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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-03-17 03:38:06

Registered: 2018-03-01
Posts: 42

Forms of Griefers -- Please submit examples

Please submit examples of people who have griefed you, your town, or others.

- Knifing or Bowing babies and people (although, what about misclicks or stopping murderers?)

- Stealing food (some stealing is obviously "okay" and "canon" since people steal--as opposed to intentionally starving a town.)

- Stealing important items.

- Intentionally not feeding babies. (Another complex situation. I've had to choose who to live during "Baby Storms")

- Blocking people in structures somehow?

- Intentionally a bear cave, or having a bear chase through a town?


#2 2018-03-17 04:35:46

Registered: 2018-03-09
Posts: 217

Re: Forms of Griefers -- Please submit examples

Some I have encountered, not necessarily intentional, but they do cause grief.

The "racist" troll, who shouts remarks like "your kind aren't welcome here" when you are born into a camp and have different skin color than other players. They normally end up knifing you or shooting you, this can happen years later once you are already a child (this happened to me twice).

The "digger", this is someone who makes it a point to dig up every gooseberry bush in sight.

The "pioneer", this is a baby you raise to childhood. They then slowly steal your supplies and start a new camp somewhere else in the bush.

The "builder", a person who wants to build walls and complex structures when your society does not have the capacity for it.

The "mass murderer", a player that acts normal well into adulthood. They then snap and kill everyone. (This is the only type of griefer that needs to be nerfed, imo)

I am genuinely fine with people playing this way, or using other trollish methods. The only thing I am not fine with is the ease of mass murder in this game.

Last edited by Portager (2018-03-17 04:36:26)


#3 2018-03-17 04:55:10

Registered: 2018-03-17
Posts: 5

Re: Forms of Griefers -- Please submit examples

Portager wrote:

The only thing I am not fine with is the ease of mass murder in this game.

I definitely agree with that. I think the update today helped, but there's really no way of knowing if a person killed someone for a valid reason (not saying the reason in my other post was valid, that was just a bit of roleplay), or if they're just mass murdering for the hell of it. I think some handcuffs or being able to build stocks to keep people imprisoned would be a nice way to make it clear that someone is trying to protect their family/camp. Of course, then you'll have people just throwing people in stocks and starving them out, so that'll prove to be a whole new form of griefing... although it would be fun to sit locked in the stocks trying desperately to get someone to believe I'm innocent as I watch my food bar slowly empty...

As far as forms of griefing I've seen... I haven't been on too much lately, but from my two lives today it looks like we might be kind of evolving from camps to villages? But anyway, a few days ago I accidentally made a fur coat when someone was trying to make a backpack so I feel like resource misuse could be an effective form of griefing. Like, I'm not exactly sure how branches generate but if I took all the branches off the nearby trees and just made stakes that might hinder other players ability to make fire... Sort of goes in line with what Portager was saying about stealing important items, except your just crafting them away.

Last edited by TheRedeemer (2018-03-17 04:58:29)

"Jason is a sadist and we're bunch of masochists"


#4 2018-03-17 05:39:53

Registered: 2018-03-09
Posts: 116

Re: Forms of Griefers -- Please submit examples

TheRedeemer wrote:

I feel like resource misuse could be an effective form of griefing.

I've had a guy come up while I was smithing and out click me at the critical moment for the hammer, so he could craft soemthing he was doing, not sure if thats similar or this is more a "tool hijacking"

Farmers of inconvenience.  Planting milkweed in places it doesn't belong.  Everyone is trained to pick only the fruiting.  Leaving behind an irremoveable stump that blocks the space for an epoch.  I've seen it in the middle of carrot farms, and heard rumors of more auspicious placements.

Also it's understood this basically the trolling OHOL 101 thread? Haha

Last edited by Left4twenty (2018-03-17 05:40:30)

Be strong.
Mother loves you.


