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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-05-29 02:03:54

Registered: 2018-03-09
Posts: 217

New Players Are Getting Left Behind

Remember the good old days pre-apocolypse when elders taught their family members the basics of the game, and everybody on here raved about our amazing training traditions that we passed on to new players....I can't help but feel that we don't quite do that like we used to. Sure, we will still teach advanced craft to newer players like forging, baking, shepherding etc. but the teaching of the basics seems to have fallen by the wayside.

From purely anecdotal evidence I can tell you that a large number of players can't start a basic fire, set a starting camp, practice basic kiln-work, skin rabbits etc. I find myself being born time and time again to eve mothers who have no idea what they are doing; they setup camps in bizzare places that are far from water, they run around and eat berries but neglect to set a home marker or make a basket when the resources are right next to them, and they often will even say "hope u know what u doing" or some variation of that to me. I try to help them, but its not easy when you can only crank out a letter or two at a time.

I think the large number of people, who just kind of aimlessly sit at the carrot farm sponging off resources, are also likely new players who do not know the basics, but unlike in the past we are all too busy dealing with the nerfs and famines to help them. This isn't the game that it used to be where elders would come grab a kid and ask if they wanted to learn the ropes, it is a very harsh gameworld that does not allow for that kind of activity.

Maybe it is time that large villages setup a designated trainer, who will teach babies who need help how to do basic tasks (and more advanced ones, if the kids are ready for that). This might also help to temporarily solve the boredom problems that some players seem to have. Thoughts?

Last edited by Portager (2018-05-29 02:05:32)


#2 2018-05-29 02:37:54

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: New Players Are Getting Left Behind

i see a lot of bad intended players who are not new but lazy
lot of eves still who dont know the basic things about temperature and locations

trainers could only be people who can do stuff, thats pretty rare
when you got a big city which can afford feeding 30 kids, griefers start stealing carts of pies, killings

generally i see a lot of people just doing their "fun stuff"disregarding everybody and everything
like they took 3 chisels from me, before i could of finished all tools to make a stone room, in a city which has no pen, carts or proper food production

we can blame jason for temperature debuff, as the spawn rates are too high and food is too low
even if a pro player sustain a few average ones, new players are doomed

i blame the new players, they should learn the temperature management, and how to eat or dont expect much in a game where your hard working eve has nothing, at least eat on your own and know the controls

and i blame you players, who cannot give a simple task to a kid: get branches next to the kiln
this should be so obvious, that all new players do it right away when they dont see tools, as a smith i often spend half of my life gathering firewood, clay and iron, i could do it in 10 min if everything is next to the kiln, so tell kids, "get me branches" dont toss them next to carrot  farm, give them a flint chip and tell them make a basket

baking pies and misinterpreting the meta is also very common, they take all bowls and plates from a smith, even steal firewood, all this before a sheep pen is made, just to make 3-4 pies that kids gonna eat before people who work get a share

then just the selfish behavior, not planting any milkweed, berry or wheat for next generation

the general view of the city, that all should be connected and all stuff next to each other

spacing out and having two farms, two ovens, 2+2 kilns should be standard

yes, mothers could be trainers as well, a matriarch works pretty well, a trainer could be assigned for kids of age 3+ to show what to do, even if a kid dies after makign 5 baskets, next life maybe gonna do on its own

but the general situation is, people steal everything so the more experienced you become, the less you care about taking a few furs to make a pack, kill some noobs or steal resources

and then just the overwhelming amount of  babies each game, 8 person camps would work so nicely

we need more stuff, more plants, more building materials , more clothes to make, less babies per cities livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#3 2018-05-29 02:42:06

Registered: 2018-05-29
Posts: 3

Re: New Players Are Getting Left Behind

As a new player who just got the game, I can tell you that from my perspective the game is basically dying from the pile of players who have no freaking clue whats going on.

It took nearly 100 restarts to even live past 18 that wasn't caused by my parents simply rejecting me, not knowing how to play themselves, or being born into a family that has no clue how to build the first year starting settlement.

When I do survive it's because I'm usually the last one alive because I'm out scavenging just to survive long enough to try to build a crop farm, and by the time I get all the materials my mother and siblings have all perished to starvation or other things.

