One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » The mono diet » 2018-06-07 11:33:24

Glassius wrote:

I've just made a suggestion that may make this thread obsolete. It is complex, but a content for this topic in TLDR:

Make all raw food and simple, one ingredient meals inferior at start. You do not have to make filling decreasing with each eating.

Instead, give us many recipes for meals requiring a wide variety of ingredients. Allow them to fill much more than base ingredients sum. Make them eatable with low hunger fill per one bite/gulp, but give them more portions (like pies with 8 bites instead of 4).

This way, a mono diet, with simple, one ingredient snacks or even raw food would be inferior to multi ingredients cooking recipes smile

I think you have a good idea to improve food diversification.

Maybe a complex food with many ingredients could give some pips in the hunger bar beyond the maximum for a certain duration.

But in the end it seems normal to me that a given community should orient itself towards a specific type of diet that depends on its environment.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Dark secret: the murder rate is 16% » 2018-06-06 11:32:08

Flintstone wrote:

+1 to murder weapons breaking.

It might also be interesting to be able to intentionally break a knife on a stone or break an arrow.

#3 Re: Main Forum » Dark secret: the murder rate is 16% » 2018-06-06 07:39:22

New player since ten days I fell in love with this game that offers a real community facet. Thank you Jason!

I would like to come here to give my contribution on the problem of murders. I realized the meaning you wanted to give to the game, Jason, was "realplay."

I think that murder can and should be an integral part of the game (otherwise you would have created a PvE server) but when yesterday I myself was confronted with this kind of situation I understood what posed a problem: the unrealism of murder that leaves little chance to the victim/society and goes against the concepts of the game.

I am therefore going to make a few proposals here which, in my opinion, go in the direction of social development around the concept of crime.

Attempted murder can fail:
- An archery shot has a chance to kill otherwise the person is only injured
- A stab wound kills from behind, kills someone weak (child or elderly character). But if a person of equivalent "strength" (based on sex, age or level of hunger) faces the attacker he has a chance of being injured or even disarming the attacker. It would allow someone to face and protect their family.

Injury Management:
- An injured person could have a more or less long time to heal himself (one could introduce here a tree of health technologies and start with a simple bandage).
If the injured person does not heal himself, he dies.

Protection against injuries
- A lot of possibility at clothing level to reduce the probability of being killed on impact
- A shield (skin + wood) could protect against arrows.

Unlethal weapons:
- A longhaft could make it possible to disarm at close range the carrier of a weapon
- The lasso could give a chance to disarm at some distance the carrier of a weapon

Without removing the possibility of killing, these ideas give some leads to allow villages to give policing responsibility to certain villagers (by equipping them with armour and non-lethal weapons for example) without the risk of increasing the number of griefers. Allowing backstab also gives murderers an extra challenge and makes this gameplay more interesting without sinking into grieving.

I look forward to hearing your views on these proposals. (especially Jason's);)

#4 Re: Main Forum » Tip for building stone buildings. » 2018-06-03 12:12:03

Can you explain to me the interest of the buildings? And why a bakery in a building?

Sorry for the newbie question big_smile

#5 Re: Main Forum » A secret. » 2018-05-29 09:43:22

Uncle Gus wrote:

to be W.

to be "e" smile

#6 Re: Main Forum » New Players Are Getting Left Behind » 2018-05-29 08:06:48

Hi everyone!

I've been a new player for a few days now and after several dozen lives I met some people who gave me the means to learn. I think the community is great but maybe there is an influx of new players who are not helping to share good practices.

After a few days, I am now able to do basic things (with a huge investment): fire, an adobe kiln, a carrot farm. But as Eve I never manage to put in place what I have learned because I quickly find myself with 2 children and no resources. If at least one of them is experienced I can build something, otherwise I panic completely and lose my means.

I've read a lot of wiki, guides and forums but if you find a lot of craft recipes it's hard to find advice on how to properly manage a first installation! (however in this thread there are already plenty... but unlikely that many people read themà)

Hopefully my contribution may have helped to move this discussion forward:)

#7 Re: Main Forum » Why i leave civs » 2018-05-29 07:10:04

fragilityh14 wrote:

Civilization brings disaster.

Today, I left a civ, apparently a 10th gen family line, because it was heavily populated, low on seed, and had a guard who was actively having to kill people over seeds. After much searching I found a truly amazing spot, probably the best I've ever seen, in terms of mass soil, near carrots and water.

Well, at menopause I have one surviving son and no daughters. So I decided to go find the old civ, and see if i could bring a girl over. I make it back, to see only my little brother.

Hey mummy!

I'm your son John, I waited for you to come back my whole life. I had feared an accident, but I wouldn't have imagined a murder.

Know that through all the lives that my soul went through it was the first time I was given a chance to learn and test thanks to the wonderful place you found.

Thanks, Mom.

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