One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Are all these babies really needed? » 2019-02-15 01:10:39

CrazyEddie wrote:

Every baby that is run by a good player will be a net asset to the town. Every baby run by a bad player will be a drain on the town's resources.

The number of babies is irrelevant to your stated ends. There's zero reason to kill babies "because we have too many".

You just like exercising dominance.

Bruh moment.

Let's just say there's a lot more bad players who drain resources than good players that benefit to resources. So if you have 10 babies, there's a lot higher chance of it being bad than good because there's more bad than good.

So yes, the number DOES matter, and I feel like you don't really care about overpopulation or think it doesn't exist. So yes, there is a reason to kill babies because there "are too many" because you will get more bad players than good players.

And besides, babies are god awful when low on general resources.

Edit: It's usually not okay to kill babies who are smart and go to warm areas without you moving them there yourself because that's a sign of them not being bad...

#2 Re: Main Forum » Made my first car » 2018-12-24 15:00:56

I probably made those beginning steps before your life and when you took over. I recognize the surroundings a bit. I just kind of died and thought I was doomed not to have anyone to finish it.

Thanks for making it when I thought no one else would after me tongue (If this was the life I was in)

pein wrote:

had to pay attention as kids mistakenly took the small parts and carried them away

Also, this is infuriating. At times I feel like someone does this on purpose. I know most of the time they are noobs but the pieces are so small and can be lost easily without lockingdown the car area.

#3 Re: Main Forum » Story in the Village. » 2018-12-24 14:50:53

MultiLife wrote:

In here you say two though so I dunno if my memory is serving me right or if you exaggerated the numbers in-game. big_smile

I exaggerated so I wouldn’t get stabbed by the lady ahah; I mean it was still justified. Also, the picture shows me in desperation mistyping NoNono to the lady because lots of times when I do that, townspeople have really no context to what happened, but luckily this lady wasn’t as bloodthirsty and was understanding. Thanks for the picture aswell.

Also, the second picture is of the little boy I discovered wanting to help in my final minutes. Just realized that. Shoutout to him for completeting it I assume. (At least continuing it)

It’s cool to see how one’s story overlaps with another but in different context.

#4 Main Forum » Story in the Village. » 2018-12-24 06:49:55

Replies: 3

So before the story, I want to say I’ve been kind of obsessed with making Engines.

I was born into a smallish town, named Potter or something along those lines, with a mediocre sheep pen, berry farm, and a lot of iron and every thing needed to make an engine. I started immediately working step by step with the forum post below helping me (It’s really helpful!). It was hard doing it alone, and I knew I was wasting water and coal powering the Multipurpose machines. It was around that time a kid came up to me, saying he knew how to make the engine. I was relieved; a partner to finish this time consuming project.

Together we worked for around 35 minutes, coordinating who did what to make this thing. There were constantly people clogging the area, even as I said to go away multiple times. There was this one girl, who powered the Multipurpose engine two times while picking up our tongs and such. I had enough; I brandished my knife and her throat was slit in an instant.

After this, my partner and I finished everything other than the Cam Timing and rubber. By this time I was 55 years old. I gave everything to him, saying please make the car. At this time, a small boy came up and said he’d make the rubber. I rejoiced inside my head, and had another partner for the last minutes of my life. I vanished away into bones before I could make anything rubber related.

I was born back into the village several hours later. I knew it when I spawned in, and I wondered where the engine had gone. This remained in my head until to my right, there was the car. I was so proud of those two who finished my life long goal. However, there was no oil, so I started working on some pipes, but we didn’t have any iron for much. So with this...I didn’t accomplish much in this life, and died to a wolf foolishly while hunting, dying before the string could be woven through my injuries.

I spawned back in the village again, as a Tarr last name, with my mother giving me her backpack at an early age. I new there was something different or changed in this village. They had an entire system to an oil land and mega pen with sheep, pigs, and cows. That was cool I guess. So, with this life I could finally drive the car that I worked on so many hours ago. My mother died before I turned sixteen aswell, and I took her clothes. After this, I powered the car, and drove it around. I know cars aren’t practical but oh boy was it fun knowing that this is what I did after my first life. After this, I started making more kerosene, especially for the more practical water engine pump which had also been created. After this, my mom respawned as my niece I believe and that was cool. I retired into being a doctor as a saw a person get shot. I cursed somebody that killed a lady. Soon though, I had to go, and I revved the car engine one last time and drove carefully around the facility until I died.

