One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-12-26 04:59:29

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Problem: Oil making is too hard

Since we got biome locked, explaining to people to get oil is too damn hard

I was a brown lady this life and went 400 tiles to the ginger family
made all the items for oil and was so hard to explain to make the oil

I even missed the fact that I need pipes first cause looks the same from outside

if it uses up pipes and water then even worse cause generally oil is late so you need to scrap water from ponds

I had like 10 messages that
"don't take that, it's for oil"
"bring fire shaft and follow"

most people don't even help without the language barrier, hard to find a smart enough person to do all for you

I'm not sure we still can miss it cause we gushed the oil at first but if we do then these lives are terribly frustrating just to talk to people via notes and make all the work, just to explain basic steps and still have a chance of failure

Since oil is a speciality for gingers, we would need to be easier
Like rubber level easy
at least remove the randomness and shouldn't even require water
it's very hard to spare that much water when you don't have any in the first place livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#2 2019-12-26 12:32:52

Registered: 2019-01-05
Posts: 850

Re: Problem: Oil making is too hard

Yes with all these restrictions the frustration of the oil game multiplied tenfold. I’ve been a big fan of the rng associated with oil, and now with the other restrictions on top it’s just not something I want to waste my time on.

Fix the oil game Jason.

For the time being, I think we have enough content.


#3 2019-12-26 14:01:33

Registered: 2019-06-15
Posts: 626

Re: Problem: Oil making is too hard

theres never oil in real deserts.


#4 2019-12-26 14:39:26

Registered: 2019-10-11
Posts: 589

Re: Problem: Oil making is too hard

It's too hard compared to other specializations. Please make it easier and more kerosene also, pretty please. smile


#5 2019-12-27 15:46:31

From: Eesti
Registered: 2018-03-23
Posts: 492

Re: Problem: Oil making is too hard

Either oil needs to not be restricted or should be buffed up big time.

I am Sheep, the lord of kraut, maker of the roads, professional constructor, master smith, bonsai enthusiast, arctic fisher, dog whisperer, naked  nomad and an ORGANIZER. Nerf sharp stone it's op.

"All your bases are belong to us"-xXPu55yS14y3rXx-


#6 2019-12-27 15:53:39

Registered: 2019-03-16
Posts: 233

Re: Problem: Oil making is too hard

We get more rubber now, that’s for sure, so it get a big buff. Did it happen with oil too? I think we get 4x as muscu rubber than before from the same materials, it should happen with oil since it’s way harder now or at least make it easier to get, using less pipes and whatnot.


#7 2019-12-28 09:43:14

Registered: 2019-12-28
Posts: 16

Re: Problem: Oil making is too hard

i think the oil system itself is fine, it's just the specialization update making it especially difficult to deal with nowadays. honestly all of my issues with oil would be solved by removing specialization, even the language barrier doesn't bother me as much.

ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭━☆゚.*・。゚ specialization update is trash


#8 2019-12-28 09:51:08

Registered: 2019-11-15
Posts: 209

Re: Problem: Oil making is too hard

Be too easy if you could just do everything yourself.

Need Content


#9 2019-12-28 15:55:02

Registered: 2019-04-14
Posts: 304

Re: Problem: Oil making is too hard

JasonY wrote:

Be too easy if you could just do everything yourself.

Like we did before climbing the tech tree "too fast" was an "issue"? smile



#10 2019-12-28 16:21:23

From: Discord
Registered: 2019-05-06
Posts: 688

Re: Problem: Oil making is too hard

Oil is always super far away now too. Since it can't spawn in deserts it's always a huge challenge to find a tarry spot. It's pure luck.

Imagine trying to find one in VANILLA.

I'm Slinky and I hate it here.
I also /blush.


#11 2019-12-28 16:53:27

Registered: 2018-11-30
Posts: 406

Re: Problem: Oil making is too hard

DiscardedSlinky wrote:

Oil is always super far away now too. Since it can't spawn in deserts it's always a huge challenge to find a tarry spot. It's pure luck.

Imagine trying to find one in VANILLA.

That's on the list of things I look for when I venture west and try to establish the baseline of a new town. "How far is nearest oil?" should be a question answered before the belltower is completed, and if the answer is >200 tiles, the city will probably fail.

This was the principle that Hubtown was built on.

This was the principle that Twobear was started on.

This was even the principle that kept the latest two-belltower town up as long as it's been.

You also have to realize that the problem with Oil isn't the mechanics itself, those are fine. The problem is acknowledging the fact that a majority of the playerbase is inherently lazy/new/bad. Anyone that even knows how to interact with oil and extract it is within the top 10% of the playerbase, easily. That's why you can't just "walk up to someone that's Ginger" and tell them to get oil. 9/10 times you're going to hit a wall because the majority of the people you're interacting with wanna berry munch and unga bunga crown.

