One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-05-21 21:12:55

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Suggestion: Piles, mounds, and stacks for stuff.

Piles, mounds, stacks and stuff.

We need space for more stuff.

So, we can put ten stones in a pile before turning it into a shallow well, but we can only put one carrot seed or carrot on a single square meter of land?

What sense does this make?

Why can't we have piles of carrots, mounds of seed, or stacks
of plates and bowls? A cart with four backpacks, full of 16 bowls can occupy a single square meter, why can't we pile 3 bowls or three plates in the same space? We should be able to pile ten carrot seeds in a pile that occupies the same space a horse and rider can. Some of these items really need to be stackable, especially the tiny ones.

Maybe you don't need ten bone needles, but if I can place ten needles in a pin cushion smaller than the palm of my hand, we should certainly be able to place ten of them in 10,000 centimeters of square space.

This still makes baskets, boxes, carts and backpacks useful as portable piles and it's already something we see is easily doable with the piles of ten stones. You could have the rounder, smaller, objects just overlap each other slightly to form small pyramids, or, for nice touch, rotate the images 90 degrees here or there so that they take on a nicer appearance (since I know any other angles don't quite look right).

Pretty much same thing with the plates, bowls and even baskets, but just have them stack vertically. Cut off the bottoms and have the tops that stick out overlap to give the appearance of one inside the other with the bowls or baskets, and with the plates, simply overlap the images without needing to edit the graphics.

Sure, if you do this, maybe someone will ask to be able to put a carrot and a carrot seed on the same tile together, and the combinations may be overwhelming, but you can draw the line at one type of item in one pile of it's type.

I think this is a reasonable request.

Upvote here, if you agree, at


#2 2018-05-21 21:44:44

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,347

Re: Suggestion: Piles, mounds, and stacks for stuff.

Bigger piles of carrots etc.l could have more and more negative risks/effects like vermin/rot/blight etc.

"be prepared and one person cant kill all city, if he can, then you deserve it"  -pein


#3 2018-05-21 22:01:14

Registered: 2018-04-09
Posts: 45

Re: Suggestion: Piles, mounds, and stacks for stuff.



#4 2018-05-21 22:02:35

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,347

Re: Suggestion: Piles, mounds, and stacks for stuff.

She gonna get fired...

"be prepared and one person cant kill all city, if he can, then you deserve it"  -pein


#5 2018-05-22 00:14:27

Registered: 2018-05-13
Posts: 216

Re: Suggestion: Piles, mounds, and stacks for stuff.

Morti wrote:

Piles, mounds, stacks and stuff.

We need space for more stuff.

So, we can put ten stones in a pile before turning it into a shallow well, but we can only put one carrot seed or carrot on a single square meter of land?

What sense does this make?

Why can't we have piles of carrots, mounds of seed, or stacks
of plates and bowls? A cart with four backpacks, full of 16 bowls can occupy a single square meter, why can't we pile 3 bowls or three plates in the same space? We should be able to pile ten carrot seeds in a pile that occupies the same space a horse and rider can. Some of these items really need to be stackable, especially the tiny ones.

Maybe you don't need ten bone needles, but if I can place ten needles in a pin cushion smaller than the palm of my hand, we should certainly be able to place ten of them in 10,000 centimeters of square space.

This still makes baskets, boxes, carts and backpacks useful as portable piles and it's already something we see is easily doable with the piles of ten stones. You could have the rounder, smaller, objects just overlap each other slightly to form small pyramids, or, for nice touch, rotate the images 90 degrees here or there so that they take on a nicer appearance (since I know any other angles don't quite look right).

Pretty much same thing with the plates, bowls and even baskets, but just have them stack vertically. Cut off the bottoms and have the tops that stick out overlap to give the appearance of one inside the other with the bowls or baskets, and with the plates, simply overlap the images without needing to edit the graphics.

Sure, if you do this, maybe someone will ask to be able to put a carrot and a carrot seed on the same tile together, and the combinations may be overwhelming, but you can draw the line at one type of item in one pile of it's type.

