One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-01-31 20:16:58

Registered: 2018-12-03
Posts: 6

Infant Suicides

I pretty much exclusively play with new groups. That means i have to /die 5+ times. 

Nobody likes using /die, I feel like an asshole doing it. Especially on your first life when the map takes 20 seconds to load and they've already named and carried you.

I usually just close the game if I don't find a group I like quick enough.

Please add some sort of vetting system for infants. Like seeing the potential mother for 10 seconds and choosing yes/no.


#2 2019-01-31 21:17:29

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Infant Suicides

I would love to see some kind of "pregnacy" period added to the game to warn new mothers that a baby is incoming and to allow new babies to see a little around them before they are officially "born" into the world.   Adding the ability for either mother OR baby to opt-out during this phase would be ideal from a gameplay standpoint.

Still morally ambiguous and potentially contaversal.  But I consider early term abortion preferable to infantacide.

   For babies, they could just continue to use /die.  That's what it is for and this would keep new players from accidentally lineage-banning themselves from all mothers by trying to get back to the same village.   For mothers, one way this could be implemented would be by adding a plant into the swamp biome with leaves that can be picked and eaten.  If a non-pregnant player eats the leaves it would drop one hunger pip, rather than increasing.  If the player is currently pregnant, the pregnancy will end and the baby is assigned to a new mother immediately, waiting to be born.   The baby is not lineage banned - it could be born immediately to a different mother in the same village, and the mother remains on birth cooldown, so she is unlikely to get another baby immediately.   Like mushrooms, this "food" should not be feedable to other players.

For women who do not want to deal with babies, like fresh eves or busy women in heavily populated villages, this would be great.  And for women who want to keep their babies, getting a warning that "baby is incoming' would let you finish what you are doing and get back to safety, if you are caught out in the wilds or in the middle of forging tools.

Last edited by DestinyCall (2019-01-31 21:46:28)


#3 2019-02-01 03:48:40

Papa Smurf
Registered: 2018-10-20
Posts: 7

Re: Infant Suicides

holy shit I have found another smurf

smurfs unite brother

Mushrooms grow on cows.
Don't ask questions.


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