When I first started out, I had expected to actually learn from players teaching me things, I had expected not to survive past infanthood many many times and fail horribly as an Eve a dozen times over. That didn't make it any better when the only instructions I was ever given was "make crops" or "make a campfire." When you're talking to new players, you gotta give them things to do that will help you avoid running around while being simple tasks they can understand. Like "collect branches and clay." Fairly simple stuff. I was finally able to get a mother (who was very cranky at all the kids who simply wouldn't listen) and gave me decent instructions on shit to do. Our farm thrived. And 10 seconds after she died of old age, everyone else starved. The end.

Going to online searches about how to play, I see so much about how to do X task, how to do Y task, or stuff like "take seeds from carrots but don't dig them up" etc. but none of the essential stuff that you mentioned like "build near water" or "temperature keeps you from starving quickly, balance your temperature near base camp" or "overpopulation will kill your settlement." Simple stuff that ACTUALLY matters, and helps tremendously when playing Eve for your first time.

Also, while I'm at it. It's completely ridiculous to have Eve's spawning with newborns so quickly when they don't even have any items collected. It seems like every time I spawn as an Eve a baby spawns so quickly I don't even know which one I am until I move around a couple tiles. I usually get rejected/have to reject this newborn so I can actually establish myself and find some food so me and my next newborn don't die instantly.


#4 2018-05-29 02:49:52

Registered: 2018-03-30
Posts: 339

Re: New Players Are Getting Left Behind

I don't fully agree with your premise. This past week I've taught people how to make plates, basics of smithing, berry care, and shepherding. The biggest problem I've found is that we need to spend more of our lives being productive than we did in the past. I've been in the process of teaching someone, then had to bail because there was something crucial that needed to be done - e.g. griefer, tool needing to be replaced, sheepocalypse, people needing directions etc.

I think the onus is on the new player to ask for help, but it'd definitely be a step in the right direction if you ask your offspring (time permitting) if there's anything they want to learn. I'll often ask a baby (still only 5-10% of them) if they want to learn something that is currently necessary for the town, like pottery (which is ALWAYS useful), or berry maintenance. I'll sometimes stand in places like the carrot farm and tell people they gotta pick shit or else it despawns, or tell them to get an actual job, and maybe take one to be my apprentice.

Given we struggle surviving as it is, if the top 10% of players (virtually the only productive members) are also teaching, then it's going to be much harder. Some jobs are easier with an apprentice though.

Edit: @Pein I've only ever seen 1 town capable of sustaining 30 babies, but that was on server 15.

Last edited by Alleria (2018-05-29 02:59:39)

"Words build bridges into unexplored regions"


#5 2018-05-29 02:59:18

Registered: 2018-03-09
Posts: 217

Re: New Players Are Getting Left Behind

Alleria wrote:

I don't fully agree with your premise. This past week I've taught people how to make plates, basics of smithing, berry care, and shepherding. The biggest problem I've found is that we need to spend more of our lives being productive than we did in the past. I've been in the process of teaching someone, then had to bail because there was something crucial that needed to be done - e.g. griefer, tool needing to be replaced, sheepocalypse, people needing directions etc.

I think the onus is on the new player to ask for help, but it'd definitely be a step in the right direction if you ask your offspring (time permitting) if there's anything they want to learn. I'll often ask a baby (still only 5-10% of them) if they want to learn something that is currently necessary for the town, like pottery (which is ALWAYS useful), or berry maintenance. I'll sometimes stand in places like the carrot farm and tell people they gotta pick shit or else it despawns, or tell them to get an actual job, and maybe take one to be my apprentice.

Given we struggle surviving as it is, if the top 10% of players (virtually the only productive members) are also teaching, then it's going to be much harder. Some jobs are easier with an apprentice though.

We are part of the old guard Alleria, we still think about things like training new players, but as a whole I believe that this tradition is dying.

As Ozymandias points out, too many times children are given orders like "make a fire" but they are not given each step. Earlier today, after our eve mother died right next to a berry bush, I had to teach my younger brother how to craft a sharp stone and create a home marker. We are talking about the most basic of tasks, and yet he did not know how to do it. Maybe he just started an hour ago, but I can't help but suspect that he has played more than that.

