One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » Twins hate. » 2019-04-15 15:23:06

I think the solution would be to make cursing a /curse Target command instead of a say command. That way when people stab twins and the like they can get cursed and sent to DT. It is not okay to grief, no matter what you reason. Doubly so it is not okay to grief because people have friends.

#2 Re: Main Forum » In your experience when do babies /die the least? » 2019-04-12 14:48:54

I die in high tech cities, now. When I was new I didn't do it because it allowed me to safely learn things and eat while doing it without actually impacting the flow of the town, also making mistakes in a high tech city doesn't hurt as badly as making mistakes say in an Eve or just advancing town.

Now I die because I want the challenge and learn how to survival more optimally, which you can't really do in a town that has everything and does everything for you.

#4 Re: Main Forum » Story of Reviving BellTown » 2019-04-10 22:13:59

ClownBaby wrote:
Chimera wrote:

Bell Town always revives itself and will never actually die. Too many people know where it's at, and it's resources are crazy. The only thing that dies in Bell Town is the ruling family.

Somewhat offtopic, but how do people know where towns are located?  Is it done by reading the game's location data or just recognizing the surroundings?  I know there are tons of suburbs around Bell Town, are you talking about the suburbs or people further out (1k+ tiles)?

Both. You see the bell tick when they ring it, after awhile you just know the direction of bell town.

#5 Re: Main Forum » Story of Reviving BellTown » 2019-04-10 13:02:26

Bell Town always revives itself and will never actually die. Too many people know where it's at, and it's resources are crazy. The only thing that dies in Bell Town is the ruling family.

#8 Re: Main Forum » Children of Men - Partnerships and Adams » 2019-04-07 15:05:10

I do like the idea of men in the village increasing the fertility rate of the women in the village. Might give Eve a reason to keep her early sons so she can pop out more babies.

#9 Re: Main Forum » Holy smokes people don't like starter camps » 2019-04-07 15:02:01

I suicide if the town is too advanced, I actually like Eve camps and start towns. I dislike getting into Bell town or CC town. Too big, but some people don't like challenge and that's okay. Just wish there was an option that they could click like "no eve," or something like that. Would spare the Eve the frustration of everyone doing the /die on her and give her a pool of people that don't mind starter camps.

#10 Re: Main Forum » Idiots who screw up your Eve Camp [Game Story] » 2019-04-06 20:59:18

breezeknight wrote:
Villas wrote:
breezeknight wrote:

Eves spawn often in or near previous settlements
how about improving the camp for that potential Eve ?

An Eve may find it or not. It’s not certain.
How about helping another town, with fertile girls?
I think helping an alive town/camp is much better than work alone in a dead place hoping someone will find it one day, in my opinion it’s too boring and most of the time doesn’t worth the effort, since there is a high chance of no one finding it.

there is also a high chance of griefers screwing up successfully a town but apparently that doesn't stop you to long to get there

& also, you shouldn't take your help as that vital that a town cannot survive because you are not there,
that's a lesson this game teaches pretty well, to get onself down from the high horse of indispensability

it's a social game & one of the social aspects is to do good work no matter at which point & no matter in which situation, it's a principle

& males suiciding because there is no fertile female are acting antisocial, they leave for egoistic reasons, not because they are eager to help out where help is needed, cause there are towns where your help is absolutely non-vital, but you don't suicide in such towns, you'll stay mainly because of the fertile females
this "fertile females" feature has gained meantime quite a traction
that's also why i dislike the awbz mod, it makes the player to calculate from a statistical gain position - no fertile female = no work input
but OHOL is about good work, not about gain

i've also been in many situation, where male or even several males suicided although there were several people still there, me included but no fertile female
that happenend because such a decision is not about being social but about gain from the next gen
it's a postponed calculated gain with a safety net of certainty