I think it’s really fun being to see the offspring of your creation be turned into so much more. I think that’s really the beauty of this game. Even though it’s not designed so you can personally see the future that often, but when you can it’s pretty glorious seeing your hard work paying off with you using it.

I wanna shout out to my first partner making the engine with me, without you I would’ve never been able to truly feel that I did something that life; we did something, thank you.

Thanks to the kid after that who finished the car I’m assuming, even with no oil probably.

Thanks to the annoying girl where I could take out my frustration and stab her quickly.

Thanks to my mom who didn’t do much, but respawned as my niece and that was a funny thing.

Happy holidays everyone. … id=2506789 (First life) … id=2506789 (Second life) … id=2506789 (Last Life)

#5 Re: Main Forum » On zoom mods, should I use one? » 2018-12-10 02:28:12

You should use one mostly because it helps you see more things at 2x comfortably, and when you need to see something that is farther just zoom out quickly and zoom back in. The Mods make this nearly (imo) unplayable base game playable.

#6 Re: Main Forum » For My Wife Sana » 2018-12-06 22:14:06

Hey I was the one who was murdering quadruplets! I swear I had the best intention (as the town medic!). What y’all probably didn’t see was them plugging the fires and taking essential medical equipment. It ended up with me getting cursed a few times (edit: and stabbed, lol) but that’s it.

So yeah, good times, ahah. Obrian was a fun life.

#7 Re: Main Forum » How to learn the game as a new player? » 2018-05-31 18:08:40

CIB wrote:

I just bought this game today, and played for around one hour.. My experiences varied between spawning as a baby, not being fed and dying, and spawning as an Eve, having no idea what to do, spawning a lot of babies, and dying with them.

I feel that the game severely lacks an in-game help, as without looking it up on the internet, I couldn't even figure out how to eat something (clicking myself isn't *that* obvious..). But beyond that, there aren't really any instructions as to what to do. If you spawn as a baby, you can't ask for help because you can only write one letter, and even if you're not abandoned you will likely die. If you spawn as an Eve, you basically have to create a town all by yourself, and without instructions, this is pretty much impossible.

So, basically, does this come down to having to read a guide on the internet and get an in-depth understanding of the game's mechanics and metagame, before even being able to play it at all? I mean, I'm not opposed to steep learning curves, I play roguelikes and Dwarf Fortress, but this is a bit much.

Any pointers as to how to get started, maybe without having to read a book's worth of instructions before being able to play the game at all?


In order for me to learn new things in this game, I have look at a manual essentially. Any game that requires for me to read a manual to learn is an automatic -1. It makes up in other ways, but for all I got, going on OneTech is the easiest way to grasp what to build/how.

#8 Re: Main Forum » Sad » 2018-05-31 02:12:34

Kerayne wrote:
sammoh wrote:


That sounds a like a great idea to be honest. As the game comes along and allows for more sustainability in settled regions, this system would allow for warfare between settlements or families, and make a civilization something to be cared for and protected. Naturally however, one guy with a sword and armor would still be able to take down an entire village, so perhaps you should make it so that those items can only be forged in pairs of two so that there is always another player that checks the balance. This wouldn't prevent an organized Discord troll duo of course, but it'd be a step to prevent a bored scrub from instagibbing everyone solo as easily.

Items should only be forged in pairs, the knight wants to pay x2 for someone to watch over him. Okay, lol.

#9 Re: Main Forum » New Players Are Getting Left Behind » 2018-05-31 02:03:58

FounderOne wrote:

It is true that the atmosphäre shifted from warming to hurry hurry.
The game is harder, but you can still provide in one life more then you need. If all followed this path we would only need to worry about griefer and could teach more. If we teach more there is less struggle with unexpirienced players and more time to breath.

But there are baby machines that spit out and rais every baby they get. There are people just eating all day long and there are people role playing 24/7 providing nothing. Maybe all of them not knowing better.

The key thing for a long life is to keep a good balance between food and kids. And that's also a thing to learn.

Yesterday I was the son of an eve. We set up a good camp. Got food production going. Everything looked good. I could provide in my lifetime a Smith and tools. When I came back from the Iron search I found a massiv overpopulated settlement and all were starving so I ran out and collected some food. Only 3 or 4 people managed to survive. One of them was a women unfortunately she only had baby boys. So there were 6-8 boys running around, all providing more then we needed and look there we could all stay just around and talk without worries. I started teaching smithing but unfortunately died of old age in the process.
It is possible with expirienced people that provide more then they need to have a nice, relaxed and warm atmosphere.