#5 2018-03-17 09:04:26

Registered: 2018-03-14
Posts: 14

Re: Forms of Griefers -- Please submit examples

Portager wrote:

The "pioneer", this is a baby you raise to childhood. They then slowly steal your supplies and start a new camp somewhere else in the bush.

I fkn died. The picture I got in my head was just way too funny xD


#6 2018-03-17 09:46:04

Registered: 2018-03-12
Posts: 28

Re: Forms of Griefers -- Please submit examples

Rope, give people the ability to tie someone up, even if you gotta stun them first. Yes it is another way to die, but you can also feed that person keep them alive and turn them into an adult version of a baby until you find a reason to free them, or someone else does. This means you could hold trials on those near where the murder happened and then act accordingly, along with grief trollers by keeping them locked in some where, where they are unable to do anything to anyone else until they die.

This has two good things about it. Others who know you in the village to be good and kind can free you, along with making it so you won't have instantly died, if some troll/griefer does choose to do this to you.

Griefing I guess/ Annoyances I have had.
The messy tool user, someone who just takes your tools uses them and leaves them where ever they want and forgetting about them. Not technically stealing but annoying all the same.

Those who choose to listen make you go to the effort of setting up something for them to teach them then proceeding to just ignore you and everything you do and say, just to make you waste time.

Last edited by Hiker170 (2018-03-17 09:49:01)


#7 2018-03-17 11:03:13

From: Warsaw, Poland
Registered: 2018-03-11
Posts: 565

Re: Forms of Griefers -- Please submit examples

So, we want to educate trolls now, do we? Ok, so lets try my brain out to make this game the living hell for everyone because dumbass decided its a good thread to start on forum! Being dumb and useless in game is not enough for you? You want to glow with your lack of inteligence on public forum too? No problem. Lets go to hell together, I'll enjoy the sights! I might even go for an autograph from my idol, Satan, made with blood on my soul.