I think this is a reasonable request.

Upvote here, if you agree, at


OMG, this might be one of my most biggest annoyances in this game.  There is stuff EVERYWHERE, and it drives me mad.  It's so hard to organize stuff, and things become even more tedious when you're having to search the ground of 8 billion things to find something.  Or worse, when you can't seem to put something down when you desperately need to eat.  It makes no sense not to be able to stack things of the same kind.  We should be able to have piles of carrots, and stacks of baskets, etc.

This needs to be done so badly.


#6 2018-05-22 00:44:33

Registered: 2018-05-04
Posts: 5

Re: Suggestion: Piles, mounds, and stacks for stuff.

Trick wrote:
Morti wrote:

Piles, mounds, stacks and stuff.

We need space for more stuff.

So, we can put ten stones in a pile before turning it into a shallow well, but we can only put one carrot seed or carrot on a single square meter of land?

What sense does this make?

Why can't we have piles of carrots, mounds of seed, or stacks
of plates and bowls? A cart with four backpacks, full of 16 bowls can occupy a single square meter, why can't we pile 3 bowls or three plates in the same space? We should be able to pile ten carrot seeds in a pile that occupies the same space a horse and rider can. Some of these items really need to be stackable, especially the tiny ones.

Maybe you don't need ten bone needles, but if I can place ten needles in a pin cushion smaller than the palm of my hand, we should certainly be able to place ten of them in 10,000 centimeters of square space.

This still makes baskets, boxes, carts and backpacks useful as portable piles and it's already something we see is easily doable with the piles of ten stones. You could have the rounder, smaller, objects just overlap each other slightly to form small pyramids, or, for nice touch, rotate the images 90 degrees here or there so that they take on a nicer appearance (since I know any other angles don't quite look right).

Pretty much same thing with the plates, bowls and even baskets, but just have them stack vertically. Cut off the bottoms and have the tops that stick out overlap to give the appearance of one inside the other with the bowls or baskets, and with the plates, simply overlap the images without needing to edit the graphics.

Sure, if you do this, maybe someone will ask to be able to put a carrot and a carrot seed on the same tile together, and the combinations may be overwhelming, but you can draw the line at one type of item in one pile of it's type.

I think this is a reasonable request.

Upvote here, if you agree, at


OMG, this might be one of my most biggest annoyances in this game.  There is stuff EVERYWHERE, and it drives me mad.  It's so hard to organize stuff, and things become even more tedious when you're having to search the ground of 8 billion things to find something.  Or worse, when you can't seem to put something down when you desperately need to eat.  It makes no sense not to be able to stack things of the same kind.  We should be able to have piles of carrots, and stacks of baskets, etc.

This needs to be done so badly.

Yes and sometimes, especially in larger cities I get tired of looking for something and make a new one myself even though I know I saw one on the ground previously.
When it takes you less time to make a new something instead of finding one already made you know there's a problem.


#7 2018-05-22 13:24:30

Registered: 2018-04-07
Posts: 142

Re: Suggestion: Piles, mounds, and stacks for stuff.

Yes!  I agree!

To add to this:  I've always wanted to be able to stack empty baskets, maybe three at a time, when out gathering reeds for the family.  That would help out so much.


#8 2018-05-22 14:07:11

Registered: 2018-03-26
Posts: 91

Re: Suggestion: Piles, mounds, and stacks for stuff.

Some stacking would be nice.  The whole reason people made so many baskets was so things don't look cluttered

Last edited by IronBear (2018-05-22 14:07:31)


#9 2018-05-22 15:15:54

Registered: 2018-04-07
Posts: 142

Re: Suggestion: Piles, mounds, and stacks for stuff.

That waitress picture is awesome!  She needs an apron!  Lol.

In regards to carrying space, the idea was brought up to use alternate hands in a prev. thread.

I've been able to use the non dominant hand to drag a seal pelt home.  In a later life, I saw another girl do this too.  To the best of my memory, I think I achieved this by clicking on the pelt to pick it up, then clicking on myself again like I was going to eat something.