So guys get out teach for a while bring the new joined players on a good level and provide more then you need and then we shift back to the state that we want. Sure there is still the griefer problem, but I think it is in a better state then before apocalypse. Back then you could just murder a whole town In 30 seconds. Now there is more time to react to this thread.

Real Griefer are weird people that need to compensate something and we always need to force. Maybe the speed of killing should be even more reduced.

This post lights a fire in my head. You complain about overpopulation and people aren't productive. How do you suppose to get rid of them? To teach them? Ok sure, but you can't as YOU have to worry about your food bar.


The speed of killing should be reduced? When the only way to stop those recourse sponges is to kill them? Ok.. that makes no sense.

#10 Re: Main Forum » New idea: twins » 2018-05-31 00:53:19

This is a great idea. I can coordinate with people to play this game.

It would make it a lot more fun and encourage new players who want to experience the game with the friend. Please add this!

#11 Re: Main Forum » Sad » 2018-05-31 00:50:31

august wrote:

Mates what are you on about I've played for over 100 hours and I've seen a handful of people getting killed, and I've been killed only once.

Are you the type of people who instantly suicide if they aren't born into the easy advanced civilization? Where they already have knives? Change your strategy, if it apparently doesn't work. Sometimes, civs are simply too crowded, sometimes, people are being carrot sponges. Maybe either of those were the case.

It does not make sense to me, in any case, that you would always want to stay in the same location. Move to a new place, if you find yourself in a way too big place. Evolutionary speaking, it's actually a great idea to spread your chances. Start a new town for example. Can't get griefed if there's no knife.

I'm telling anyone who keeps dying right now: It's not that hard to avoid! Change your strategy if it doesn't work!

Stop playing the blame game!

Threads like this are for fucking sheeple to gather and go against something that rarely ever happens because they think they get everytime, but they don't. They remember the time they got murdered but don't the random "good life" they had.

- Eclipciz

#12 Re: Main Forum » If your a new player, DO NOT LISTEN TO THE FORUMS. » 2018-05-31 00:47:50

breezeknight wrote:


jasonrohrer wrote:

You can see who was murdered by cause of death in the family tree browser.

Last time I ran an analysis (two months ago, when griefing was at its peak and murder was easy to do without getting caught), about 1% of lives ended in murder.

Not sure what the rate is today.

2 months ago ? you must be joking
but maybe that's why for you is murder not a problem at all
& it seems, i must be just imagining things, right ?
you just tell yourself further that murder is not a problem in a game where victims are left helpless lol

maybe i should rather suggest for you to add canibalism, that would be a joy for the murderers to play, finally a new food source, yay !


maybe you just don't play often enough to be killed often enough to complain

i am not killed now either, because i don't play the game anymore lol

i've been killed farming
i've been killed by the own child
i've been killed for nothing
i've been killed as kid
i've been killed holding my kid
my murderer laughed
my young mother was killed while i was a baby
i've been born multiple times next to bloody corpses
i've killed once a murderer of a mother caring for two kids, all members of the lineage i founded as Eve
i've died at 59 trying to help out with killing a mass murderer
i was several times entrusted with knives
i have fairly enough with scenarios of killings & murder in a game that claims to be about parenting & civilization building, not a word about slaughter of helpless civilians
& i don't even count all those killings of griefers i've encoutered

& what do you mean by "getting killed by a knife isn't a problem at all anymore", since when is it "anymore" ?
last time i played it was may 28th & that was the last straw to the pile above
& you can get killed by bow & arrow as well, since you apparently don't know lol

i am not complaining about being killed
i am complaining about NO protection from murder, NO prevention against murder, NO cure for murder & NO consequences for the murderer
i am complaining about the complete helplessness of a murder victim & the favouritism of killings in OHOL
i do not know one single game where the killers are being favored while the victims are being misled into the belief that the game is not about killing

Murdering is over-hyped and it rarely happens when I do my own peaceful lives. 2 months ago WAS the peak of murdering. Even then the percentage is super low, 100 fucking hours it would take if played each life fully to get murdered. It's not as common as it's hyped out to be. I don't get your point.

Murdering CAN be a problem, but it's not about 99% of the time. You are excluding raw data even though a bit old (it's worse than what it is now). I think more publicity into the process has caused outcries like this entire comment section.

This forum is extremely extremely against ideas outside the normality. When proof is giving against them they retaliate.