- Stakes + Shovel. Dig up thrash pits around everything that is of use. Buildings, milkweed farms, doors of buildings, entrie villages, single tools. Oh, btw - if you place 2 thrash pits on both sides of doors - you can't open/close them anymore (if part of a wall). Since stakes are not used in most building recepies and even if they are - they're unlimited resource - THE DOOM VILLAGE.
- The same as above but with Adobe Oven Base. Place adobe, hit with rock, repeat. Done.
- Wheat seeds. They're unlimited to pluck from wheat. Take one - plant everywhere instead of carrots. It's not food, its not rope. Its useless in most cases in large quantities. They consume soil too! BINGO!
- Wells? Dry them up! 20 wells to prevent you from doing that? Build ONE adobe wall. Pick water, use on wall, wait 2 sec, repeat. Infinite water sink.
- You see Steel Ax? Chop every single tree in sight! Especially maples, junipers and all the usefull ones! No more starting fire in the willage because leaf and tinder will despawn before they get to willage. No more straight branches. No more kindling.
- Wooden roads and you can see an adze? Just run around with rightclick galore. Rebuilding them with stakes + round stone will be a pain and will take few life spans most likely!
- Domestic Berry Bushes? Pick a berry or two. No more fertile soil for an epoch. If they don't notice - even for longer. They're not around? Try picking every single berry and dont water the bush! (PRO TIP: You can collect all berries with bowl, wait just one hunger box and eat them all at once to empty the bowl)
- Milkweed farm? RIGHTCLICK! Just watch out for those fruiting ones - so you don't collect them at the correct stage by a mistake! Best stage is the first one with just leaves - so even if it changes during picking up its still flowerinng and will die.
- You can see snares and single rabbit holes? Snare them all! No more fur.
- You see a lot of thread or rope stored? Turn all ropes into bordrills or tied long shafts! That will teach them!
- Sharp stone + wild carrot plant = no more wild carrot seeds. Works perfectly with the carrot farm destruction!
- You have rope, some berry bushes and carrots? They don't have knife? Win for you! Lead lamb to the town and feed it! You can feed some offspring too! The more sheep the better. No more carrots in the area. EVER.
- Oh, did I mention that sheep mate like crazy? Dead lambs everywhere! No more free tiles around!!!
- Bear caves are your natural friend. Poke one. Poke two. Poke ten. Lead your new friends to the town! Remember you can do that even as an infant!
- You're done but they still have nice clothes around? Just put them on and die on a farmland with no room around you. No grave, no clothes back.
- Oh, btw. Dry water ponds ftw! Without water - no goose. Without goose - no steel file. Without file - no blade for knife. And lets face it - they will never hit you with a bow.
- Shovel + Berry Bush is a classic. We love them mobile plants.
- Are they usig bowls to to water plants? Put carrot, use sharp stone. No more water for village.
- Water pouches then? Just put them in basket and hind behind trees i marshes. They'll never find them anyway.
- Getting rid of hatchets and fire bows is obvious, right?
- Or just get a flint and tip every bow fire with it!
- Are they getting organised and have storage of but logs? Milion mallets incomming, just get an adze.
- But logs but no adze in sight? Bow saw is good too - make milion wooden discs! Even better - destack them!
- Flint deposit? Smash them all, move them around. No more spaces!
- Update crewed up your way to eat every single pie/carrot in town? Just put clothes on and star a big fire! You'll loose hunger 10 times faster!
- You have problem with adobe building? You need 3 tiles empty near you. Place 2 water sources and pick around you. If you have fast hands you don't need any help to tear them down!
- Remember that reeds despawn only if you pick them up. Cut 'em. Pick 'em. Leave 'em. No more reeds for baskets/fertalizer for an hour!
- Btw - just a few baskets and big carrot farm? Water them all! Some of them will seed for sure, and if they don't - just plant wheat/milkweed. Don't remember to collect milkweed later. In the wrong state. Do they need bowls? Are they just starting the kiln to dry the wet ones? Just make them all plates!
- Smith just started the forge? Litter area as much as possible and steal the flat rock. No metalworkig for him and charcoal is gone.
- You're famale and they have limited resources? Try to hog as much food as possible and breastfeed every child possible. They'll help you to eat the town out! Trust me - ignorance of noobs if your best tool!

Did I forget something? Please fill up the missing ways. Troll guidebook v1.0 will be done soon. Thats what thread autor wanted, right? RIGHT!?

Last edited by Joriom (2018-03-17 11:04:07)


#8 2018-03-17 11:46:07

Registered: 2018-03-02
Posts: 34

Re: Forms of Griefers -- Please submit examples

Joriom wrote:

Thats what thread autor wanted, right? RIGHT!?

No - that's not what the thread is for. Which would be easy to notice if you had:
a - bothered to actually pay attention to the thread
b - bothered to check the thread author's post history

The thread is for reporting means by which you have SUFFERED griefing - and tracking how griefers act as a means of possibly learning to deal with it or propose sensible game changes.

You might think this interpretation is subjective if you didn't read the first line of the first post in the thread - or any other lines in any other posts in this thread, for that matter - it goes like this:
"Please submit examples of people who have griefed you, your town, or others."
Yes, very subtle - very nuanced. I can clearly see how you've completely mistaken the point of the thread.

Instead you've once again approached this matter with your position already formed and refusing to absorb any external information or change your stance. You glanced at the thread, decided it was a "troll school" of some sort (which it wasn't).

...and then out of sheer ignorance you've turned the thread into the "troll school" you yourself supposedly got outraged at.
Congratulations, what an amazing job - most impressive.

Last edited by TyrantNomad (2018-03-17 11:56:48)


#9 2018-03-17 15:42:02

Gate Valley
Registered: 2018-03-09
Posts: 9

Re: Forms of Griefers -- Please submit examples

Hiker170 wrote:

This means you could hold trials on those near where the murder happened and then act accordingly,

The only witness is a newborn baby. Everyone has to watch them testify one letter at a time.


