One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#26 2021-10-30 21:12:48

From: Massachusetts
Registered: 2018-08-09
Posts: 166

Re: The plan moving forward

Spoonwood wrote:

I've heard that In Next Life is due out soon also.  With a different, and I would guess, more suitable engine.

Yes, that's correct: … 83#p107383

I'm not sure which engine it uses (might be Unity), but at this point, anything is better than the "engine" that Jason created.


#27 2021-11-09 10:16:39

Registered: 2021-11-09
Posts: 2

Re: The plan moving forward


I'm quite new to the game and I'm liking it very much. The graphics are beautiful and all that endless crafting and exploring is wonderful. But i feel that there is not enough time to build relationships, to really talk to each other. Everyone is just too busy to get his/ her life project done, myself included. To craft some clothes dozens of preparations have to be made. So I end up spending an entire lifetime hunting alone in the wilds, caring for sheep to get wool and linen, or cooking different sorts of meals. Once i spend my whole life planting a rosebush which is nice but feels very lonely at the same time. There is not enough leisure time in the game. I wish for an update that would give you the possibility to double or even tripple your lifespam, either getting super old (120 and older with the right care - like special food or special activity or special role within the community (priest etc..) bonus for healthy and contributing children). I really yearn for more time to roleplay with other players. It would be nice, if you could only have babies within a certain amount of time after intercourse - so add the option of intercourse please. If there would be no females having had intercourse to recieve a baby, new players could be born in the wilds, adding the option of woolfs and other wild animals to feed them till they are old enough. One could even think of marriage or other forms of romantic relationships as a bond that makes constant intercourse obsolete to have babies or a form of immaculate conception with a choral and a beam of light coming down to a virgin female receaving a new player smile. I would really appreciate an update that concentrates on roleplay aspects and relationship building among players. I was thinking about family festivities like communal hunts, performing rituals together, like campfire stories or rituals to initiate the youngsters into adulthood and stuff like that. I dunno if that blows your idea of one hour one life, but i really felt that i don't need another recipy for garlic bread, but something that's more on the emotional side.

I'm looking forward to your reply,


#28 2021-11-09 15:13:49

Registered: 2021-01-26
Posts: 231

Re: The plan moving forward

Gudrinna wrote:


There is not enough leisure time in the game. I wish for an update that would give you the possibility to double or even tripple your lifespam, either getting super old (120 and older with the right care - like special food or special activity or special role within the community (priest etc..) bonus for healthy and contributing children). I really yearn for more time to roleplay with other players. It would be nice, if you could only have babies within a certain amount of time after intercourse - so add the option of intercourse please. If there would be no females having had intercourse to recieve a baby, new players could be born in the wilds, adding the option of woolfs and other wild animals to feed them till they are old enough.

Welcome to the forums.

Your new so I will tell you this, Jason doesn't care.

Why do you need 2-3 lifetimes to roleplay?

I can just imagine every new player roleplaying, then eating everything in town over their 3 hour life.


#29 2021-11-09 15:47:33

Registered: 2020-04-23
Posts: 1,005

Re: The plan moving forward

Gudrinna wrote:


I'm quite new to the game and I'm liking it very much. The graphics are beautiful and all that endless crafting and exploring is wonderful. But i feel that there is not enough time to build relationships, to really talk to each other. Everyone is just too busy to get his/ her life project done, myself included. To craft some clothes dozens of preparations have to be made. So I end up spending an entire lifetime hunting alone in the wilds, caring for sheep to get wool and linen, or cooking different sorts of meals. Once i spend my whole life planting a rosebush which is nice but feels very lonely at the same time. There is not enough leisure time in the game. I wish for an update that would give you the possibility to double or even tripple your lifespam, either getting super old (120 and older with the right care - like special food or special activity or special role within the community (priest etc..) bonus for healthy and contributing children). I really yearn for more time to roleplay with other players. It would be nice, if you could only have babies within a certain amount of time after intercourse - so add the option of intercourse please. If there would be no females having had intercourse to recieve a baby, new players could be born in the wilds, adding the option of woolfs and other wild animals to feed them till they are old enough. One could even think of marriage or other forms of romantic relationships as a bond that makes constant intercourse obsolete to have babies or a form of immaculate conception with a choral and a beam of light coming down to a virgin female receaving a new player smile. I would really appreciate an update that concentrates on roleplay aspects and relationship building among players. I was thinking about family festivities like communal hunts, performing rituals together, like campfire stories or rituals to initiate the youngsters into adulthood and stuff like that. I dunno if that blows your idea of one hour one life, but i really felt that i don't need another recipy for garlic bread, but something that's more on the emotional side.

