

Okay out of Donkey Town. Goodbye Forums..

#22 Re: Main Forum » Donkey Town? » 2018-10-16 19:27:07

Jk Howling wrote:

It genuinely depends on how many people you pissed off for how long you end up there. The last person who asked/complained about it had gathered a load of 19 curses total- over double what you need to be sent to Donkey Town in the first place lmao. Yes, it's gonna take awhile to work off that many curses.

Its no different than jailtime. The worse the crime, the longer you're sentenced. Just be thankful it's not worse- Jason has a code he considered implementing where Donkeytown tracks your total curse score across all servers. The more total curses you have, the longer you have to play to work off a single curse. Wouldn't that be fun!

unless he's committed himself to the same jail for an extended period of time. it makes no sense to implement things he doesn't test out. Donkey Town and the black text box just seems broken at best without a time counter.

#23 Re: Main Forum » OHOL Bots » 2018-10-16 19:25:50

UnnoticedShadow wrote:

Santan, thought there is only one Santan bot, luckily it is owned by a trustworthy moderator, and can even live to old age (sometimes). How ever, no berry bush eating bots exist besides this one, which is owned, so don’t worry too much about it.

still would be cool to see a city of bots.

#24 Re: Main Forum » OHOL Bots » 2018-10-16 18:44:09

Aurora Aurora wrote:

Whyd ya post it three times!?

I double tapped the submit button. sad

#25 Main Forum » OHOL Bots » 2018-10-16 17:44:51

Replies: 4

Anyone create a Bot yet? Saw something about a 666 bot but wasn't to convinced.
Seems like the perfect game to bot in my opinion and would create some interesting cities.

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