One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Suggestion: Piles, mounds, and stacks for stuff. » 2018-05-22 00:44:33

Trick wrote:
Morti wrote:

Piles, mounds, stacks and stuff.

We need space for more stuff.

So, we can put ten stones in a pile before turning it into a shallow well, but we can only put one carrot seed or carrot on a single square meter of land?

What sense does this make?

Why can't we have piles of carrots, mounds of seed, or stacks
of plates and bowls? A cart with four backpacks, full of 16 bowls can occupy a single square meter, why can't we pile 3 bowls or three plates in the same space? We should be able to pile ten carrot seeds in a pile that occupies the same space a horse and rider can. Some of these items really need to be stackable, especially the tiny ones.

Maybe you don't need ten bone needles, but if I can place ten needles in a pin cushion smaller than the palm of my hand, we should certainly be able to place ten of them in 10,000 centimeters of square space.

This still makes baskets, boxes, carts and backpacks useful as portable piles and it's already something we see is easily doable with the piles of ten stones. You could have the rounder, smaller, objects just overlap each other slightly to form small pyramids, or, for nice touch, rotate the images 90 degrees here or there so that they take on a nicer appearance (since I know any other angles don't quite look right).

Pretty much same thing with the plates, bowls and even baskets, but just have them stack vertically. Cut off the bottoms and have the tops that stick out overlap to give the appearance of one inside the other with the bowls or baskets, and with the plates, simply overlap the images without needing to edit the graphics.

Sure, if you do this, maybe someone will ask to be able to put a carrot and a carrot seed on the same tile together, and the combinations may be overwhelming, but you can draw the line at one type of item in one pile of it's type.

I think this is a reasonable request.

Upvote here, if you agree, at


OMG, this might be one of my most biggest annoyances in this game.  There is stuff EVERYWHERE, and it drives me mad.  It's so hard to organize stuff, and things become even more tedious when you're having to search the ground of 8 billion things to find something.  Or worse, when you can't seem to put something down when you desperately need to eat.  It makes no sense not to be able to stack things of the same kind.  We should be able to have piles of carrots, and stacks of baskets, etc.

This needs to be done so badly.

Yes and sometimes, especially in larger cities I get tired of looking for something and make a new one myself even though I know I saw one on the ground previously.
When it takes you less time to make a new something instead of finding one already made you know there's a problem.

#2 Main Forum » Largest/oddest batch of kids » 2018-05-20 21:36:05

Replies: 5

I recently was an Eve and gave birth to 11 kids.
8 Males and 3 Females.
What have been your largest batches of children or the most lopsided male/female?

#3 Re: Main Forum » Funny last words » 2018-05-20 01:07:12

What horrible beast did he face and apparently beat? Unless it was death himself.

Victor Roberts
60 years old
22 minutes ago
Died of Old Age
Final words: "Die vampire! Foul beast of night!" … e&id=83551

#4 Bug Discussion » Recorded Game Playback FPS Mismatch » 2018-05-19 01:16:20

Replies: 0

I get an error when I try to playback a recorded game.
I can see my old self logging in and then it says waiting to be born, but then changes to say: FPS Mismatch detected. Vsync changed?
This displays on top of the login screen. I can still see my recorded mouse pointer moving around the black login screen as it might
have done while playing the actual game. After ending the recording I try and re-detect, but it only restarts the game and the same thing happens again.
This happens every time on multiple different recordings.

My normal game still functions fine; this only happens with recorded game play backs after I've copied a saved game game into the playback folder.

#5 Re: Main Forum » Servers as a karma ladder? » 2018-05-04 00:56:55

I've been think about griefers and have an idea but I am not sure how feasible it is implenting it.
What who ever started a town or where the most senior elders of that town ever given the ability
for others in the town to do certain actions. They could decide if someone was allow to harvest
resources in town, deconstruct structures, build new ones, or even interact with items on the
ground. This could be based on everything within so many tiles of a home marker or something
similar as to how wide its effect would be. If a child started eating all the carrots for example and
you had been in the town caring for it a long time you could uncheck their ability to pick or eat carrots
in town. This would limit, but not eliminate their damage as not everything can be monitored 24/7.
If they wanted they could still leave town and try to live in the wilderness or start their own town.
Those who have the most time vested in a town are least likely to destroy it. When the eldest generation
or group passed away the next oldest would inherit this ability. If you wanted your town restricted you
could do so, and if not you could just ignore this feature. Also for the affected area you could uncheck
murder as an option, unless you wanted that.

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