#10 2018-03-17 18:06:39

From: Warsaw, Poland
Registered: 2018-03-11
Posts: 565

Re: Forms of Griefers -- Please submit examples

TyrantNomad wrote:

"Please submit examples of people who have griefed you, your town, or others."
Yes, very subtle - very nuanced. I can clearly see how you've completely mistaken the point of the thread.

So basically in other words: "If you got grieffed in a new, creative way that is not yet known to masses - lets share it with more people so it gets more popular". No matter how you look at it, the same shit. And you're just trying to execuste stupidity with more stupidity. Thats exactly why I believe over half of RL population should be shot at sight because of their stupidity.


#11 2018-03-17 19:05:51

Registered: 2018-03-09
Posts: 45

Re: Forms of Griefers -- Please submit examples

Joriom wrote:
TyrantNomad wrote:

"Please submit examples of people who have griefed you, your town, or others."
Yes, very subtle - very nuanced. I can clearly see how you've completely mistaken the point of the thread.

So basically in other words: "If you got grieffed in a new, creative way that is not yet known to masses - lets share it with more people so it gets more popular". No matter how you look at it, the same shit. And you're just trying to execuste stupidity with more stupidity. Thats exactly why I believe over half of RL population should be shot at sight because of their stupidity.

You come across as a particularly stupid asshole. Yet, I doubt you think yourself as part of the half of the RL population that should be shot at sight. Funny how that works.


#12 2018-03-17 19:19:42

Registered: 2018-03-17
Posts: 19

Re: Forms of Griefers -- Please submit examples

Joriom wrote:

Thats exactly why I believe over half of RL population should be shot at sight because of their stupidity.

Well aren't you just a wonderful shining example of humanity. That and your previous post...


#13 2018-03-17 20:36:03

Registered: 2018-03-11
Posts: 15

Re: Forms of Griefers -- Please submit examples

Joriom wrote:


Good job getting your point across and helping what you blasted OP for!
We will see some of this more often now...


#14 2018-03-17 20:57:15

Registered: 2018-03-09
Posts: 116

Re: Forms of Griefers -- Please submit examples

In reality though, This debate about wether thisempowers trolls or not is ridiculous.  Trolls will empower each other or an individual troll will develop their repetoir alone.  All this does is tell players who aren't going to be thinking "how can things really get messed up" how things can get messed up and what to look out for beforehand.  The biggest point to make is: *if we share these methods and find an effective anti-grief, it Does not matter if they use Them Then, WE EORKED TOGETHET AND FIGIRED OUT THE ANTI-GRIEF METHOD

Last edited by Left4twenty (2018-03-17 20:57:28)

Be strong.
Mother loves you.


#15 2018-03-17 21:00:50

From: Warsaw, Poland
Registered: 2018-03-11
Posts: 565

Re: Forms of Griefers -- Please submit examples

Antichthon wrote:

You come across as a particularly stupid asshole. Yet, I doubt you think yourself as part of the half of the RL population that should be shot at sight. Funny how that works.

Actually - I already consider myself a parasite of the society. Thats why I wasan't even mad when doctors told me I'll live to only to my 30s, early 40s max. I considered suicide three times in my teen ages. Yet some RL trolls kept me alive so I made it my life motto to bring as many idiots down to hell with me as I can before finish line. So its better for the future generations. I'm not going to puke candies and shit rainbows. I've seen the lowest depths and rot of the elites. I'm realist. Life if mud, blood and pain. But thats not the topic of the discussion here, right? So stop focusing on me as a person and start thinking critically about the topic at hand.

33Spectre wrote:

Good job getting your point across and helping what you blasted OP for!
We will see some of this more often now...