I'm looking forward to your reply,

Welcome Gudrinna! If you noticed, you will be born in the same town again if you lived to 60 and some of your female kids are still alive...

To anything that has to do with fathers, Jason does not allow any fathers except VOG by design. He states firmly he wont change that even if Spoon complains another 100.000.000 times hmm

And dont be frightened by efficency players that dont like to roleplay. We have some borgs here that only look for efficency, dont be frightened by them they are normally quite nice if you dont disturb them too much...

Last edited by Arcurus (2021-11-09 15:49:24)


#30 2021-11-09 16:08:53

Registered: 2021-11-09
Posts: 2

Re: The plan moving forward


for someone that doesn't care, he spent a lot of time in designing and developping this game. And why do I need anything? Why do I even play this? Because it is my personal way of enjoying myself. It would be nice, if you wouldn't question other people's preferences (just because they don't fit yours?) Laggy. Also i suggested different complex ways to strech your lifespan that aren't just doing nothing else than eating but could include different ways of contributing to the community. The one hour life could still be a possible way to play this game, just adding options to live longer for people that might like to engage in a slower pace.

Thanks for the info about being born in the same town, Arcurus, i did suspect something like that. I hope Jason changes his mind about fathers. It would absolutely enforce relationship building within the game. There could be an option to adopt childs born into the wilds too.

I am very fascinated by this one man project and this possibility to get in contact with the developer. If he is not interested to pick up on anything, it's ok.

Thank you for replying, that means this forum isn't dead yet smile.



#31 2021-11-10 19:47:27

Registered: 2021-01-26
Posts: 231

Re: The plan moving forward

Gudrinna wrote:


for someone that doesn't care, he spent a lot of time in designing and developping this game. And why do I need anything? Why do I even play this? Because it is my personal way of enjoying myself. It would be nice, if you wouldn't question other people's preferences (just because they don't fit yours?) Laggy. Also i suggested different complex ways to strech your lifespan that aren't just doing nothing else than eating but could include different ways of contributing to the community. The one hour life could still be a possible way to play this game, just adding options to live longer for people that might like to engage in a slower pace.

Thanks for the info about being born in the same town, Arcurus, i did suspect something like that. I hope Jason changes his mind about fathers. It would absolutely enforce relationship building within the game. There could be an option to adopt childs born into the wilds too.

I am very fascinated by this one man project and this possibility to get in contact with the developer. If he is not interested to pick up on anything, it's ok.

Thank you for replying, that means this forum isn't dead yet smile.


Your NEW!!!

You don't understand how this works.

Jason hasn't published a meaningful update to this game in over 1 year.

The updates to this game in the last year have been utterly useless.

What I meant to say was Jason doesn't care about your ideas.

He has stated this numerous times.

Also go roleplay, I'll be sure to curse you on all my accounts.


#32 2021-11-10 20:35:26

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: The plan moving forward

Laggy be nice to the new person, it’s bad enough having to deal with spoon spamming threads on nonsense.

fug it’s Tarr.


#33 2021-11-11 01:45:23

From: Massachusetts
Registered: 2018-08-09
Posts: 166

Re: The plan moving forward

Tarr wrote:

Laggy be nice to the new person, it’s bad enough having to deal with spoon spamming threads on nonsense.

What he said has some merit and truth to it though.


#34 2021-11-11 21:37:45

Registered: 2021-04-24
Posts: 198

Re: The plan moving forward

Just my two cents...

Race restrictions need to be changed at least for rubber (maybe allow planting of latex trees outside jungle, make sulfur ponds occur everywhere)

Add craftable armor, more weapons and very basic HP (maybe only 3 hits to death, armor absorbs a hit and breaks)

Weapons and armor could be scalable such that greater attack requires greater armor with no upper limit (more resources/time invested, better armor/weapon)

Add waves of enemies (even just bears) that gradually increase spawn rate based on time, tech level, player pop, and position -- gradually moving east to west across the map

This will force towns/players to migrate and create a cost for scavenging. Enemy damage and hp can similarly be scalable, increasing over time with no upper limit.

