One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Forms of Griefers -- Please submit examples » 2018-03-24 00:48:57

Joriom wrote:

Actually - I already consider myself a parasite of the society. Thats why I wasan't even mad when doctors told me I'll live to only to my 30s, early 40s max. I considered suicide three times in my teen ages. Yet some RL trolls kept me alive so I made it my life motto to bring as many idiots down to hell with me as I can before finish line. So its better for the future generations. I'm not going to puke candies and shit rainbows. I've seen the lowest depths and rot of the elites. I'm realist. Life if mud, blood and pain. But thats not the topic of the discussion here, right? So stop focusing on me as a person and start thinking critically about the topic at hand.


#2 Re: Main Forum » Missed Connections » 2018-03-23 06:24:08

To the kid who wandered into my village when I was the last one there, an old man:

I hope you managed to build some cool stuff with your lifetime supply of pies.

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