& i've also been to towns, where i had the most pleasant cooperation & thought exchange with males & elders as the last survivers, who still just worked humbly to improve the town & their own skill without any certain prospect of continuation
those people belonged to the nicest i've met in this game ever

humility is what makes people social, not greed & conceit

that occurance of respawning to a dead town/settlement is not that seldom
i've also been to dead towns where things were quite visibly tided up, even smaller settlements,
i've been most grateful for the people who cared enough to bring things into order without that fertile females certainty

i suicide as male or female, as baby, kid, adult, even elder if the people in a settlement/town are jackasses & egotists playing single player, just working their asses off without any consideration of the bigger picture, context or plan, creating an atmosphere of futility
also if they don't care for the griefers running the town, which happens at times quite often
people who don't care don't deserve my time & work input, that's my social principle

- - -

I absolutely hate when people try to tell me why I do something and then add in ad hominem and strawman throughout the entire thing. Seriously stop, you are not inside mine or anyone else's head nor are you anyone else. Speak only for yourself.

While griefers can destroy a town, as long as their are fertile females and attentive citizens it really isn't that bad. So what, they might stab one person, hide a few tools, drag in a bear or a dog. Oh well, the city will recover. Once again for those in the back: As long as there are fertile females. Full. Darn. Stop.

There are towns/settlements that will fail without your help. Full. Darn. Stop.

Eve camps specifically need her newborns to survive so there can be a town. So yes, it does need me specifically, or another player specifically in order for it to survive . Full. Stop.

So no. I am not going to sit in a town that has no future for 40+ minutes for no reason, when there's an Eve camp, or a fledgling town that would benefit more from me taking care of the farm, cooking, gathering, or tending the pasture. (Yep, this is another FULL STOP)

Only speak for yourself, because everyone doesn't play the game like you do, and calling people 'egotistical' and attacking other people because they know when something isn't going to survive is in short, immature and unneeded. Also as I mentioned before speak for yourself, because I play in an RP manner, where my character wants to see his/her family survive and thrive, and they don't care about a random hobo Eve that walks out of the forest. That Eve is not family to my character, therefore my character does not care. Survival of the fitness, and if my family no longer has fertile females then my boys aren't going to work for some random Eve as free slave labor when they get nothing out of it. Her spawn aren't kin, and they didn't help the town/settlement at all get to the point where it is now, therefore they do not deserve to benefit from my character's labor or continue to benefit from it. But if they find the random little settlement/city then kudos to them or if I get borned to that Eve, then I'm down to be their slave labor until we all croak, so that our family can continue to flourish.

There is nothing "greedy" or "conceited" about valuing your own time. Full. Stop.

No one is required to "tidy up a town" for rando's because that settlement was not built for randos. I don't think any settlement is built for randos to walk in and start using and taking all your stuff. Nor do I feel like anyone sits there and builds a settlement/camp with idea that they are going to give it away to some unrelated person because...reasons. I feel like that settlement is made for FAMILY. So not working on something anymore when the whole premise of the game is based around family advancement and seeing YOUR bloodline survive is completely understandable. So my next family will get all of my time, devotion, and so on until that hour is up or the bloodline comes to a halt.

#11 Re: Main Forum » Idiots who screw up your Eve Camp [Game Story] » 2019-04-05 19:38:50

breezeknight wrote:
Chimera wrote:

I suicide when there's no girl. What's the point of building a village if there's no one there to enjoy it?

Eves spawn often in or near previous settlements
how about improving the camp for that potential Eve ?

That is not my job. I'm about the family I'm currently with, not some lone eve that might pop up near the ruins of our city.

#12 Re: Main Forum » Idiots who screw up your Eve Camp [Game Story] » 2019-04-05 18:08:23

I suicide when there's no girl. What's the point of building a village if there's no one there to enjoy it?

#13 Main Forum » Block/Avoidance System » 2019-04-03 18:44:44

Replies: 5

I will start off by saying that I bought this game a few days ago, so I'm considered a noob and I'm deliciously proud of it. I also play with my friend, who also bought the game the same time I bought it and we play together a lot.

