One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Game Desync / Disconnections » 2019-02-09 00:52:34

jasonrohrer wrote:


Can you do this again (short game, in a town), get it to lag at least once, and then send me:

1.  your stdout.txt

2.  your latest recordedGame file

jasonrohrer AT fastmail DOT fm

Email sent

#2 Re: Main Forum » Game Desync / Disconnections » 2019-02-08 06:06:14

Thanks for the response.

My previous tests were in new villages.

In the tutorial I rarely would lag out. About once for 5-30 seconds every 3 minutes.

In large cities I was lagging more often than not.
The network graph in resource monitor shows series of 5-10 seconds of lag, catching up then almost instantly lagging again. 

In this instance of lagging during the tutorial, you can see my ping shows 25000ms, which matches the graph exactly, going from smooth gameplay to NO data usage then straight back to normal.

I connected to as the only player online and had no lag at all.

Speedtest shows that I have lots of bandwidth available

I played match of Dota, which uses even more data and system resources then OHOL and my network usage is completely normal, didn't lag once.

It doesn't seem like my network is falling behind, but that my data usage for the game completely stops when I lag.

#3 Main Forum » Game Desync / Disconnections » 2019-02-08 02:35:54

Replies: 10

I'm having issues with my connection to the server. I'm running the vanilla game off steam with no mods. 

Every time I play this game on average every few minutes I lag out for 5-30 seconds unable to interact with things up or load the map. Sometimes Its long enough i get disconnected from the server and  have to click reconnect. 

I'm unsure why this is happening. I've tried reinstalling (deleted config too) and there was no change. This is the only game I've had this problem with. I play lots of Dota 2, and Warthunder and NEVER have large desyncs or lag. To test my connection I played on the server While playing I pinged the server to see my connection was lagging.

The result was whenever I lagged my ping to the server was completely normal.

Here is my ping when I lagged out for 20 seconds and was kicked
I was pinging the server at 80~ ms throughout my game lagging.

Here is my average ping after playing for 30 minutes
An average of 86ms, and maximum ping of 347ms.

I've tried playing with my VPN enabled as well, but it made no difference.

How can I fix this and why might this be the only game I have this issue with?

#4 Main Forum » Infant Suicides » 2019-01-31 20:16:58

Replies: 2

I pretty much exclusively play with new groups. That means i have to /die 5+ times. 

Nobody likes using /die, I feel like an asshole doing it. Especially on your first life when the map takes 20 seconds to load and they've already named and carried you.

I usually just close the game if I don't find a group I like quick enough.

Please add some sort of vetting system for infants. Like seeing the potential mother for 10 seconds and choosing yes/no.

#5 Re: Main Forum » Problem: Infants running away » 2018-12-06 20:58:48

lionon wrote:

Suggested solution: pregnancy (45 seconds make it proper smile)

This also solves other issue. The mother sees she is pregnant and has some time to prepare (like stopping a horse chart, I was for example one dropped out at the back of a horse likely without the mother realizing...).

The new player get already to see the surroundings* and a "miscarriage" button. If they click, they simply get to the next mum (instead of having to runaway suicide and if they are mean even poke a bear). The experienced player gets to type /die which includes a lineage ban.

* Seeing black but only hearing would be more realistic, but given it's a game and it allows people to less infant suicide...

PS: Might even give the mother to /no ... to make it a miscarriage.. (penalizing her tough)

A miscarriage missing a lineage ban would be a good idea.

Giving the mom a heads up would make mothers abandoning children less common, since they could stash their item before the child appears.

It also reduces the infant corpse spam from /die players.

Great idea.

I agree the /die command is kinda anti-fun/RP, but every newb knows how to run away, so hiding the /die command isn't helping anyone.

I think adding pregnancy miscarriages without a lineage ban is a great solution.

#6 Main Forum » Problem: Infants running away » 2018-12-03 21:22:52

Replies: 18

We've all had children immediately run away, punishing you with a birth cooldown and potentially ending your town/eve start. 

The problem is half of the players do not know about the /die command.

Can you please add an infant die button in the escape menu or tips in the main menu explaining commands?

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