As you point out, the big problem is that time is much more of a commodity than it used to. Im trying to think of a workaround for time and the resource strain, but the solution is not immediately clear.


#6 2018-05-29 03:07:23

Registered: 2018-03-30
Posts: 339

Re: New Players Are Getting Left Behind

Portager, hop into the Discord sometime. A lot of us have been throwing around the idea of starting a "school" of sorts where we teach a batch of kids how to berry farm, make fire in a room, smith etc. but I'm not sure if that model of teaching would work well since this game is all about specialising, and an entire generation of firemakers isn't worth the time investment. The best I've come up with is people taking a carrot pleb child to be their apprentice, and teach them your trade. The major benefit is that both players will be working, e.g. for a berry farmer, you could instruct the child to pick berries, flint them, plant, then water them, while the adult moves dirt in a cart from the compost pile.

I don't think schools will take off, but we need to encourage our children to ask for help when needed and be available to teach if possible - even basic skills like how to make home markers (which takes all of 15 seconds to teach).

Last edited by Alleria (2018-05-29 03:07:58)

"Words build bridges into unexplored regions"


#7 2018-05-29 03:12:59

Registered: 2018-04-28
Posts: 561

Re: New Players Are Getting Left Behind

I try to teach every new player I can, but like you said, it’s hard. Everyone is constantly tending to the nerfs and inconvienences, and players are less supportive now. They always insist on abandoning new players, which in turn forces newbies to say no when asked if they’re new, and they learn nothing. It’s a continuous cycle.

I agree that new players deserve a chance, for their sake and ours.


#8 2018-05-29 03:23:17

Registered: 2018-04-15
Posts: 398

Re: New Players Are Getting Left Behind

its because of the combination of a rush of new players entering the game along with the difficulty increasing. i often end up in eve settlements (2 or 3 generations down) with a bunch of new players so if i stop to explain the mechanics of baking pies or whatnot itll probably end up with

1. all the carrots being picked with NO seeds
2. running out of food
3. starving

along with just gathering basic material to move onto the next branch its just a huuuge hassle to explain everything. especially when new players dont ask for assistance. not really much we can do at this point except hope that theyll pick things up one at a time like we did.

OR that they find this handy link that shows how to make everything wink


#9 2018-05-29 03:52:53

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,347

Re: New Players Are Getting Left Behind

Perhaps it is best to have apprentices, just have one baby following you around. If you are a smith they
can hammer the wrots and upcap the crucibles and basket the plates so you can work. By doing the simpler
tasks in your profession they can then observe the more nuanced parts of it.

Important thing to remember is that people are being abandoned ALOT this is something the low post count
people are talking about OFTEN and I think it would be wise to take them at their word on it. When you are
fishing for information out of babies you have to look at them from their own perspective.

Imagine you just got abandoned 5-10 times in a row with a few disastrous Eve lives in the mix to at a little
leavening and your next mother asks you if you are new or asks you if you are pro... What sort of answer do
you think they are more inclined to give you? I like to tell them my view of the camps situation and ask them
flat out if they want to be part of what we have going on.

I think forcing people to answer in the affirmative as opposed to just going along makes them an active
participant instead of just a passive one. Yes, I know they can be liars and shit durr.. but it is a decent filter
that isn't expensive for me to test them on and it also engages the other players super ego. If they answer
in the clear that they are part of your team and they renege they will know that they backed out on their word.

People for the most part have a way that they want to see themselves as being, if you can channel them into
consciously affirming an ideal/desired state they are typically setup mentally to self attack if they then later
violate it.. It doesn't matter as much that other people can see as much as it matters that they can see. This
isn't obviously going to work on everyone but it will work pretty damn good overall..

Don't ask people if they are new, or if they are pro. These are dumb questions, if they are experienced sure
they can say "y" or whatever but those who are not are just to tempted to lie to you. New people are NOT
gonna figure out temperature on their own, I sure as fuck didn't, I didn't figure out how to make a fire by trial
and error either. Ask them questions that give them the opportunity to ally themselves to your goals and
make them their own.

