One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » MY Issues and Suggestions for the game from a new player » 2018-09-30 04:03:43

Simply and bluntly put, at the age of ten, if you are working then there is little to say.  Full-immersion roleplaying is for those that have been in the village long enough to have something valid to say and have actually LIVED.  I doubt a ten year old (who has been in the civ for thirteen minutes) has that much to say that will ADD to the civilization.  So sorry, but I don't even listen to babies.

#2 Re: Main Forum » The problem with wheat » 2018-09-30 03:53:43

I agree with having some sort of silo for perhaps 3 or 4 bowls of wheat to begin with.  Combine two crocks maybe? Perhaps a larger one in the future as the game develops but, as far as being able to dump wheat into another bowl, I fill a bowl with wheat and right click a round stone so I can turn it into flour.  I mean, what else am I going to do with it?  I don't touch the wheat unless I am going to do something with it, which would require flour.

Oh......and hiho Tana  o/

#3 Re: Main Forum » My Heart Was Broken Today » 2018-09-30 03:33:50

As someone who Solo Builds on occasion, I can appreciate and respect your pain.  If we can help you in any way to rebuild, or if you just need to vent, you are welcome to come find us on Twitch.  We love and feel One Hour One Life and our community may be small but it is warm and wonderful.  I can tell you will fit in perfectly.   A few of us mainly stream OHOL and you are welcome in our chats: Wolvenscar, LostScholar, EliceaBlueBear, Xclame and myself 2LaughOr2Cry.  Consider this an invitation to come tell us about your favorite part of building your civ? 

Many in Wolvenscar's and my own chat have been here from close to the beginning. Let's reminisce and build new memories and perhaps salvage some old ones.  We'll even spawn in with you and help you rebuild if needed.  So, in summary, I'm sorry that happened to you and, most importantly, this experience has revealed a path to a plethora of new like-minded friends and playmates.  May your wells stay full and your hoe NEVER break.  Bye-eee

#4 Re: News » Update: Big Farm » 2018-06-09 15:42:08

Just like I told Twitch chat last night. I will refer to my children and myself as 'soon to be murdered'. We build civs and you supply the means for their destruction. Good job. So before I or my children are stabbed to death we can enjoy beans together.  Great.  Do something before all you have left are your precious griefers because your true fans were murdered one too many times.  You do nothing to stop griefing but everything to guarantee us future murder victims are busy before it happens.  I hope you are enjoying it 'cause more and more of us former and future murder victims are trying to live while you suck down red cabbage and kraut.  Could you be any more detached from our complaints that border on cries for HELP?

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