One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » In defense of a murderer. » 2019-07-14 06:42:19

People talk about leaving the game because it's not the game they want anymore. I personally think that even though it splits the community, overall the player count will go up because more people will be playing how they want to play.

But what do I know, I'm just a random person on the internet.

Oh also, of course some griefers will make it through. I said a significant decrease not a total one.

#2 Re: Main Forum » In defense of a murderer. » 2019-07-14 03:59:33

Making a custom server for efficient players makes more sense than making a roleplaying server. Here is a few reasons why:

1. No more greifing.
If we had a custom roleplaying server the griefers, the ones who kill for no reason(even in RP) or the ones that force feed will still exist in the main servers because they aren't roleplayers. Griefers won't put in a lot of time downloading a mod just to go and attack you, so you will be seeing a significant decrease in not just murderers, but all griefers as well! If we had a roleplaying server that would only remove the roleplayers, not the griefers. The best way to solve your problem is to seclude yourself in your own server.

2. Make the game the game that you want to play.
With your own custom mod and server, you can make the game exactly how you want to make it. This means no more war swords, a better cursing system, and even fixed vegetables. Literally everything you sit and complain about on the forums can be solved by opening your own server. If you don't like any game mechanic, it can be changed or even removed entirely! With your own server anything is possible.

3. It's just more practical.
How many roleplayers do you see on the forums? OK, now how many efficient players do you see on the forums? There's a lot more efficient players than roleplayers on the forums, so posting your server here will gain more traction for a surviving better server. There will always be roleplayers and griefers on the main server, even if you have a specific server just for them. With your own server, you don't have to deal with these kind of players because casuals probably won't be joining servers for the best of the best players.

We are not(Or at least I'm not) asking for change. I love the game how it currently is and every update(Excluding the first apocalypse) I absolutely adore. I am only trying to help you with my server idea, you can take it or leave it. Create the change you want to see in the world, don't expect someone else to do it for you. Don't expect us to pack our bags and move to a different server when we like the servers already. If you don't like it, maybe moving will be a better option.

If we make compromises, everyone can be happy and play the game that they want. Have a wonderful rest of your day.

#3 Re: Main Forum » In defense of a murderer. » 2019-07-13 18:45:51

If you really want maximum efficiency, make your own mod with your own server.

Make a forum post about it, get all of the efficient players on those servers instead of the main one. This will solve all of your problems, no more pesky roleplayers and because it's an efficiency server, you have an actual reason to complain about murderers. You can even remove swords from the game entirely!(I don't know how mods work, but I'm assuming that's correct.)

If people like you are apart of the majority as you claim, the servers should be thriving.

#4 Re: Main Forum » In defense of a murderer. » 2019-07-13 18:37:38

paulof wrote:

I like roleplaying too and deaths are part of that, actually, deaths are part of the game, accept that, stop trying to force making the game what you want it to be, because there are people actually enjoying what the game has become and you are not more important than these people, if you don't like what the game is now you have the right to complain, of course, but please don't try to make it look like people who like death are douchebags, they paid for the game too and they have the right to play the way they want using what the game provides, it's not cheat. And those killed, do as i do,  just accept, thats how the game works, sometimes i don't like it too, but it is only a game, stop crying and start another life or leave it and do something good in your real life. Im really tired of this community. Good luck, im leaving the game.

I completely agree with you, but I don't think leaving the game is the best option. Most lives I live people are really nice and just really like the game, all that leaving does is help the more toxic of players.

Just stay away from the forums, this is the worst place I've seen it. All I'm doing here is just dipping my toes into the sharkpit just to see what happens.

#5 Re: Main Forum » In defense of a murderer. » 2019-07-13 18:33:20

Now I see that other people wish different things out of the game than myself. I understand that I am a roleplayer and if that makes me a griefer, so be it.

I enjoy getting connected to my family, I enjoy the connections between people. Roleplaying is just how I like to play, I love being part of a bigger story.

I disagree that I'm part of a majority because I've seen multiple people that play like me in each life. I would say that at least half of the players are roleplayers, I just don't think they come on the forums and are less talkative about it(because, as you said people hate them.)