We are low on soil, can you help us compost? Is an example. Asking a simple question to set the frame like
"Do you want to live?" "We are poor but we are trying do you want to help us?" are good examples. Notice
how in both of them you are giving them the opportunity to be/act/see themselves in a positive light and
reinforce their desire for self pride and to see themselves positively. Let them affirm and their own psychology
will help keep them in order. If you can get them to feel like you aren't about to abandon them because they
don't know something, they are more likely to admit when they don't know something... Then you can either
have them be your little helper or you can give them to someone else who is needing help.

If you are a Woman, part of your job in the tribe is to know what needs to be done and what isn't getting done
so you can allocate your children to the appropriate tasks..

You have to be looking 2-3 generations ahead to see what the future problem are going to be based on your
present situation and group behavior.. Remember people want to see themselves as intelligent and and that jazz..
When you are actually correct and you explain yourself well to your babies they are much more likely to see your
goals as good ones and then their own minds will act to enforce behavior towards that end. Yeah yeah yeah I
know all people are special unique snowflakes and all that and some are out to cause trouble for the lols but we
are dealing with the large majority we don't need 100% on board to do well.

"be prepared and one person cant kill all city, if he can, then you deserve it"  -pein


#10 2018-05-29 04:32:24

Registered: 2018-03-30
Posts: 339

Re: New Players Are Getting Left Behind

YAHG wrote:

Imagine you just got abandoned 5-10 times in a row with a few disastrous Eve lives in the mix to at a little
leavening and your next mother asks you if you are new or asks you if you are pro... What sort of answer do
you think they are more inclined to give you? I like to tell them my view of the camps situation and ask them
flat out if they want to be part of what we have going on.

+1 - especially about asking them if they want to live even though you're poor. I believe you've been my mum a few times, and I've adopted asking that too.

I still like to ask my child how skilled they are, but I preface it by telling them that if the ARE new, I will teach them - I've had good results from this. If they claim to be pro, I ask for their forum or Discord name, because if you're actually "pro" then I probably know your name (same for most of you, I'm sure).

"Words build bridges into unexplored regions"


#11 2018-05-29 04:50:37

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,347

Re: New Players Are Getting Left Behind

Alleria wrote:
YAHG wrote:

Imagine you just got abandoned 5-10 times in a row with a few disastrous Eve lives in the mix to at a little
leavening and your next mother asks you if you are new or asks you if you are pro... What sort of answer do
you think they are more inclined to give you? I like to tell them my view of the camps situation and ask them
flat out if they want to be part of what we have going on.

+1 - especially about asking them if they want to live even though you're poor. I believe you've been my mum a few times, and I've adopted asking that too.

I still like to ask my child how skilled they are, but I preface it by telling them that if the ARE new, I will teach them - I've had good results from this. If they claim to be pro, I ask for their forum or Discord name, because if you're actually "pro" then I probably know your name (same for most of you, I'm sure).

If they say "q" I will usually refer to the forum as "heaven" and I will tell them my name there. If I see
someone with a forum name I will ask if they are the real one.

I am curious as far as milkweed goes..

How many unique users are there to the forum everyday vs to the servers? What % of forum visitors know
about milkweed change? My guess is 75%+ on the forum but how many people do we inform about the changes
per day each? How long would we then expect that sort of culture to change..

Things like wells don't really need to be explained, people just used them like they were infinite anyways so
now reality is just in accordance.. People are used to picking the milks and just trying to not ruin the field by
only picking fruiting. I for one would just pick all the fruiting so it could get started on re-spawning, what
used to be a helpful habit is now one that destroys the whole crop.

How the fuck are these people supposed to even know? They aren't expecting it to re-spawn in their life anyways
and when they don't find any in the future they are just going to assume there never was a milk farm or that
someone ruined it.

Most of the time when something gets changed people have no idea it even happened.. When I get a game update
I go to to see what is new but I HIGHLY doubt the majority of the server
even knows about that site. Yeah forum people are going to be high information but if we don't do a good job of
dissemination then the changes will destroy all the cities.