I get you aren't complaining???

Also, it's not too hard to kill a slowed/bloody murderer. If you are responsible hide every single weapon that is made.

You must realize by doing this you hinder the ability to make other tech. I guess that's a sacrifice that most of these people would take.

I do not care how you have been murdered, I'm wondering if you took the time to look at the family tree afterwards. Let me guess: Most of the time the killer died soon after.

I don't get it, I seriously don't get it. Why the hell are threads like these a breeding ground for people to dramatize and exaggerate situations they've been in.

It's a fucking game (I hate to play this card) and when you die you get to spawn again. You get stabbed you can spawn again and have another 99 lives before being stabbed again!

- Eclipciz

#13 Re: Main Forum » Sad » 2018-05-30 11:26:33

There is a difference between Griefing and Killing
Killing only becomes griefing when all females are targeted first.

Culling to wipe out inefficient people and carrot sponges is not a detrement to society, contrary to others belief.

Yes, I agree murdering is wayyyy to easy with no way to stop it other than killing the killer.
Even then though, when you die, your knife is either hidden or in someone else’s hand.

Societies are plagued by cullings/purges because the killers are the odd few who take the last resort into hands. Whether this last resort is done at the right time is upon judgment of said Killer.

It’s important to know that it’s not necessarily for “fun” but rather trying to save the town, even saving the town can be entertaining.

I had a nice debate on Discord with folks. They respected my view and I did theirs. It centers around viewpoint at the end of it. I personally have found success in my strategies, even though I know there are more (That don’t work most of the time, in my expierence).

So in all, murdering should be nerfed a bit, maybe not in the process but rather stopping them indirectly. Ex. Bandages, Morphines, etc. However, the murdering system in my expierence has culled of the inefficient and slackers in the societies I live in.

- Eclipciz.

#14 Re: Main Forum » Servers as a karma ladder? » 2018-05-30 01:10:33

jasonrohrer wrote:

Trusted, the point is that a village needs to get good at detecting these intentionally backwards players and dealing with them.  The only way to deal with them is to kill them.  So killing them has to mean something.

If a village is ignoring the griefer operating right under their noses, there's nothing I can do for them.  You're right that there's no way to auto-detect that.

All I can do is give them a poweful tool that they can use if they are paying attention.

Right now, the tool is just not powerful enough.

Someone has suggested a "dance on their grave" mechanic of some kind.  Where a village, after killing a griefer, can curse the grave spot, which prevents the griefer from being born in that area for some period of time.  The more people that participate in the curse, the stronger it becomes.  Maybe it takes three people to ward the person away for 30 minutes, and each additional person who joins the dogpile will add an additional 30 minutes.  A whole village could ward someone away for half a day or more.

That idea is becoming more appealing to me now, and I can't currently see any downsides to it.  It will take some coding to implement, so I'm still thinking about it.

However, the karmic ladder adds an interesting metaphysical structure to the game beyond just dealing with griefers.  It has a bunch of downsides, though (splitting up the player base, giving new players a worse experience, etc.)

How do you suppose a group of players intentionally troll by doing this to everybody?

#15 Re: Main Forum » A secret. » 2018-05-29 21:00:44

It’s a family tree. I just plugged in the last few digits into the normal link for viewing on eand here it is. … &id=166219

I’m guessing you were that murderer?

#16 Re: Main Forum » A secret. » 2018-05-29 00:24:56

Okay flip it. 912661=X$&/\/\U4|_J/\/\HY4J4+Y=NM$HY4?|+|.J/\/\FJ/\/\1/0MY./\/\V$P/\/\NMJ9M+/\/\NM./\/\U4/\/\N$P//:|HH+

Cool. Im not a cryptologist but I guess if someone is have fun

#17 Re: Main Forum » A secret. » 2018-05-29 00:13:12

Translates to +HH|://P$N\/\/4U\/\/.MN\/\/+M9JMN\/\/P$V\/\/.YM0/1\/\/JF\/\/J.|+|?4YH$MN=Y+4J4YH\/\/J_|4U\/\/&$X=166219

Don't know much anything further.