- No we do not grief.
- Yes we are willing to learn.
- No we do not die in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of items on us.

- Yes we do get randomly stabbed by mothers.
- Yes we do get left to starve because "ew twins"

The Excuse
- Ew twins.
- Twins griefers.
- Twin trolls don't feed them.
- Eve, sorry.

For me the only excuse on that list that is valid is "Eve, sorry." Because I completely understand that an Eve without anything most likely won't be able to feed both twins, build up with two kids, and have enough food for everyone should there not be another close food source. Now for the other excuses. Got it, you don't like twins. Great, it doesn't mean I don't have the right to play because of your jaded behavior. We spent our $20 as well to enjoy the game. How is anyone going to decide that me and my friend are griefers when we haven't even gotten the chance to play yet, same with the "troll" excuse. How do you tag a label on anyone that hasn't gotten the chance to play with you yet? It makes no sense.

This idea of griefing other people to stop griefing is convoluted & foolish.
All you do is create resentment in other players that just want to play the game to the point where they get stabbed every 4 spawns that eventually they are just going to say screw it and start becoming the troll that everyone fears. You are creating your own enemy. I made the point in the discord earlier that it is irrational to kill, starve, abandon everyone that has a friend. Yes, I did say it like that. This is the only game that I have played where having a friend makes you a "troll" or "out to grief" by default. Imagine in a game about being related, building relationships, and creating more family...people are "trolls" for having friends, and wanting to share that with them.

It would be like me going: I'm sorry officer I killed that man that was walking on the sidewalk near my house because I'm afraid of getting robbed.


Okay I'm done with that point now, sorry.

So here is my suggestion:
- Blocking players.

Yep, simple as that. If you stab a child, I as the player of that child should be able to block said person and never get them as a parent again. Blocking should not go both ways, meaning that only the kid can block the mother, not the other way around simply because someone made a good point that griefers will just block people playing with friends without even knowing if they are actually a troll before hand. Also it is the child that is wasting their time spawning in, waiting to be fed, and not able to defend themselves / forced to die only to get stabbed by some ptsd fueled jaded player.

Why? Because you are actively griefing and it's the type of griefing that chases away new players from the game. The type of griefing that makes the community look terrible from a first look. The type of griefing that's the exact same as the people destroying an entire city. Yes, the guy stabbed the last woman that could have kids. So you go to a new town and stab a bunch of kids? And grief in return? The cycle has begun, now those kids are going to grow up and either suck it up, come to the forums and try to find respite about this small group of people that grief to try to stop griefing....or they quit, or become griefers themselves.

Now because I'm one for balance and understand it's not fair just to leave people blocked for the rest of their online existence, I would suggest that it kind of works like Overwatch's avoid system but in the respect that the block list only wipes with the server wipe, to kind of see if people have changed their bad behavior.

The other suggestion is that kids that are injured or starved (intentionally because "twins bad"), at the reborn screen the children are given the option of cursing someone in the village or a blanket curse across the entire village. If a child is stabbed it is an automatic curse of 2/3 towards the person who did the killing to try to curb this behavior. If they are intentionally starved, meaning birthed by fire, with adults that can care for children around them it's a blanket curse of 1 for everyone. There should be consequences for doing this behavior. Because people should not have to NOT play games with their friends because other people lose their mind at the idea of people having friends.

Also I do recognize that griefing groups are a thing so if they do, do something like stab someone it's an instant donkey town teleport for everyone for six hours. Do not pass go, do not collect $100. IF you are playing in a group you have to be more responsible. I also suggest increasing the curse power of elders in the village. "In their immense knowledge" type of reward for being so darn old in a village, and I would imagine if someone is ancient in a village they probably honestly care about it and wouldn't willynilly curse someone. So give them a curse level of two or three.

I don't know, it's kind of a loose idea from getting irrupted from being left to die/stabbed/starved so many times.

I know I missed some things, so sorry if it doesn't make sense.

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