Has anyone been able to replicate this with any other items?

Back to the stone pile functionality - do you guys think it might be overpowered to be able to carry a stack of items?  Or should it just be limited to 'stack of 3 plates' on the ground?

If I understand the game design correctly, part of the challenge of a cooperative social game would logically be time/resource management - all enhanced by the player base's ability to delegate and organize across the generations. 

This inventory clustertruck might/might not be an intended obstacle.  I am not sure...

The game *is* in kind of an infancy/toddlerhood. 

I started playing when onions/burdock/cactus fruit/horses were not a thing.  So, there are gradual improvements!


#10 2018-05-22 15:24:25

Registered: 2018-05-07
Posts: 66

Re: Suggestion: Piles, mounds, and stacks for stuff.

You can wear a seal pelt, it will give you no insulation though. I guess it's just for carrying the thing around.

As for the stacking functionality, I'd love to have it. Only for storing though, since the way the game seems designed, being able to carry stacks of stuff would be OP. I'd just love to have a mound of carrot seeds near the farm. It's just crazy that a singe seed pod would take up an entire square meter of space...


#11 2018-05-24 21:34:14

Registered: 2018-04-22
Posts: 326

Re: Suggestion: Piles, mounds, and stacks for stuff.

Valences42 wrote:

do you guys think it might be overpowered to be able to carry a stack of items?  Or should it just be limited to 'stack of 3 plates' on the ground?

It would be awesome! I like to see pile of irons there, pile milkweed stalks over there and so one. Imagine how immersive it would be smile

Remember suggestion here … for_stuff/

Last edited by Glassius (2018-05-24 21:46:39)


#12 2018-05-24 21:40:30

Registered: 2018-04-12
Posts: 49

Re: Suggestion: Piles, mounds, and stacks for stuff.

Piles of firewood instead of every tile on a swamp littered with the stuff? A dream.

I completely agree that storage needs to be reworked. What kind of janky box only stores FIVE carrots?


#13 2018-05-25 12:53:29

Registered: 2018-04-07
Posts: 142

Re: Suggestion: Piles, mounds, and stacks for stuff.

mulgara wrote:

Piles of firewood instead of every tile on a swamp littered with the stuff? A dream.

I completely agree that storage needs to be reworked. What kind of janky box only stores FIVE carrots?

yes.  I totally agree with this!

although for some reason the entity interaction makes sense?  I don't know how to explain why it makes sense to me...


#14 2018-05-25 13:27:18

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: Suggestion: Piles, mounds, and stacks for stuff.

Maybe there can be more sizes of items, for containers.
Like 1,2,4, 8 and 16. A pile of dirt, that fills a backpack or basket, could be a 16, but a carrot seed could be a 1 and 16 of them could fit in a basket? Something like that.

A cart could hold 12 and items could be 12, 6, 4, 3, 2 or 1 in size. 12 could be a full cart sized object.

Something like that, for containers, would also be nice.


#15 2018-05-25 14:43:53

Registered: 2018-04-07
Posts: 142

Re: Suggestion: Piles, mounds, and stacks for stuff.

Morti wrote:

Maybe there can be more sizes of items, for containers.
Like 1,2,4, 8 and 16. A pile of dirt, that fills a backpack or basket, could be a 16, but a carrot seed could be a 1 and 16 of them could fit in a basket? Something like that.

A cart could hold 12 and items could be 12, 6, 4, 3, 2 or 1 in size. 12 could be a full cart sized object.

Something like that, for containers, would also be nice.

That would be nice!

So much less clutter!

(although, during the apocalypse times I was 100% sure that decay was a good idea before implementation --- so this might cause a lot of bugs initially?  I would still love to see this sooo much!)


#16 2018-06-15 22:26:35

Registered: 2018-04-07
Posts: 142

Re: Suggestion: Piles, mounds, and stacks for stuff.

I'm bumping this well thought out thread, because I feel that this chain is very relevant to the recent boom in agri-clutter.


All teasing aside, Thank you Jason for such hard work in consistently updating the game and staying active in the community.


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