Shock therapy. You can consider me mental therapist. TheRapist. Mental, The Rapist.
Most of the things I posted are obvious and are already being done. By listing so many of them at once and adding proper message - it shows the problem better even to idiots. It makes you think even if you're not used to doing that. Otherwise we would still have mellow ****** who think "naaa, it's fine!".

Also in response to TyrantNomad @ Discord - Today at 12:54 PM
do you really think joriom's suffered through everything he's listed?

I suffered to 23 out of 30 ways I listed. With over 100 ingame hours already it wasn't so hard to stumble uppon them.
Some of them are simply new and some are very specyfic and you don't have many advanced enough civs yet to get trolled like that.
Also remember that the best way of prevennting something is to think of every possibility. Good and bad. Who and why would do something? Try to get into their mindset for a while.
It's the same in computer science field in which I'm deeply involved. Think about every possible way something can break so you can foolproof your project.

Left4twenty wrote:

The biggest point to make is: *if we share these methods and find an effective anti-grief, it Does not matter if they use Them Then, WE EORKED TOGETHET AND FIGIRED OUT THE ANTI-GRIEF METHOD

No. There is no counter-play for those without additional game features. And those features would be against the spirit of the game. Basically - with current state of humanity, this project is doomed to fail in its current form.

Last edited by Joriom (2018-03-17 21:03:56)


#16 2018-03-17 21:15:49

Registered: 2018-03-11
Posts: 15

Re: Forms of Griefers -- Please submit examples

Joriom wrote:

Shock therapy.

Not bringing anything new to the table for me, at least try not to crusade so hard, it pollutes the space. I get your stuff, we might be more akin then you'd think, but you don't need to unload it on others!

project is doomed to fail in its current form.

See, that's what the game is also about. You will try even if your statistic is telling you otherwise, it's survival...


#17 2018-03-17 21:30:47

From: Warsaw, Poland
Registered: 2018-03-11
Posts: 565

Re: Forms of Griefers -- Please submit examples

33Spectre wrote:

project is doomed to fail in its current form.

See, that's what the game is also about. You will try even if your statistic is telling you otherwise, it's survival...

I've said it already so many times. Jason is sadist. But we're bunch of masochists.


#18 2018-03-17 21:48:50

Registered: 2018-03-01
Posts: 42

Re: Forms of Griefers -- Please submit examples

Wow... this got angry really fast.

I was just looking for methods of griefing so I could plan a code way to track and disable them.


#19 2018-03-17 21:57:53

Registered: 2018-03-11
Posts: 15

Re: Forms of Griefers -- Please submit examples

Joriom wrote:

I've said it already so many times. Jason is sadist. But we're bunch of masochists.

No rest for the wicked, cheers on that!

But how about we get back on discussing this problem, perhaps defining guard role better, or just general player awareness things, like calling meetings to bond and recognize...


#20 2018-03-24 00:48:57

Registered: 2018-03-23
Posts: 2

Re: Forms of Griefers -- Please submit examples

Joriom wrote:

Actually - I already consider myself a parasite of the society. Thats why I wasan't even mad when doctors told me I'll live to only to my 30s, early 40s max. I considered suicide three times in my teen ages. Yet some RL trolls kept me alive so I made it my life motto to bring as many idiots down to hell with me as I can before finish line. So its better for the future generations. I'm not going to puke candies and shit rainbows. I've seen the lowest depths and rot of the elites. I'm realist. Life if mud, blood and pain. But thats not the topic of the discussion here, right? So stop focusing on me as a person and start thinking critically about the topic at hand.



#21 2018-04-03 01:23:45

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Forms of Griefers -- Please submit examples

worst was that i was almost 8 bar, bitch told me to go with her, and put me down in the frozen biome, my mom fully geared me, and i could work almost, then she just picked the last berry surprised that  i survived, killed me this way

was a granny who enclosed kids in sheep farm, and did some dance with taking off on the pants, i almost cried laughing, wasnt annoying to me, just weird

generally just the lack of focusing on important stuff is a problem and hard to communicate livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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