Also Alleria, Mommy loves you I hope you hug your babies like I try to remember to teach my lil ones <3

"be prepared and one person cant kill all city, if he can, then you deserve it"  -pein


#12 2018-05-29 07:28:44

Registered: 2018-03-16
Posts: 336

Re: New Players Are Getting Left Behind

Teaching is important. Unfortunately I didn't took much time for it. Since I am always in the struggle between getting the critical stuff running or not to collapse

The thing is like someone else said before. If we  just do and do we will never come out of this state. We won't be happy and the new joined people won't be happy.

Just run around and tell where you are, what you do and ask the people if they like to learn and help you. If you spreaded the news just return to work.

At this point you should look that you got enough food around your workspace since often newer players underestimate how long a way can be to get some food.

Now the mums and the other townspeople are asked. You hear that someone is searching for apprentice? Tell the kids you rais about it! Tell them where and what they can learn.

In small eve settlements. You should teach the basics (temperature, eat earlie, don't eat over your hunger bar, what and how you can eat it, setting up the basics) and give some really simple tasks. Give your kid a basket full of food and tell them to carry it and refill it with them along their way.

I guess that's the only way. Probably they will still die. But maybe they live a bit longer then usual and the next time maybe a few years longer. And with more time and self sustain meint it will be easier to teach them more.


Important things to teach:

1: harvesting domestic wheat
If you harvest wheat make sure to replant (soil, seeds and water) a new wheat plot. Use the straw to make one compost pile if there is no one composting.
Always leave one wheat plot for seeds. If there is only one left expand the wheat farm.

2: if a tool breaks tell the Smith. No Smith? Diy!

3: plant 6-12 milkweed in your life.

4: never walk with empty hands. You go to the berry bush? Grab a Branche/stonea back to the settlement.

5. Always clean. Don't forget the story of die!

Its a rought world - keep dying untill you live <3


#13 2018-05-29 08:06:48

Registered: 2018-05-28
Posts: 7

Re: New Players Are Getting Left Behind

Hi everyone!

I've been a new player for a few days now and after several dozen lives I met some people who gave me the means to learn. I think the community is great but maybe there is an influx of new players who are not helping to share good practices.

After a few days, I am now able to do basic things (with a huge investment): fire, an adobe kiln, a carrot farm. But as Eve I never manage to put in place what I have learned because I quickly find myself with 2 children and no resources. If at least one of them is experienced I can build something, otherwise I panic completely and lose my means.

I've read a lot of wiki, guides and forums but if you find a lot of craft recipes it's hard to find advice on how to properly manage a first installation! (however in this thread there are already plenty... but unlikely that many people read themà)

Hopefully my contribution may have helped to move this discussion forward:)


#14 2018-05-29 09:09:44

Registered: 2018-03-29
Posts: 416

Re: New Players Are Getting Left Behind

Alleria wrote:

Portager, hop into the Discord sometime. A lot of us have been throwing around the idea of starting a "school" of sorts where we teach a batch of kids how to berry farm, make fire in a room, smith etc. but I'm not sure if that model of teaching would work well since this game is all about specialising, and an entire generation of firemakers isn't worth the time investment. The best I've come up with is people taking a carrot pleb child to be their apprentice, and teach them your trade. The major benefit is that both players will be working, e.g. for a berry farmer, you could instruct the child to pick berries, flint them, plant, then water them, while the adult moves dirt in a cart from the compost pile.

I was actually thinking about this as well and was wondering about just leaving a bunch of simple tools around a fire, then you can teach children when they are young. When they can pick stuff up they can play around with the objects too. It seems like the ideal school would be in the cooking area. If you have them skin a rabbit, and make a pie with it, then make a fire and cook the pie, then they will learn a lot. More advanced students could cut the wheat and make compost with it.


#15 2018-05-29 12:57:42

Registered: 2018-04-01
Posts: 614

Re: New Players Are Getting Left Behind

Jason's forum news doesn't mention the little changes, so players don't know about them and they become the worst game killers. Explaining: Milkweed doesn't regrow anymore, you'll have to farm it. Branches have been nerfed and wood is now precious. Iron has also been nerfed, good luck finding any. Running out of soil is obvious and composting is needed, but you need a shovel to make a sheep pen out of trash pits or graves because there isn't enough wood for fences anymore. You need iron to make a steel hoe to farm anything because there isn't enough maple branches or rope to make stone hoes. Even if you can explain to anyone what you need and send them on a fetch quest, they mostly die - starving because again no thread for backpacks, or stepping on the excessive snakes.