In my opinion, attacking roleplayers is a little bit toxic(No offence of course!). Roleplayers are still productive. I still build houses, make pies, tend to the berry farm because no one else could be bothered. It's not 100% efficiency but that doesn't necessarily mean bad.

I also disagree with the statement that the curse system is broken(Just give your BBs short and simple names, easy to remember and everyone can say them.).

At the end of the day, it's just a game. People will like some parts, other people will like other parts. Even if Jason doesn't like roleplayers, that's really who this game serves best for. Roleplayers are mostly productive, if you just scare them off the game will become more like rust.

Also calling me mentally ill was a nice touch.

Thanks for the mostly respectful discussion(I was honestly expecting so much more hate.)!

#6 Main Forum » In defense of a murderer. » 2019-07-13 06:15:29

Replies: 17

WARNING: This post is just my opinion, the reason why I'm writing this is to hear from the community and see how people feel about this. I would like to see if anyone shares the same opinion as me, or if anyone view on this issue has been swayed by this post. I would love to hear other sides of this as well, everyone is welcome. Try to read the whole post before commenting.

To make myself clear, I'm defending murderers and only murderers here. I have no respect for you if you force-feed others pies on purpose or eating large foods with one empty hunger bar. That's just taking it too far.

To me, OHOL has always been about stories. The story of you and your family. A story of rags to riches. A story that's completely unique to you and one that no one else can experience the exact same way. With that being said, what's a story without a little conflict?

Some of the best stories I've read and some of the best lives I've lived have always involved murder in some way. It can be an evil queen and you serving by her side, it can be a raid party pillaging the town next door. From what I keep reading all these people are just seen as horrible people that ruin the game, but to me they make the game.

I've had lives where my brother was killed and I build up an army to find my brother's killer, and show me his corpse. I never thought to myself "This griefer is ruining this game by randomly killing people." I instead thought "I will avenge my brother, his memory will not be forgotten."

I've been murdered randomly countless times, by random townsfolk or even my own child. I've never been filled with rage or salt, this game is still about stories. That life just isn't my story. That story belongs to someone else. It could belong to a bystander that found the corpse. It could belong to someone trying to avenge my death. It could even belong to the killer and the story about how he got away with his actions.

I get that people want to make a impact in society, but who's to say that getting killed isn't making an impact? It's an impact on that random witness who tried to avenge you. It's an impact on the 3 little girls who are looking for their mommy. Getting murdered does play an impact on everyone involved, and people will most likely finish what you've started.

Another thing that murderers really hurt is your genetic score. This should just be more motivation to defend the town and make some of those fantastic pads. Plus, trying to help your genetic score by hating murderers can actually hurt it.

I love playing this game with friends, but something I see a lot is that I don't get fed for the soul purpose of playing with a friend. I don't go around killing people(Unless I'm ordered to by a ruling figure.) and my friends don't do it either, but we still get killed for just playing together. And dying young as a baby does actually hurt the genetic score for the innocent players, like myself who just want to build a house with a buddy.

If you go around randomly killing people and starting wars, in game my character may hate you, but in real life I respect you. I respect murderers because to me, it makes the experience something that will be remembered.

If something can be prevented, I don't see a problem with them playing the game that way. Stabs can be healed, and murders are slowed.(While if you eat everything in your path and force feed, you are still the same speed and people can't refuse the forcefed.)

Because of the restrictions given to murderers, I think that they are completely entitled to play the game how they want to play it.

Thanks for listening to my side of the situation, I'm open for debate. If you have anything you want to say I'll be reading the comments.(Just don't send too much hate!) Have a wonderful rest of your day!

#7 Re: Main Forum » The Mysteries of the West Family [Aaburg/Lothian Family not involved] » 2018-07-24 20:27:05

I was going to fix the post with the corrected facts, but the website won't let me, so everyone keep in mind the information that MultiLife sent.

#9 Re: Main Forum » The Mysteries of the West Family [Aaburg/Lothian Family not involved] » 2018-07-24 17:45:45

West wrote:

Hi Eve (both)/Brock here.
This is very interesting to read! Both familys were living in the same town - I spawned there again.

I cant really help solving the mysterie, since i did not whitness any of the kills, other than the one i did (cursed baby) and when i got stabbed by accident.
Sadly my life as Brock did not last very long, since I got killed by a snake while getting something.(Cant remember what, may have been iron or ropes)

From reading this, I think that the kid that said "follow me bear" brought the bear to the village - which sucks...