Walls should similarly have hp of some kind and players and enemies should be able to damage them (also scalable)

This will greatly expand the gameplay of structure design by adding the necessity of defense

Update the scoreboard to accommodate these changes --  track total enemies killed per life or series of lives, mark towns and families as score entities and record how long they lasted etc

Implement achievements and/or rewards (custom skins or titles would be cool)

All of these changes are not that hard to make and would exponentially increase gameplay possibilities and total gameplay hours as well as fixing some emergent problems in the current implementation.

The combat engine doesn't even need to be changed, just the rules that govern it's existing function.

Last edited by forman (2021-11-11 21:40:53)


#35 2021-12-02 00:29:45

Registered: 2020-03-31
Posts: 40

Re: The plan moving forward

I am very exited to hear from Jason. Glad the game is gonna keep getting developed. It means a lot to me so whatever happens, I will see this game through the end!


#36 2021-12-02 01:31:56

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: The plan moving forward

Pretty sure we've got there.    Jason's "plan" is suspiciously light on actual details, like when he will get back to developing OHOL and how long he will continue to work on the game.  And it is practically a copy-paste of what he said on the Discord months ago, during the DDOS attacks.   That was all the way back in June.   I know kitchen renovations take a long time, but this is getting ridiculous.

It is nice that he finally made an official post about his plans, but since he isn't actually doing anything to fix bugs, add major content or provide a aatisfying endgame, I am not really that reassured regarding the future of OHOL.  It takes a very long time to complete a plan if you never start.

Talk is cheap.  Action is better.


#37 2021-12-02 02:14:39

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: The plan moving forward

DestinyCall wrote:

Pretty sure we've got there.    Jason's "plan" is suspiciously light on actual details, like when he will get back to developing OHOL and how long he will continue to work on the game.  And it is practically a copy-paste of what he said on the Discord months ago, during the DDOS attacks.   That was all the way back in June.   I know kitchen renovations take a long time, but this is getting ridiculous.

It is nice that he finally made an official post about his plans, but since he isn't actually doing anything to fix bugs, add major content or provide a aatisfying endgame, I am not really that reassured regarding the future of OHOL.  It takes a very long time to complete a plan if you never start.

Talk is cheap.  Action is better.

It gets even worse when you see the random Jason sighting, like today, where it says that he's "playing Storybrook Brawl", doesn't say a word on discord, and there is nothing on live-dev-changes.

Anyways, 2HOL has a multi-streamer event on December 11th Destiny.  I don't know the details yet, but I hope you can make it!  Remember, you'll need a flint-knife to skin rabbits.

Last edited by Spoonwood (2021-12-02 02:15:01)

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#38 2021-12-14 09:21:28

Registered: 2019-06-23
Posts: 152

Re: The plan moving forward

Thank you for the update.

Eve Whiskey, i.e. "Whisler".

Add zoom and hotkeys to the base game (see Hetuw mod) to improve the popularity of the game.


#39 2021-12-23 03:41:38

From: Massachusetts
Registered: 2018-08-09
Posts: 166

Re: The plan moving forward

FulmenTheFinn wrote:

Thank you for the update.

Two and a half months later?

Too little too late!


#40 2022-01-28 09:16:48

Registered: 2018-04-03
Posts: 406

Re: The plan moving forward

I haven't been on these forums in years, but I am thrilled to see it is as vile and venomous as ever.

ign: summerstorm, they/them


#41 2022-01-29 22:44:52

Registered: 2021-01-26
Posts: 231

Re: The plan moving forward

Any updates Jason?

Your research playing Rust and Storybook Brawl bring any inspiration you would like to share?

We are all on the edge of our seat waiting a response.


#42 2022-02-01 03:02:33

From: Massachusetts
Registered: 2018-08-09
Posts: 166

Re: The plan moving forward

Lum wrote:

I haven't been on these forums in years, but I am thrilled to see it is as vile and venomous as ever.

For good reason!


#43 2022-02-01 04:10:55

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: The plan moving forward

"You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious"


#44 2022-02-19 09:00:57

Registered: 2018-03-22
Posts: 93

Re: The plan moving forward

jasonrohrer wrote:

But when I get back to it, here's the plan:

---Of course fix all the open bugs

---Do several months of bigger content updates

---Figure out a satisfying "endgame" of some kind.

Just got back into your game. Going to learn everything and all the updates and be the best player ever. Hope you do finish the game. It's amazing, that's why everyone always complaining. It's addicting. Hope project December works out for you. It sounds fun but I like oHoL a ton. Bought it when it first became available.

Teamwork makes the Dreamwork.