There's no space in this rat race for new players. There's no time to explain the hundred+ steps required to set up a fully functioning forge and make a steel hoe and shovel. Too much of your life you can barely talk, and if you survive long enough to be able to explain it's too late because the Eve set up camp somewhere random and it's doomed from the start. If you're the Eve then you're stuck trying to feed your babies in the hope one of them is already an expert and can get something done while you try to keep the rest alive... and in the rare chance that there's actually more than one expert around you spend your whole life trying to help build a sheep pen and it still takes more than one lifetime and the statistical chance of anyone finishing anything approaches zero.

That's why the long generation runs require voice chat, artificial baby cycling, and excluding new players.

At the very least the News forum needs to be honest about ALL the changes made from week to week so people can prepare appropriate strategies.

Better yet there needs to be an updated rules/instructions option in the actual game startup so players see it when they play.


#16 2018-05-29 13:18:54

Registered: 2018-04-11
Posts: 41

Re: New Players Are Getting Left Behind

I try to teach when I can afford to. Sometimes things get too chaotic to keep up with it fully. I always try to at least tell them the basics about farming. Not watering what you can't pick as they will seed, waste soil or despawn. Leaving a seeding row separate from the rest. Not to overpopulate as it will kill out the family, etc.

Ironic to this topic I died last night while teaching one of my kids. I got so wrapped up in trying to explain how to farm and the basic controls of the game, that I forgot to eat and starved. Aha. I like to think maybe they were able to learn, even if it was only a little bit from a short time.

Ever had more than 15 babies in one life? I have.

So many babies.


#17 2018-05-29 15:43:52

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: New Players Are Getting Left Behind

small things like bringing back the damn stones would be nice, cut reet and wheat with flint chip

bring skevers for every mother

even i lsot myself with 5 irons the other day, was a capable lady left in city and i let her down livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#18 2018-05-29 17:02:57

Registered: 2018-04-05
Posts: 680

Re: New Players Are Getting Left Behind

Ive tried to teach kids recently. Even force feeding them as i do it. I haven't had a success story yet. They ither get bored and run off or starve holding a carrot....

Be kind, generous, and work together my potatoes.


#19 2018-05-29 17:57:47

Registered: 2018-03-30
Posts: 339

Re: New Players Are Getting Left Behind

Anshin wrote:

That's why the long generation runs require voice chat, artificial baby cycling, and excluding new players.

Nope. Voice chat was primarily used for morale and speedier-than-text comms, and sometimes baby checks. Several people didn't even have mics. Gen run took about 25-40% longer than it should have, because we didn't focus much on generations, and more on having a good time and building things. We also let in multiple fresh off the boat players and taught them the game from scratch.

I taught a few players berry farming and shepherding in my 1 life today. They all listened and helped - good kids.

Last edited by Alleria (2018-05-29 17:59:28)

"Words build bridges into unexplored regions"


#20 2018-05-30 00:34:53

Registered: 2018-03-09
Posts: 217

Re: New Players Are Getting Left Behind

The death parade continues for me, I try asking if the kids want to learn now, but they often say "N" and later end up dying. Maybe people really are that stubborn.


#21 2018-05-30 00:48:22

Registered: 2018-04-26
Posts: 88

Re: New Players Are Getting Left Behind

Portager wrote:

The death parade continues for me, I try asking if the kids want to learn now, but they often say "N" and later end up dying. Maybe people really are that stubborn.

I've gotten takers. Every place is different and full of a different mix of personalities.
Some say no. But then I ask again when I respawn in the new place and get a few nice children
to teach.

If they say no to YOU they are missing out. smile

Please be kind.


#22 2018-05-30 01:11:04

Registered: 2018-05-13
Posts: 216

Re: New Players Are Getting Left Behind

This speaks to the problem I have been talking about since the day I started - the game requires you to read a damn novella to figure out how to play, and that's not how any good game works or survives.  It *should* rely on elders teaching the new people, but there simply isn't enough time (because we're already struggling so much to stay alive ourselves).