Anyone knows the name of the streamer that lived in that village? Curious to see how the town did when I wasnt there.

Oh wait, were you both Eves? (I did not get that at the beginning, it took me a while to understand.)

#10 Re: Main Forum » The Mysteries of the West Family [Aaburg/Lothian Family not involved] » 2018-07-24 15:57:53

I think I'm done with update 2 of this post, I'll be back tomorrow to make update 3 with all the new information that drops. Thank you everyone for sharing your beliefs and stories.

#11 Re: Main Forum » The Mysteries of the West Family [Aaburg/Lothian Family not involved] » 2018-07-24 14:14:07

tana wrote:

you might want to air your text a bit, make paragraphs to make it more readable ^^

Sorry about that, I hope this helps (This is my first post so I have no real idea what I'm doing.)

#12 Main Forum » The Mysteries of the West Family [Aaburg/Lothian Family not involved] » 2018-07-24 03:15:55

Replies: 16

Two Families:

I was looking on the family trees, looking to see if any funny final words were posted (If you haven't browsed to look at those, I recommend you should.) and that's when I stumbled across the West Family. At first I thought nothing of it, it just seemed like a normal family tree, but I was wrong. The first anomaly I found was that the player Robert West II was killed by Tom West IV. This looks like a normal everyday grief, but that isn't the case. I began to click on the other names, trying to find Tom West IV but I couldn't find him. Eventually I clicked on his name to jump to him, at first I thought nothing of it but then I noticed that the Eve of this West Family looked different. I clicked the back arrow, and I was right, two different Eves, two different Wests. This caught my attention instantly, there were two West Families and they were obviously very close to each other. (They looked different, so they weren't twin Eves.) I looked at the second West Family, there were lots of murders. From this I gathered and begun to piece together a story, a story of two families that killed each other and themselves. I begun to read the final words of the members of both families, I tried to look and see if I could find anything in what they said to try to piece this story together. (For this post I'll be calling the first West Family (The longer time line, and one I saw first) West A and the second West Family West B.) First in Robert West A II (The guy killed by Tom I mentioned earlier) His last words were "Tom kill him" which leads us to believe that the families were close, they could of been living in one town together or in two separate nearby towns that visited frequently.


Next quote I want to talk about is the final words of Angus West B who says "Follow me bear" (he also dies by a bear) the reason why this quote is so interesting is that a large portion of people in both West Families (Particularly B) died by bears around that time. This first of all means that the two families were most likely in one town, due to the bear infestation. Another thing interesting about "Follow me bear" is that this could mean two things; First of all it could mean that there is a bear infestation in West City, (I'm calling it that from now on.) and Angus was trying to lead the bears away, but it could also mean that Angus is leading the bears to the town to cause the infestation. That could branch off to mean that the entire West problem was caused by Angus.

West A:

Now, the West B Family ended due to the wildlife, (Possibly lead in by Angus) starvation and murder. What's interesting about this is that the murders in the West B family were 100% caused by other members of West B, no West A's were involved, but West A was murdered by some West B's and West A's. What's interesting about the West B murders were that some of the killer's last words were Accident. (In different variations of course because of different people.) Even though West B went extinct (most likely) because of themselves, West A still went on. What's interesting about West A is that they weren't killers for a while, until eventually they snapped. (It could be due to the constant threat of starvation and wildlife) Generations after the collapsing of West B a new person was born into the West Family, and that is Melody West(A). (From what we could find) Melody was the first killer of the West A Family, she killed her brother and her daughter. It is believed that Melody's daughter was the first victim because Melody's brother's final words were "U killed." I believe that Melody killed her daughter and her brother witnessed the stabbing then Melody killed her brother to prevent him from cursing her. A few generations down we find someone by the name of "Secret" (The last name of West has been dropped at this point due to people not naming their kids and the deaths of named kids.)