#45 2022-02-23 04:12:58

From: Massachusetts
Registered: 2018-08-09
Posts: 166

Re: The plan moving forward

Goliath wrote:
jasonrohrer wrote:

But when I get back to it, here's the plan:

---Of course fix all the open bugs

---Do several months of bigger content updates

---Figure out a satisfying "endgame" of some kind.

Just got back into your game. Going to learn everything and all the updates and be the best player ever. Hope you do finish the game. It's amazing, that's why everyone always complaining. It's addicting. Hope project December works out for you. It sounds fun but I like oHoL a ton. Bought it when it first became available.

You clearly haven't been caught up to speed yet.


#46 2022-02-23 06:29:39

Registered: 2018-03-22
Posts: 93

Re: The plan moving forward

WumboJumbo wrote:
Goliath wrote:
jasonrohrer wrote:

But when I get back to it, here's the plan:

---Of course fix all the open bugs

---Do several months of bigger content updates

---Figure out a satisfying "endgame" of some kind.

Just got back into your game. Going to learn everything and all the updates and be the best player ever. Hope you do finish the game. It's amazing, that's why everyone always complaining. It's addicting. Hope project December works out for you. It sounds fun but I like oHoL a ton. Bought it when it first became available.

You clearly haven't been caught up to speed yet.

What do you mean?

Teamwork makes the Dreamwork.


#47 2022-02-23 12:12:49

From: Catalunya
Registered: 2018-05-13
Posts: 686

Re: The plan moving forward

Goliath wrote:
WumboJumbo wrote:
Goliath wrote:

Just got back into your game. Going to learn everything and all the updates and be the best player ever. Hope you do finish the game. It's amazing, that's why everyone always complaining. It's addicting. Hope project December works out for you. It sounds fun but I like oHoL a ton. Bought it when it first became available.

You clearly haven't been caught up to speed yet.

What do you mean?

Dead game my friend!


#48 2022-02-23 17:45:21

Registered: 2018-03-22
Posts: 93

Re: The plan moving forward

JonySky wrote:
Goliath wrote:
WumboJumbo wrote:

You clearly haven't been caught up to speed yet.

What do you mean?

Dead game my friend!

Yeah games die, and ill play this till D Day.
Wouldn't be surprised there isn't a private server somewhere that Jason plays.

Last edited by Goliath (2022-02-23 20:47:43)

Teamwork makes the Dreamwork.


#49 2022-02-24 21:40:43

From: Massachusetts
Registered: 2018-08-09
Posts: 166

Re: The plan moving forward

Goliath wrote:
JonySky wrote:
Goliath wrote:

What do you mean?

Dead game my friend!

Yeah games die, and ill play this till D Day.
Wouldn't be surprised there isn't a private server somewhere that Jason plays.

I doubt that. He's too busy "moving" or whatever.


#50 2022-03-09 17:45:06

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: The plan moving forward

Jason could just ignore everyone. Instead he goes into detail, telling personal things that get him compromised. I remember a few things, like when he said that anyone who criticizes him, can be roasted by him. Fair enough, you don't get to talk with most of the game devs, or they are distant. I liked some of the personal stuff that got into the game, made it original.

I also remember him saying that people who give negative feedback, criticism will be ignored and their ideas discarded. It was certainly true. When Tarr made his new forum alias, he actually got a pretty decent reply for his opinion, the comment itself was quite the usual, but since jason didn't recognize him, he answered properly. A lot of the players were quite negative and didn't like the new directions the game changed. And a lot of us didn't even go too far with the personal comments, like there was solid feedback and reasoning. But jason had this meth comments and superiority complex mixed with a 6 year olds stress reactions.

The game wasn't bad, there was an initial vison, back when we started, there were no help tools and we had to learn it by ourselves, now most of the stuff is already done and documented, so maybe 2-300 hours tops before you burn out. It's normal that it deviates from the original path. But that maybe should be based on the players preferences.

He spent a lot of work, creative designs and programming, so we can be thankful for that. It's just feels like it had more potential. Like even the players couldn't really agree on whats the game about. Some people just lived as potting plants and talking, others got themselves goals and ignore most interactions. And since there is no clear goal and a way to play it, it's just turns into a clown fiesta. It's way too easy to ruin things, harder to make them and kind of pointless when you can't continue developing. The whole premise is a depressing one, 'everything runs out'. I think games should be fun and not depressing. A getaway from the real life. Things should be able to be improved and fixed and people should grind toward achieving bigger goals.

