One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » The game is dead » 2020-03-05 02:13:39

DestinyCall wrote:

From what I've seen so far, Jason is determined to march to the beat of his own drummer, even if that marches him right off a cliff.

this nicely summarizes the state of this game, i think.

#2 Re: Main Forum » Struggle » 2020-03-03 06:08:17

jasonrohrer wrote:

The family specialty biomes are pretty much perfect and exactly what the game needs.

Well at least it's good to know the game is officially hopeless. This way anyone hoping for this game to be fun at any point in the future can rest easy knowing you'll never make that happen. Thanks I guess?

I have to say I find it pretty funny that you think this is "exactly what the game needs". Why not just say it's what YOU want for the game? Cut the bull.

jasonrohrer wrote:

I worry that many of the objections to family specialization are politically motivated, more than mechanically motivated.

Is this you admitting that you don't actually read the opinions of the playerbase? Cause one simple glance through the forum would tell you that this isn't in anyway true... At all. For every person mentioning political reasons for hating this trash update, there are 100 more who have legitimate reasons.

#3 Re: Main Forum » Unpopular Opinion? » 2020-02-18 20:58:47

the only way this would be valid is if race restrictions are removed

#4 Re: Main Forum » The leadership system is useless ATM » 2020-02-18 20:55:07

it was useless from the very beginning, to be fair.

#5 Re: Main Forum » I hate specializations update. » 2020-02-15 21:44:10

DiscardedSlinky wrote:

Yep I absolutely hate it too. It's the most anti-fun thing that's ever been in the game. I think it's worse than the rift. There was SO many better ways to impliment it, like:
Make it buffs instead of restrictions
Make items that aren't COMPLETELY vital be restricted per race.
Give us a way to be able to learn and enter the biomes

It makes me so upset. This whole torn seal shit is TRASH. It basically forces everyone to live in giant bell towns. Trade?? HOW ARE WE SUPPOSED TO TRADE. We need 9999 tires just to survive, so trading a single cart full doesn't do ANYTHING. ALSO WE CAN'T TALK TO EACH OTHER. It's the most backwards logic. Fucking laziness. If you want us to trade impliment a system for it. If you don't want us climbing the tech tree so fast maybe make some new tech.

Everyone is so bored in giant megacities because that's all we can live in now. Why even try making a new town when you need every single race there to make it a few hours? Oh but you can go get tires from the mega city and bring them back. OR you can just live in the mega city with supplies constantly coming in.

Jason doesn't play. He has no idea what an absolute headache this all is. Yet he dares to make a thread talking about nerfing oil again. It takes me and my friend 2-3 lives to get oil as it is right now. That's with a lot of rubber tires at the ready. If we had to beg different races to go get the supplies for rubber it would take 5. So many people do not understand what a knife and bucket mean when you put it next to them. I can't talk to them, so I just need to keep trying it with every brown person I see. Why don't I use notes? That is 2 tool slots down the fucking drain. If I'm trying to make oil I need every single one of them just to get ready for it. Making pipes is my entire slot inventory. Even after you get everything to be ready you have to be born Ginger so say goodbye to your tool slots from all the /dieing you have to do between a few lives. I'm so fucking mad about it. I can't contain it.

I've stopped playing as much as I use to because I hate feeling useless. Being born black in a town that needs brown people or ginger people just breaks me. Do I die and try to come back to help them? If I do I'm hurting myself and my score to try to help, but they need me. I hate it.

Sorry this is such a long rant. I really hate being restricted from doing things for BULLSHIT reasons. I think you're lazy Jason. You want us to trade but pull this half thought out idea and force us to try to adapt. Make a system for trade and maybe we'll start doing it. The way things are now trade is impossible. We're just going to live together and steal and that should've been obvious to you if you thought this out more. I love this game and I love this community but you make loving it extremely hard sometimes. Sorry for being mean. This frustration is real.

Edit: just thought of more stuff while I was seething in anger.

HOW are we suppose to trade when most races don't have access to horses? We fucking walk around with a cart and a note and hope we run into someone? No. You're lucky most of the playerbase doesn't play vanilla because without mods this game would have crashed and burned a while ago. Trying to find another town without a bell is a monumental task. Most of the towns are completely dead when you get there, and even when you find their town you can't speak to them. You just hope you have kids there so their lives will be easier than yours. You can leave a map or a waystones, but sometimes it's thousands of meters away and there's a chance no one will ever go.

We're resilient players, but why should we have to be? Why do you punish the vets for being good at the game? I don't want to have to fix problems every single time I play. Sometimes I just want to make some yum foods and chill. Why can't we just have fun? Why does everything have to be tedious and annoying? The majority of the playerbase can't fix the big problems. They have no idea how to make an engine or make rubber. You teach one, which takes your entire life, and there's still a hundred more players that don't know what to do.