The nerfs have broken this game, and has made the game hostile to newcomers.

I've been playing for a while now, and I still don't know how to do a bunch of basic stuff.  Anytime I ask for help, I get ignored, or the rare time someone starts teaching me, it gets derailed by constant hunger issues, other urgent needs, or one of us dies because we were too caught up in the learning process and starved.


#23 2018-05-30 02:40:36

Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 740

Re: New Players Are Getting Left Behind

Trick wrote:

The nerfs have broken this game, and has made the game hostile to newcomers..


I've played shortly before decay and milkweed nerf and back then I could learn some new things.  Since nerfs I was never born into city where I can e.g. hone up my smithing skills.  Either Eve to do the same boring initial routine over and over again, abandoned kid of Eve searching for snake to hug, or in town in complete disrepair, where famine is common and it takes half a lifetime or more to gather enough milkweed for a freaking backpack. And more often that not, if I get born into a town, there is some griefer killing people left and right.

Last edited by sc0rp (2018-05-30 02:42:56)


#24 2018-05-30 03:12:09

Registered: 2018-03-09
Posts: 217

Re: New Players Are Getting Left Behind

sc0rp wrote:
Trick wrote:

The nerfs have broken this game, and has made the game hostile to newcomers..


I've played shortly before decay and milkweed nerf and back then I could learn some new things.  Since nerfs I was never born into city where I can e.g. hone up my smithing skills.  Either Eve to do the same boring initial routine over and over again, abandoned kid of Eve searching for snake to hug, or in town in complete disrepair, where famine is common and it takes half a lifetime or more to gather enough milkweed for a freaking backpack. And more often that not, if I get born into a town, there is some griefer killing people left and right.

True, this is a big problem. Even though I find it a little dark, I don't hate Jason's vision of a finite game world, but the problem is that these nerfs are coming at the wrong time. They should come later on, once the tech tree is more developed and players have ironed out their methods.

The problem is that every week the core gameplay mechanics seem to be changing, and it is getting harder and harder to eek out a living. The scary thing is that water and berries might be the next things to be nerfed, if I understand things correctly, which would be downright devastating. In discord the other day we were talking and I and a few others are of the opinion that this game changed from a warming (though challenging) game about building society with others, to a pure survival game. The roleplaying elements are dying, and being replaced with tedium and stress. There is simply very little time to continue the training traditions of the past, and I believe that this is impacting the game and forcing new players to quit and never return.

I really do enjoy this game, and appreciate Jason's work, but the core elements that defined this game a few months ago are gone. It truly is like playing a completely different game.


#25 2018-05-30 06:20:58

Registered: 2018-03-16
Posts: 336

Re: New Players Are Getting Left Behind

It is true that the atmosphäre shifted from warming to hurry hurry.
The game is harder, but you can still provide in one life more then you need. If all followed this path we would only need to worry about griefer and could teach more. If we teach more there is less struggle with unexpirienced players and more time to breath.

But there are baby machines that spit out and rais every baby they get. There are people just eating all day long and there are people role playing 24/7 providing nothing. Maybe all of them not knowing better.

The key thing for a long life is to keep a good balance between food and kids. And that's also a thing to learn.

Yesterday I was the son of an eve. We set up a good camp. Got food production going. Everything looked good. I could provide in my lifetime a Smith and tools. When I came back from the Iron search I found a massiv overpopulated settlement and all were starving so I ran out and collected some food. Only 3 or 4 people managed to survive. One of them was a women unfortunately she only had baby boys. So there were 6-8 boys running around, all providing more then we needed and look there we could all stay just around and talk without worries. I started teaching smithing but unfortunately died of old age in the process.
It is possible with expirienced people that provide more then they need to have a nice, relaxed and warm atmosphere.

So guys get out teach for a while bring the new joined players on a good level and provide more then you need and then we shift back to the state that we want. Sure there is still the griefer problem, but I think it is in a better state then before apocalypse. Back then you could just murder a whole town In 30 seconds. Now there is more time to react to this thread.

Real Griefer are weird people that need to compensate something and we always need to force. Maybe the speed of killing should be even more reduced.

Its a rought world - keep dying untill you live <3


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