a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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Long-ish ago an Eve roamed the land without a name, and 22 generations later (last I saw) her kin still followed in her nameless foot steps.
I was in the 18th generation and unfortunately my mother didn't even give first names to her children (and she had a lot).
The Farm Master (as he called himself) from the 16th generation gave a chilling prophecy "this place will go to hell when I die"
As I was old and feeble and not much use the food ran out......... While two ladies sat around a fire to dye their clothes.......the prophecy seemed to come true.
But it appears the clan still lingers.
Ahh yes this tree is amazing! When I died of old age, someone had murdered my whole family except one small girl. I Just checked the tree and found she got to live to old age and had children of her own- hope some of them got to enjoy all the bags i made!
I had the same experience in one life this weekend, the whole family was murdered. I returned from a rabbit trip and all was havoc, I basically gave up and wandered off. Turns out my little sister lived and had kids. Made me feel sorta bad for giving up.
The family tree update is brilliant. Seeing who came before and what happened to your kids adds depth and a sense of legacy.
There's no prerequisite that says something can only be considered a weapon if there are many different variants to choose from, a weapon is anything that is designed to hurt or kill. And considering Jason programmed Knife + person = dead person, then the knife was indeed designed to kill. Making it, very much, a weapon.
And I'm sorry that this version of combat doesn't meet your specific criteria of an organized system of trained combatants, but your definition is only one specific version of combat involving specific scenarios. Your only interpretation of combat is trained & organized combat; and that's fine, if a bit narrow minded. But the argument of, "just look how popular media uses it" seems shallow at best. I wasn't aware twitter was the end all, be all, of definitions and terminology of the English language. So that's cool beans, I guess.
But I would like to address the fact that I did acknowledge, in an edit, that combat may not have been the best term considering that very fact (that a lot of people are indeed murdered with no chance at mounting their own attack). But there have been very many scenarios where I've been fighting someone knife to knife, or bow to bow, or knife to bow, and I'm sure others have as well. So I felt like the question was still valid and was still relevant to the conversation of "people being kill outside of the designed programming, meaning inconsistencies".
I realize I may be coming across as derogatory, but it is not my intention to attack or insult you. If you happen to feel that way, I'd like to apologize if I came off that way.
And I have no idea where that comment came from about you not being against in game violence. I never once implied that you were, so that seems a bit telling.
On another side note; I didn't really find Alleria's post about how he likes to stab people at the drop of a hat and go online to brag about (or make and example of) it very funny. Seemed kind of sad and mildly annoyed me, like most of what he says. But I suppose that's neither here nor there.
Other than the fact you still want to use the "C" word!!! I think we are very much in agreement. I'd just call it fighting. And my apologies for my initial response's prickish tone, I totally misread your post's intentions (not really a reason for me to be a prick, but i'm a little tired of the constant murder and griefing - figured you were another master planner of slaughtering villages).
Redhawk wrote:there is no combat in the game. Combat implies a structured system. There is the ability to use tools against human characters. Those tools that in a civilized society would be used to harvest, hunt, and or neutralize natures threats. There also may be glitches caused by lag or some other reason that when mastered makes it easier to killed human characters.
Combat doesn't really imply anything other that two forces attacking each other, it's a very ambiguous term. There is "unstructured combat". In fact, I'd argue that most of it is. And it's foolish to think knifes are just tools, and it's equally foolish to think they're just weapons. They are just as much one, as the other.
Given the meager assortment of "weapons" in game compared to what could be possible in the generic period portrayed and the complete absence of anything defensive, weapons is a far reach compared to the tool concept. And True 2 thugs fighting with knives can be considered "combat" in the basic sense of the word. I identify with combat as a more structured system of training weapons defenses tactics etc. Mostly this is because of my knowledge set but also if you look how the word is used in popular media etc. Besides most violence in game isn't even a "fight", it's murder. So i'll stick with the notion that there are tools in the game -
And no, I am not against in game violence. Alleria's post about stabbing some guy who sheared his last sheep was funny as hell. It was like some fed up dude finally snapped (which who can't relate too?) and the Ducks War or what ever is interesting.....I don't know what happened but I lived there afterwards (probably long afterwards in game time) and there was a lore and stories......it was interesting.
but no, there is no real "combat" in the game. Or atleast very little kinda sorta resembles combat in a world with no combat system/structure.
I stabbed someone because they came into my sheep pen and randomly shore my last sheep. I'm not here for forgiveness - just to tell people not to fuck with the sheep.
there is no combat in the game. Combat implies a structured system. There is the ability to use tools against human characters. Those tools that in a civilized society would be used to harvest, hunt, and or neutralize natures threats. There also may be glitches caused by lag or some other reason that when mastered makes it easier to killed human characters.
And there is the ability to criticize those who get tired of having their time and money wasted by children to be labeled as "crying" because they don't want to spend their time wasting peoples time and creating stupidity.
and now we have swastikas in the forum, because that must be cool too. Guess we can ignore them because it's perfectly okay.