Some of the updates were decent, but it didn't add too much replay ability. People did it once then never again. Some of the bugs were fun, abusing weird mechanics. it's still funny when people run around and starve randomly, the tragic comedy of the situation where the last girl of the family promises the stars and starves before you die of old age. But there were always issues and no fixes for them, and some of the griefer problems were turning worse and instead of fixing them they got even more tools and options to annoy others.

But then the community tried to get involved and give ideas, some of them were implemented, and some of them rejected over and over (no baby slings pls, maybe catapults). I had a few implemented, mainly how the wells should work, like people were building several tier 1 wells and never upgrading. Told him to make it worth upgrading, also would need items that lock and unlock features and possibilities (bucket) and lead people in the new age. That part of the game was decently advanced. I still think the water system is way better than the other things. Well, it was at least, until we got fixed springs regardless of the map and biome locks to artificially increase difficulty and lock it behind weird mechanics. I remember games where I spent way too much time trying to explain them how to help me and even if I had translators, the only ginger girl dropped his burning shaft in the ice biome and left, not knowing that she was the only one that could do the oil task. I mean it's just unintuitive, weird and pointless. If you can do it, you do it, if you don't know you don't know.
Limitations and restrictions can be fun, but only if there are ways you can get rid of them, overcome them, solve the puzzles. it's not fun when you are forbidden from tools or actions since the start. tool system was also horrible. you needed a task once and you had to commit a slot doing it. especially that some tasks were really pointless after that. drilling two holes and then nothing to do with it.
But the worst was the biome locks and race mechanics. It could of been okay to give them different paths by culture, but splitting the content was so bad. if it would of been parallel ways of doing the same thing, maybe some alterations then it could of been fun. Like getting water from melting snow or from plants. But it's so bad to stand 1 tile from a biome an a magical power stops you from interacting with it. Created bizarre situations where cow piss became required by a tech so it was a high level difficulty item so getting a leaf was higher up on difficulty list than all the rest of the game.

Also there were misinterpreted or weirdly made mechanics. Fences could of been okay if it costs something to do them, like owning a piece of land and the things that you make. But it's so easy to steal others work and no defence against it. People following you, and harassing you and stealing anything you make and getting butthurt for not letting them do that. The whole sharing things was quite weird, this communistic ideology brought out the worst of some. Like not doing anything because you can enjoy the fruits of labor regardless. I mean a fully capitalistic community would be just as worse, but it's still a game, people need to know if they are doing okay, if they can score points or reach goals or get achievements. One of my other idea got so weirdly implemented, it perverted so far from the original intention, it hurts. The Yum system was supposed to get rid of monoculture. My original idea was to have bonuses for having multiple foods in cities. I guess it was only obvious to me that it should be limited and sustainable variety. The accent on the variety not the unique. People started to do the longest unique chains possible. Variety should mean that you can cover 5 groups of foods or 5 types at all times for all citizens, be that 5 berries and 5 carrots, and 5 of everything or combined 2 corn and 3 burdock. Instead people were spending half their lives to eat primitive food in advanced societies for themselves only, once, to build up a boost they never gonna use. So from eating to live, we got to a point where people were lived to eat. Quite a bit of jump from eating berries all your life to run around half the map to build up a pointless chain, that helps no one but you.

reminds me of the Purge episode of Rick and Morty. that no one has food, but they would only do jobs if they got food, but then no one does their other jobs, others would do their jobs but for food, so no one can agree if those jobs are good enough to get food for it.

I think the engine restrictions are quite bad too. The visibility and communication is artificially made harder when nobody likes those changes. it's certainly convenient that it's part of the 'vision' that you got no vision smile same for things like hp bar, stamina bar, and defining the city and giving it bonuses or defining a plot of land and giving a cost, restricting tool usage by the maker of the tool so others have to ask for it. These are the 'magical' things that the game needs, not that you argue half an hour who should be the queen, then to roleplay the rest and murder people left and right for a dumb crown. There is a reason why communism failed IRL, and I don't say it should be all capitalistic, it could be just options to set government types and rulesets within cities. The strategical part of the game could be extended, and made quicker to build an actual civilization, something with a future, with goals and the progress made visible, like eras and upgrades, instead of making the same thing over and over then going to a new place and looting all that stuff people made, instead of making your own. Small things like removing engines so easily made things so bad. It started off like a sandbox, where people are free, then it turned into a rat cage where the things are made to collapse and all you can do is watch the carnage. livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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