One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Open Letter to the Mobile Developers » 2019-03-06 00:18:42

It is really sad to see that there is such a conflict between Jason and the mobile developer. I really love OHOL on both PC and PE and actually, I first learned OHOL through the mobile version.

From my understanding, what really bothers Jason is that people keep contacting him for the bugs and different things added in the mobile version plus that the reviewers always mention both PC and PE version in the app store.

For the first part, it can definitely be avoided by clarifying clearly in the app store and the mobile app. But I don't think to put 'unofficial' on the splash screen can do the work.  People never read that part because they are urging to enter the game. I think a rolling screen of credits before/after the tutorial session is more likely to attract attention. Other places like after the death of each gameplay and a credit page in the menu can also help.
More important is how you attribute the credit. Putting 'unofficial' is not clarifying anything and people would still think of asking Jason when there is a bug or something. In addition to saying that the original work is made by Jason, I think it is more important to add the statement that 'the mobile version is developed/coded by Dual Decade and some adaptations are added without the approval of Jason; If you have any questions or to report any bug please contact Dual Decade'.

For the second part, the reviewers mentioning PC and PE together doesn't really mean they mix them up. To be honest, I would say the same thing and recommend everyone to buy both PC and PE even though I know Jason has no control over the mobile version. It would be really bizarre to see the reviewers saying how much they like the game, how much they appreciate Jason for creating the original one and in the same time clarifying that they know the PE version is not delivered by Jason himself. Most of the reviews on AppStore are positive and I can see from the reviews that people really love both PC and PE version. I hope this won't be a problem to Jason anymore as long as the first part is solved properly.

#2 Re: Main Forum » What happened on bigserver2 last week, an OHOL video. » 2019-03-05 22:42:06

This is amazing!! I have been thinking about tracking the birth and death but haven't started yet. Can't believe someone already done this. Great work, Chard!

#3 Re: Main Forum » The Most Efficient Town Organization.PNG ...need your opinion! » 2019-02-18 20:44:36

I am recently thinking that we should have an area for yum chain in town. It's good to see you already considered that!

#4 Re: Main Forum » Problem with Bimbles tutorial in setting up a VM. » 2019-02-17 22:55:44

Never had this problem and I am no expert at this. Maybe you can check the VM settings and see if there is any setting for that.

#5 Re: Main Forum » [Survey] Has the game really become boring ? » 2019-02-13 22:06:31

So some idea about the dog. Why don't we have the dog belongs to the player who breeds it. Let the dog following its master around and the player can use the command \sit to place the dog in a tile. If the dog has a puppy, it will freeze in the tile like dead pig/lamb with small ones until the player picks up the puppy and give it to someone else. I suppose this will make more sense for the companion.

#6 Re: Main Forum » Ohol is big in china, help jason come up with chinese things to add! » 2019-02-13 21:55:45

I think of dumpling.  Rice is rather hard to farm because it technically grows in water.

The crafting for dumpling can be:
raw pie crust + flint chip/knife -> dumpling wrappers
dumpling wrappers + meat -> raw dumplings (6 pcs)
raw dumplings + bowl -> bowl of raw dumplings
bowl of raw dumplings + bowl of water -> bowl of uncooked dumplings
bowl of uncooked dumplings + hot coals + 10s -> bowl of dumplings

Similarly, we can make fired dumplings:
bowl of raw dumplings + Hot Flat Rock + 10s -> fried dumplings on flat rock
Use a plate to get a plate of fried dumplings and maybe we can even pick one dumpling up from the plate!

#7 Re: Main Forum » WOW!super big news.A famus bilier upload his gameplay video. » 2019-02-13 17:03:36

stew wrote:
Maggie1Life wrote:

Once in one life, there was an old man look exactly like the man in the first part of the video, who told me how to make stew. I am really grateful for that and now stew is my favorite food! Someone teaching you selflessly is the best thing I can experience in this game.

Was this in the last few days? Because I was running around setting up stewfarms and teaching people how to make stew all the time.

Stew is good, Stew will save us.

Actually, it's a few weeks ago. Guess angels like you are everywhere in the game, Stew!

#8 Re: Main Forum » WOW!super big news.A famus bilier upload his gameplay video. » 2019-02-12 20:15:20

Once in one life, there was an old man look exactly like the man in the first part of the video, who told me how to make stew. I am really grateful for that and now stew is my favorite food! Someone teaching you selflessly is the best thing I can experience in this game.

#9 Re: Main Forum » Hey korean player! r u there? » 2019-02-12 07:38:52

GreatShawn wrote:
Maggie1Life wrote:
GreatShawn wrote:


Anyone here's chinese? I'm so lonely here all by myself. Need more people who have suffered from the chinese communist educational system.

你不是一个人;)  (怎么感觉这句话是在骂人...)

You are not alone~


'你不是一个人'这句话呀 = = 这里会有越来越多中国人的,这游戏要火啊

#10 Main Forum » Be Ready to Welcome Newbies from China!!(Many may not speak English ;) » 2019-02-12 07:37:14

Replies: 10

A few weeks ago, a Chinese game studio made the mobile version of this game and drew the attention of Chinese player. Actually that's how I knew this game and jump from the mobile version to here (Honestly the mobile version is harder to play). Now more and more gaming video bloggers are advertising this game.

Check this video!  This video get 36k viewed within three hours!! I know the whole page of Chinese might be confusing, just want to give you guys an idea about how popular this game is going to be in China.

At first I thought this game is never going to become popular because no bloggers were talking about it. And I felt quite lonely in the game. But it no longer the case, this game will be loved in China!!

Yeahhhh!! Newbies!! And trust me they will be annoying. lol

#11 Re: Main Forum » Hey korean player! r u there? » 2019-02-11 20:55:13

GreatShawn wrote:


Anyone here's chinese? I'm so lonely here all by myself. Need more people who have suffered from the chinese communist educational system.

你不是一个人;)  (怎么感觉这句话是在骂人...)

You are not alone~

#13 Re: Main Forum » VirtualBox image with Ubuntu and OHOL test server pre-installed » 2019-01-31 00:57:41

So far I tried two version of the server on Windows, both the original one posted by Bimber and the one made by Awbz. But neither of them work perfectly on my computer. Can any one help me?

1, For Bimber's version, I run it in Ubuntu 32 bit using the VirtualBox. I can run it successfully but the objects are weird. Like an eaten berry bush becomes a hatchet and a used hatchet becomes a waterpool with the duck! With more and more objects being not what they supposed to be, I can not memorize every one of it! So i really need to fix this.

2, For Awbz's version, I can run the client part without any problem on the official server. However there is a version mismatch between my client (194) and my private server (193). Maybe he will update the package. But I just wonder is there any way to update the server by myself?

Solve any one of these two will help me a lot!
Thank you guys!!

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