West A Part II:

Secret is the next murderer in the West Family and upon her avenged murder, she says the words "Kill my ugly kid too" but her child Iris, eventually lived on to save the West A family. Meanwhile a new child was born by the name of Deadrian who almost destroyed the entire West A family. After Deadrian's rampage their was only one survivor (that could reproduce), a girl by the name of Iris. Iris only had one child, her name was Abby II and Abby II was the hero that the West Family needed. Abby II killed the evil Deadrian as well as a female named Robin which we have no idea why, it is assumed that they were a griefer/sponge because their final words(not going to say them, you can find it yourself). Abby II had a ton of children and that helped the West A Family survive. Abby II's last words were "Run home" which leads us to believe that they were struggling to survive(most likely due to starvation) but the family eventually survived long past Abby II which means they must of found a great food source. For a few generations, it was peaceful, but all good things must come to an end and the murder started up again. Purav was the next victim to the West Family, his last words were "Dig graves" until he was killed by Timur, I believe that Purav was trying to get Timur to take his place as the grave digger, but then Timur saw this as an empty field to get away with murder. The player Olive killed Timur (Most likely avenging Purav) but then later killed by another player Tony. Tony also killed the player Ash and that seems to be where the West A Family dies off.

There are also some other tiny details that I picked up on while making this post and those are the following:

1. No players are killed by bears until Angus happens (An exception being one baby, who probably ran off into the wilderness.)
2. Some users made their final words "Curse west west (B)" which is odd because they didn't kill anyone(from what I saw) and why would they be cursing West West when there are a ton of other murderers in the family.
3. One of the West A families last words were "Take my crown" or something like that, this could be hinting on some sort of Monarchy in the West A family.
4. The Aaburgs became Lothians, there is a 6th family in the mix.

Note: I am one guy who didn't proof read this so it might not make any sense, if there is a part that doesn't seem clear to you, say it in a reply so I can fix it to make it readable.

If any of you have theories on what could be going on in the West Family, (Like if you could catch anything that I missed) please reply all about it and if I see it I will probably add it to this post to try to keep you all up to date on what's going on.

If any of you were part of one of the West Families please share everything you know about your life, so hopefully we can find out the true story of what was going on here.

-----Update 2-----

Stuff people found:

Cecil - "I saw a streamer in the West family a while back. His mom was tearing up a rival family with a knife. I'm guessing they had a family vs family fight." This shows that the two West Families might not have been living together as friends, but as foes. There was a war between the West A Family and West B Family.

MultiLife - (There quote was a bit on the longer side, so I won't be quoting it) MultiLife was one of the children of Melody West(The first West A killer) and they brought some huge info to the West A Family.
1. Slavery. With MultiLife's post we learn that the West A Family used Slavery. The Men of the Family were considered slaves while the women were considered the high class. This is very interesting because for multiple generations in the West A Family were all killed by females(Men didn't start killing until long after Abby II). From this we can assume that the women could of killed some of the men because they were disobedient slaves. This ties in to Melody maybe killing her daughter by accident because her daughter was the first female to be murdered and it stayed that way for a long time.
2. Rainbows. Another thing we learn from Multilife's post is that there was a third family, the Rainbow Family. The Rainbows were another family but we know that the Rainbows were allied with West A due to them talking to each other and Goddess West III gave one of the Rainbows the knife to prevent murders and to "Keep it safe" this could make Goddess West III a new hero who's story we never knew until this moment.
3. Oulse. MultiLife talked about finding a town in multiple lives, one of which was their West life. During their life as a West, the town was called Oulse, however in other lives while she explored the same town it went by the names of Fantasia and Seoul. Because MultiLife saw this same town in multiple lives, we learn that West A, West B, and The Rainbows were not the only 3 families involved, Oulse was a mega-city that featured other families. From MegaLife's post we learn 100% that these families have been to Oulse; The Lothian Family, and the Tana Family(Note there could of been more involved, they are not confirmed)

West - West was Eve West B and they believe that Angus was the one leading the bear into the town. You might instantly dismiss this because they don't know for a fact, but keep in mind that Eve West B was the first West and if they didn't see any bears before Angus, then Angus could of caused it.

I will begin looking through the family trees of all 3 new introduced families to the story of the Wests, stay tuned for that.
-Note: There is a problem with deleting the links and the website not allowing me to post the page, so for now I have the keep the false information about the Aaburg/Lothian Family-

West Family A :
West Family B :
The Rainbows :
The Aaburgs : (This became Lothian, I will try to find the original Lothian Family)
The Tanas :

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