I just died as a Potter. Maybe 2 hours after your post. The village had maybe 8 to 10 people running around including several of my kids. I finally got to old to have kids and was free to explore. Dang snake in the trees.........my golden years gone!
JS I agree
It is just that murder is outta balance now......5 villages I was in Murder in 4.
I was in Ducks this morning.
Knives everywhere so it was only time before murder happened.
But then again Ducks is a special place....with a history.....so it seemed okay there.
But overall, with no effective way to moderate murder it overcomes everything in the end.
I laughed when I got knifed this morning in ducks.........it was so stupid and expected I laughed!!!
By The Way.....I made the next group that shows up some compost and I threw the carrot crown out into the swamp.
And thank you Eve Peace.....it was a nice 37 minute life I had.
To my Lost Mom trying to make a camp. I was Jackson. I was Fifteen. I found a lot of milkweed. Then a snake found me.
Hope you fared well, I didn't give up.
Jason put the ability to kill in with certain weapons/tools. But the choice to kill is yours.
It's like real life, you can act out and take violent actions if you choose or you can find non-violent solutions. Imagine if you choose killing your co-worker cause he took the last donut vs. just finding something else to eat? Everyday life would become such a joy without penalties for anti-social behavior.
What makes this a game and different is that there are no adverse consequences to the violent minded - only to the non-violent.
In the long run, I believe the non-violent are the majority and they will finally give up on a (game) world filled with senseless, hide behind your computer screen, anti-social, justify any violent action crap filled world.
But then again, Jason let's us kill people so this must be a totally accurate battle simulator (or a kill your grandma over her lottery ticket simulator).
Griefers don't kill they destroy, play backwards which cannot be detected. When I play normally for the community I usually have like 3-4 kills per life, it could be a griefer I kill, a seed eater, somebody wanting my crowns or the rest of the family of the dude that tried to take my crown, people I have an argument with, or simply like everyone does : stabbing baby boys.
The game isn't supposed to be farming only so I don't agree
Never said it was a farming simulator, there seems to be a progression - you start farming then add smithing, animals, building etc. when you don't get some balance things fall apart. The first hurdle seems to be when you get some critical mass and everyone wants to not be the farmer. (Which I sorta get - I only farm for a while and see if anyone else takes interest).
But look at the bright side.....if you want to run around and kill for a crown, hell would be a place with plenty of other crown killers......think of the awesome wars!!!!!
And why not run around and kill for a hoe? or saw? at least those objects have a purpose.
Lineage ban would slow down griefers re appearing in the same village, which would be at least a break in the carnage and a feeling that a character protecting a village at least had some effect. And it may reduce the non-murder greifer appearances.
A karma push to another (low) server may be productive if it was implemented with a account based tracker that tracked kills per some period of time. A griefer kills many, a character protecting would seem to kill a limited number. So your first 2 or 3 kills in a defined time is excused, as the number grows past that you get a trip to hell?
So you can't have it your own way so you kill everyone.....awesome!
I stopped playing for a week or two, being busy and waiting for updates to be applied.
The level of challenge seems higher, especially as an Eve. But overall it is more fun, at least for me.
The one constant annoyance I have is the griefing, I especially don't like the senseless murder.
I played 4 lives this weekend, 2 ending in old age. and murder happened in each village I was in (except the last one).
That and several "family" stories on the forum had tales of murder.
It's all too common.
Jason appears to be still trying to tackle the issue with karma or something.
It will take a little more time for him to work out the issues. But given the scope of the game, the limited team etc. it seems reasonable. After all, the game isn't a topic that has been done over and over, the whole flow of crafting, survival, the encouragement of player driven interaction instead of pre-boxed "character" models and then mixing them together as overall interactions/mechanics is pretty complex.
As for some of the strong personalities in the forum (Nazi or not) I guess ignoring it is a solution, although difficult at times. Heh, I deal with selfish dick heads all day and have to keep my composure - so it gets trying here at times, an ignore feature would help.
Hey!! I was the original Eve Maple! I happened to spawn there and have a bunch of children, Bob being one of them. Yeah, it’s a shame the village was torn apart by murderer. I tried to hide the knife but people found it. I’ve respawned there a couple times and recently, it seems to be doing fairly okay..
Were either of you Victor Maple?
First, thanks for the reply
I was a "Bob", there was at least one maybe two other Bobs. I had a sister named Sunshine (I think she was my sister) and my mom was not an Eve, so I was third generation at least (maybe more).
Was the Village there when you spawned or did you happen upon it?
Was born into the Maples this morning, a boy named Bob (all the males seemed to be Bob).
It was a small village with a wood walk around the carrot patch, big stones boarding the berry farm to the north, a few shallow wells, and a partial stone wall on west side of carrots.
Maybe 8 people, that seemed functional.
Once I was old enough I watered the berries (which were not tended properly) and brought back rabbit.
During my rabbit trips east I came upon a small farm with few tools (looked like someone was trying to start a milkweed farm), it was abandoned.
When the first murder happened I headed east to play alone.
During the course of my 60 years I grew many carrots, sent a visitor back to the big town with furs, and made 3 trips back to the home town (bringing food and baskets as they at one point seemed a bit starving).