TELL EM SLINKY!! i've never agreed with a post more than this right here holy shit

this is exactly how i feel, and based off of jason's responses it looks like our opinions don't matter. it's become clear that jason is so stubborn that the game's playerbase has absolutely no say in his decisions. it doesn't matter that 99.9% of the players hate this feature, he's going to stay in his little bubble where all his ideas are perfect and everyone who disagrees is just "mad that they can't solo oil" LMAO

i think slinky is especially right about the fact that jason doesn't play this game. straight up. he's so incredibly disconnected from his playerbase it's actually remarkable tbh... i've never seen a solo dev this stubborn before, it's genuinely like talking to a brick wall. an entire thread of polite suggestions and feedback and complaints, and he ignores all of it to talk about how diseases are the solution. everything we say just goes through the other ear, huh? take away mod capabilities and watch this game tank all the way down to 0 players per day, cause that's the only thing keeping this game from dying.

#6 Re: Main Forum » The "Weekly-Update-Content-Guessing" Game » 2020-01-26 02:17:54

i'm gonna take a wild guess that next week's update will not have anything to do with race restrictions. and that it absolutely won't have anything to do with making the game enjoyable to play. :)

#8 Re: Main Forum » Problem: Eve Spiral's westward march ruins the game » 2020-01-11 21:33:51

DestinyCall wrote:

I can't speak for everyone, but I find it much less enjoyable to know that the majority of the towns I'm born into are going to eventually stall out and die because the game expects us to trade with non-existent families.    The current state of the game is very hard to deal with, even as an experienced player and active forum member.  I can only imagine how frustrating it must be for someone who has recently started playing OHOL.   Assuming you make it passed the initial steep learning curve and like the game enough to stick with it, eventually you will need something from the desert/jungle/tundra.   Only to discover that in some lives you can't touch anything in the jungle/desert because it is too hot and the tundra is too cold.   No matter how much protection you wear, you still can't pick up anything.   

You keep trying and eventually, you manage to get into the jungle and harvest latex for rubber ... but now you need sulfur.    And sulfur means going into the desert and for some reason, the desert is still too hot to enter.     You ask other people for help, and they tell you to ask a black person.  But there are no black people in your village.   You ask where to find black people and they tell you they live in other villages.  So you go looking for a different village.   Assuming you are lucky enough to find another village and it happens to have black people, you try to ask them for help.  And that's when you discover the language barrier for the first time.     

If you don't give up on the game at that point, you are a stronger person than I am.   Or you really enjoy hitting your head against a brick wall.     I can't even bring myself to writing a tutorial for "how to make kerosene" in the current game state, because it involves coordinating the actions of three different races across multiple lives.   It sounds ridiculous to write it all down, since actually doing it in game basically requires a huge amount of luck.

you've summarized my exact feelings on the game in its current state. it's honestly baffling that the race restrictions are STILL a thing after this much negative feedback... i honestly feel like every minor problem with the game has been amplified by 1000 just by having race restrictions. half of these issues would be fixed immediately if race restrictions were removed. jfc

#9 Re: Main Forum » Voluntary OHOL Antagonists; The Future of Griefing that OHOL needs » 2020-01-01 06:31:11

i'm still having trouble getting over the fact that someone in this thread legitimately thinks no one plays vanilla minecraft.............. and that by not having griefers, this game would somehow become vanilla minecraft??? LMAOOO

#10 Re: Main Forum » If you had a monument like Tarr what would it look like and do? » 2020-01-01 05:26:17

a beautiful flower that, when interacted with, will grant OHOL the following: GOTY at next year's game awards, a permanent spot as #1 on steam, a loving playerbase that doesn't swear at him on discord, and an immediate $10,000,000 boost in sales.

but... it can only be interacted with by the developer of this game once he removes specialization. :)

#11 Re: Main Forum » Place your bets! » 2020-01-01 05:19:35

i don't see us progressing any further until he fixes the shitty implementation of specialization. :) once he does that, then he'll probably add another way for griefers (his favourite players) to enjoy the game.

#12 Re: Main Forum » Idea: if you tap on someone's grave you can see their last words » 2020-01-01 05:16:59

i like this idea! i think it should only be for buried graves with a tombstone though, to give us a reason/more meaning into burying someone.

#13 Re: Main Forum » What do you guys think should be next focus for the game? » 2019-12-30 12:36:36

JasonY wrote:
petaldancing wrote:

first step is garbage

that's what he'll end up implementing in reality, yes.

#14 Re: Main Forum » What do you guys think should be next focus for the game? » 2019-12-30 10:34:49

first step is to either remove the specialization garbage from the game, or tweak it so that it only affects less mandatory items like food.

#15 Re: Main Forum » Problem: Oil making is too hard » 2019-12-28 09:43:14

i think the oil system itself is fine, it's just the specialization update making it especially difficult to deal with nowadays. honestly all of my issues with oil would be solved by removing specialization, even the language barrier doesn't bother me as much.

#16 Re: Main Forum » Guide for new players: Tips and advice » 2019-12-28 09:18:14

first tip is to stop playing this game until family specialization is nuked into oblivion.

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