One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Suicide Babies » 2018-04-15 21:38:54

I actually closed the game a few times to re spawn when there are only like one or two males left in the village.

ow, and I closed the game once cause I respawned as Eve after just playing an Eve for an hour or so. I was like nope, not going through this whole process again right now.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Jason's Murder Problem Thread » 2018-04-15 21:26:32

Ideas to capture killers

Use a Lasso on a slowed killer to capture him. Lasso's are easy to make and the 'police' can carry them around. Since they can only be used on slowed killers, a killer can't use it to capture villagers and let them starve. Someone who is captured with a lasso can't walk or use any items.  Others can still feed him/her if they want. He can be freed when clicked on by the player who captured him. 

As a punishment the town could just leave him stuck in the lasso and feed him so he can't respawn. Kinda like being in jail. Someone who exits the game/disconnects while being stuck in a lasso could get an hour ban so he/she will have a consequent for his/her action. Or we could use Zwilnik  idea and they spawn as male in the wilderness and have to break a 100 rocks before they can spawn as eve or baby.

Not sure if it's a bug or a feature right now, but I noticed that when I was stabbed I could no longer see either names or relationships. If the stabbed person can still see names, at least he can tell the name of the killer before he/she dies. In real life all people look different. In game we mostly look the same. Yelling that the killer is wearing a red shirt isn't helping cause he/she will just switch shirts. (Know this from experience) With a name we have a better chance to get the culprit.

To fully let this work, everyone needs a name. Sadly, it happens that a mother does not name her child. Maybe the system can generate a random name for a player without one the moment it can no longer be picked up by his/her mother due to being to old.

Ideas against/repair Griefing

chest with key(s)
A chest that when created gives the creator a key. We have keys in real life for a reason. If he wants he can make copies of this key and give to other town members. You need to think carefully to who you give the key. You can store the high lvld tools in this chest to try and keep it away from grievers. if you want to use it, you would have to ask someone who has the key.

remove seeds
This one has been opted before by someone else, but I just put it here as well. It would be nice to have the ability to remove wrongly placed seeds. I've watched Joriom stream and one trick he did was constantly destroy farms by planting wheat seeds.

no unlimited wheat seeds
What I also noticed on the stream is that wheat produces unlimited seeds. That makes it even easier for the griever to get those seeds to plant them. Joriom just walked back and forth from the same wheat plant. The griever could even just plant one wheat plant in the farm, wait ill it matures and then use that one plant to plant wheat seeds everywhere.

#3 Re: Main Forum » Armed citizens? » 2018-04-15 12:53:21

What I have noticed when dying is that I couldn't see any more names/relations. I can understand the not using an item stuff( to weak to use and such) and I never carry any weapons , but why can't I see any names/relations. It would be so nice if you can say the name of your murderer so everyone know who done it. Much more helpful than saying a lady in a red shirt did it. (Real story).

Sadly, if it comes to building civilizations, they will always be black sheep.  We just need the tools to counter them.  However, I am not expecting these tools to arrive today or tomorrow. It won't be fair towards Jason who is a lone developer with just one pair of hands. This game is still in development after all.

So relax, be patient and see what comes next update.

#4 Re: Main Forum » Was being Eve stressful before? » 2018-04-14 22:43:40

Once I spawned as a Daughter of Eve. She took care of me, but sadly died seconds before I turned from baby into a child. There was enough berries around to keep me alive and I started set up base. I had like the basics done as a child before hitting my teens and get the first baby. It was so nice not have to abandon like 3 babies (and thus 3 players) cause you have to run around like crazy to find food and a place to build.

Spawning as a younger Eve would also give time to name yourself. Most often my first child does not have a last name, simply because it spawned almost immediately.

#5 Main Forum » My Laggy stories » 2018-04-14 12:42:59

Replies: 2

I bought this game a few days ago and I am really enjoying it. However, my number one killer is lag. It can be rather frustrating, but I try to not let it get me down.

Died many times while holding a basket full of food, cause I can't get the food out of the basket fast enough due to lag. It takes to long to put the basket down, grab the food and eat it. Must be strange for others to see that happen, dying of starvation while holding basket with food.

One miss click can be rather deadly as well, as my character can take a long time to think about what to do with a tree while holding a basket with seeds. (Accidentally clicked on a tree while trying to run back to the farm)

Died from wild animals attacks that I didn't saw coming. The animals would be on different location on my screen, but I die anyways. Me thinks they have frog tongue, like really long ones.

Running through the fields for food as Eve, finally find it, get teleported back ( white screen with black scribbles), have to run again to get to the same berry bush... and die of starvation cause it took to long. Same thing can also happen when I am trying to get back to the village.

But saddest thing of all is all the babies that died due to my lag. I had babies turn to bones the moment they appear on my screen. I would pick up a baby to feed it and put it down and see it turn to bones within seconds. Babies that starve cause I can't pick them up fast enough. Babies that die cause I starved due to lag. I wish to say sorry to all those babies, i really tried.

Are there any tips against the lag? I've checked everything I can think of on my side (internet connection etc). I also tried different servers, including the European one as I live in the Netherlands.

#6 Re: Main Forum » What do you name your kids? » 2018-04-14 10:47:46

Girls: Liza, Miza, Tiza, Riza, Wiza, etc
Boys: Tike, Pike, Mike, Dike, Zike, etc

Sadly the game doesn't know all these names, but it get's it close enough.

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