During the 3 trips I noticed 2 more murders and some lady with a crown (all good reasons not to stay).
Anyway, the village seemed to have been there for maybe 5 or more generations as it had quite a few improvements.
It always makes me wonder how long settlements like the Maples last, and of course what happened to my little farm.
Haven't played in about a week or more, wanted to get past the updates
Spawned as Eve, had 5 kids, 2 abandoned (had no resources)
The other 3 I tried to raise til they were old enough before I finished my camp.
Unfortunately the one daughter ate the whole berry grove which made things difficult,
I finished a kiln and a wet bowl before I starved at 44.
It was a fun challenge to just stay alive, not sure if the berry eater was new or intentionally ate everything.
But the game is still fun and more challenging. And hopefully someone finds the camp if they spawn close (don't think any of the kids made it)
I've been having an a absolute blast with this game, I've been destroying towns all day.
It started with me experimenting with stuff in the game, eventually I decided to try out the knife. I found an unsuspecting victim on the outskirts of town. I jumped him while he was out collecting rabbits, I looted his full set of clothes and pack full of pies.
It was my brother, they gave him all that shut when he was born. From that point on I was addicted to killing people. It was way more beneficial to me then being a slave to randoms.
So I continued my spree, I ran into town and cut down some women. I lied and told them it was a missclick and the idiots believed me. Next I rushed over and killed another girl who was following me around with a bow in hand. I quickly hid her bow behind a tree, now the village couldn't defend themselves.
I just started killing everyone I saw, some tried to run but they caught my blade in the end. Before I kbew it I had killed literally everyone in the village.
I love how salty people were when I rekt there village, just made me grief more. I discovered I could give them a slower death by stealing all there stuff and stashing it behind a tree. I laughed my ass off when the y cried about having bo food and starving to death. They didn't even know that I stole.
By destroying towns I get lots of loot and I can live a comfortable full life. After I killed everyone I learned hiw to make my own weapons, it's so easy a 2 year old could do it.
I think I'll continue to destory people in this game, it's so much better then dealing with everyones shit.
Have you tried humping the sheep?
I purchased the game largely based on a few YouTube videos but also because of the written statement on the home page about playing a small part in something that continues. Maybe my reading comprehension sucks but it seemed to imply building a legacy, civilization.....something positive and moving forward. Unchecked griefing and other assorted shitplay doesn't seem to fit.
The developer also seems to imply somehow we are suppose to band together as a community to regulate "murder" and other undesirable (uncivilized acts), town guards, rules, blue dye for clothes (police) etc. have been mentioned in some form.
The mechanics of the game do not support structured hierarchy that is complex enough to bring this player driven order, short life spans, language barriers, constant activity to fend off starvation and advance (a wee little bit) etc.
further more certain individuals seem to take great delight in the freedom to pretty much screw other peoples play styles that don't agree with theirs..........you see it scattered throughout this forum.
If you want to run around and kill people for no reason other than you are socially maladjusted, maybe try one of the battlefield games.......you know, a game where you kill people for no apparent reason.
aldraw wrote:The influx of asian players should help keep towns going
Asian players (or noobs in general) are a net negative in a society, so why would they keep towns going? New players cause the collapse of towns...
We were all new once................
Even the griefers
I was born to a Jeriah Job I think that's how you spell it. She was lost from her Family but had a full set of fur clothes so i figured she was experienced, so I stuck around. We ended up starting a farm.
By the time I kicked off I had several kids that produced great grand children. We had a big farm, oven, kiln, and started making pies. There was at least eight of us running around, and a few skeletons.
Somewhere out there was an extended branch of the Jobs, I wanted to go look for them when I got too old to have kids, but it never happened.
From a lost mom to a decent farm.....it was a great play through. The best i had since the world reset. (well the time I was born into the "Bob" family was good too, every one was named Bob)
The game mechanics are also getting better.
Posts like that will not be prohibited if they don't cross certain line. Nor will arguing with those posts be prohibited. The fastest way for YOU to help solve the problem (is you see it as a problem) is to... IGNORE them. Thats official stance.
You used the word " problem" and you pointed to me with "YOU"..........
I actually said it didn't offend me, it just might retard constructive conversation.
Personally, I find the "hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil" three monkeys mentality more harmful than "bad jokes"
and i won't even get political by going down the hate speech road..... tempted as I may be, but here I'd rather figure how to live a good hour long life.
Anyways, I have enjoyed Alleria and Joriom's other posts.....no need to argue.
Don't matter how think a skin I got, I can always politely ask not to be subject to peoples issues..........
don't matter if it's 2018 or 50 years ago...... no offence :3
I have seen these comments more frequently lately, although not too often.
As they increase my general thought is when you start with these charged statements you just increase your chances of decreasing the impact of any good idea you may ultimately want to get across.
It's funny, in the game you often help some anonymous player with out knowing who, what or where they are, why not act that way in the forum.
It's a game, leave the crap for the real world.
And no I'm not offended by trash talk......... I'm just tired of it.