#18 Re: Main Forum » My thoughts on killing » 2018-05-28 01:45:19

pein wrote:

people are stupid and do stupid shit

you could in theory kill a baby machine who fucks up a good start by having 10 kids but people dont understand it
if you kill dont let any witnesses

people die on their own yes, but some dont understand population control, and make babies, 3 hour ban for babies is stupid, yes, but testing kids would be necessary, like can it follow or stand in a good spot
i kindnap kids sometime and if they run back they are good enough, if not they would only waste food and take clothing outside where no one finds it

also i try to never gear kids when we got no gear, let them take clothing on their own
and steal backpacks from kids who put it down, as they lack of basic controls, a pack is no use for them

most people are selfish and bad intended, like taking tools without asking, had to make 3 chisels and found a small stone hut at old age, i needed that stupid chisel, or at least tell me to make another

is totally fair to kill someone who waste your resources, time and disrespect your work
yet it wont archieve much

other run i made my own settlement, and moved out, next life i moved back, both were fun runs as i escaped from overpopulated city and ensured survival and nowadays i try to lock up stuff or move out a bit further so noobs dont disturb me

i made tons of milkweed and wheat the other day, they just used up all milkweed without making new, people didnt even bother to cook the ready pies, so my distrust is often proven right
sadly you dont have time to preventive measures or when you do you dont really have reason, but i seen that i need to do that


#19 Re: Main Forum » N/A » 2018-05-28 00:06:06

Brad Hurst killed him. I remember his scream when he about to die.

#20 Re: Main Forum » Why can't kids survive? » 2018-05-27 23:07:01

Communication is bad in this game and fov is too low

#21 Re: Main Forum » My thoughts on killing » 2018-05-27 22:20:17

Crow wrote:

You're really just trying to justify being a dick and then telling people to have a civil, intellectual, debate about you being a dick. Your reasoning on the last thread was that "spooky discord people" told you to do it so you probably don't get to take any moral high ground on that one.

I kinda just followed what they did before. I did it successfully though.

#22 Re: Main Forum » My thoughts on killing » 2018-05-27 22:18:46

Sibiohan wrote:

I understand the need for population control and often tell my kiddos that I’m sorry I can’t keep them (and have often been left to die as well). However I can’t take your argument seriously when you admit on another thread that you wiped out an entire town and you were the last left (and a male!). At some point you just have to admit you are doing it for fun and not out of the benevolence.

I used to do that now I don’t. Because saving people is more important than my own satisfaction, make sense?

#23 Re: Main Forum » Tweaks to hinder murderers » 2018-05-27 22:12:37

Glassius wrote:
Eclipciz wrote:

crafting a knife only takes almost 10 minutes

Yeah, craft a knife, when you have plenty of axes, hoes, shafts and rocks nearby smile Welcome to rage quitting smile

I agree, rocks should be able to hurt people, axes should be able to kill people, hooes if they are metal should be able to kill people.

#24 Re: Main Forum » My thoughts on killing » 2018-05-27 22:11:31

YAHG wrote:
Eclipciz wrote:
YAHG wrote:

Why should people respect you when you don't respect them?

Kills someone
Its for your own good man


I may not respect them in game (via killing, I’m usually nice in chat) but when sticking to a debate, it’s better for it to be a intellectual discussion about an issue without attacking someone personally instead of the central idea

Trying to split contexts with people is usually a loosing plan, they will just leak from one into the other. In the game you are
kind of a cunt. Then in the forum you are trying to justify it to people..

They ain't gonna see it your way, they are gonna get pissed at you. Not only may you have actually murdered them in game
(out of the blue as they saw it in game most likely) you are also arguing in favor of all the other people who murdered them.
Your positioning yourself as a wise dealer of death who deserves to decide who lives and who dies and how many. While also
being an emotional stand in for all the other murderers who they are still holding grudges against big_smile.

This will surely work out well wink

Now that you have instigated people emotionally you come back and say 'chill bro be civil'. Sure, yeah, civility is usually good
thing but you are the truce breaker. This would be like me going up to someone and punching them in the face and then being
like dude chill I just want to talk it out, don't take it personally..

Unlikely lol..

Yours is not a great place to start a moral high ground against all those mean hostile people that are pissy you killed them. big_smile

Bad plan buddy </3

Idc if people kill me to have the same idea as me.

If I can see a problem and eliminate it that’s me, anyone could do that.

also the smiley faces are just you being facetious. it’s time to stop.

#25 Re: Main Forum » My thoughts on killing » 2018-05-27 21:55:40

YAHG wrote:

Why should people respect you when you don't respect them?

Kills someone
Its for your own good man


I may not respect them in game (via killing, I’m usually nice in chat) but when sticking to a debate, it’s better for it to be a intellectual discussion about an issue without attacking someone personally instead of the central idea

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