Avatar by Worth


#12 2019-12-28 17:11:56

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Problem: Oil making is too hard

JasonY wrote:

Be too easy if you could just do everything yourself.

But you can... or at least some of us can.  Just go on a server which isn't usually all that populated and Eve chain.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#13 2019-12-28 21:59:21

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Problem: Oil making is too hard

Playing on in the low pop context with the still somewhat new tarry spots in tundra only, here's my experience with looking for tarry spots, each time I'm using a horsecart:

1. First time, something like 100 away from base.  Didn't seem too different than pre-rift tarry spots.  But, there is such a thing as luck.

2. Second time: I go north.  Nothing seen withing 200 tiles.  So, then I go south.  Something like 150-175.  I had ONE time out of probably more than a dozen pre-rift where the closest tarry spot was that far pre-rift.  Building a road to that spot without a horsecart probably wouldn't happen in one life on bs2.

3. Third time: I'm at my neighbors, and actually I'm not even sure she understands oil yet.  Has a nice town, but actually was someone I recruited to join us when I found her on another server and she said something about losing her Eve spawn, so though she's definitely not a new player, I don't think she knows a few advanced topics.  I go north.  Nothing seen within 200 tiles.  Huge tundra without a single tarry spot.  So, then I go south.  Closest tarry spot seems like 300 tiles away.  I start laying out flat rocks.  Find one close and lay out flatties from there.  Then I find a third one closer, but I think it's still like 150 away.  I think I'm in my 50s by this point.

I can imagine not having a horsecart when looking for a tarry spot on bs2.  Maps can easily get 'misplaced'.  Knowledge of where in the world a tarry spot is can be a problem.  I just can't imagine that an old man who comes home at the end of his life and says "TARRY SPOT DOWN RIGHT... MOSTLY DOWN!' would be enough to qualify as a meaningful contribution.  Especially with tarry spots going dry.

Conclusion: in addition to the above concerns noted by Pein and others, I'm not so sure that there exists enough tarry spots in tundras at present/enough tarry spots on the map overall.

Last edited by Spoonwood (2019-12-28 22:00:50)

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#14 2019-12-29 00:48:12

Registered: 2019-11-15
Posts: 209

Re: Problem: Oil making is too hard

Spoonwood wrote:
JasonY wrote:

Be too easy if you could just do everything yourself.

But you can... or at least some of us can.  Just go on a server which isn't usually all that populated and Eve chain.

Yeah, that's why I said too easy. If even a noob like you can do it.

If you still think the games easy, go play on big server.

Need Content


#15 2019-12-29 05:33:04

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Problem: Oil making is too hard

JasonY wrote:

Yeah, that's why I said too easy. If even a noob like you can do it.

If you still think the games easy, go play on big server.

*laughing*... with the first sentence there, it's not clear at all that you're serious in any respect.

That said, even before race restrictions, it wasn't possible to do everything yourself on the bigserver since the bigserver system has existed.  No one could make a functioning diesel water pump (that means you need to have a tank of kerosone as well sa the diesel water pump) or radio as an Eve starting from scratch even before race restrictions existed.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#16 2019-12-29 10:35:33

Registered: 2019-08-21
Posts: 1,130

Re: Problem: Oil making is too hard

JasonY wrote:
Spoonwood wrote:
JasonY wrote:

Be too easy if you could just do everything yourself.

But you can... or at least some of us can.  Just go on a server which isn't usually all that populated and Eve chain.

Yeah, that's why I said too easy. If even a noob like you can do it.

If you still think the games easy, go play on big server.

Pretty sure you confused tedium with difficulty. Oil isn't hard to do at all and has only gotten more tedious over time.

It's not hard to convert ore, it's not hard to fill buckets with pond water or from wells, and it's definitely not hard to make charcoal.

Rubber isn't difficult to make, steel rods? Nope, nor is drilling the proper hole into them.

Most of the game isn't exactly hard either. It's mostly a tedium simulator where you eventually throw your hands up and get off this bumpy ride.

Worlds oldest SID baby.


#17 2019-12-29 10:48:59

Registered: 2019-05-12
Posts: 698

Re: Problem: Oil making is too hard

It is easy if you have enough experience in the game. A photo camera is ez too. Then again good luck asking someone new to make one. I assume Peins argument as valid, since even if you throw everything a player needs (pipes, stone block, full newcomen core, pb kit, rope, blade, water, charcoal, fire, pump valve and tanks) a new player is highly unlikely to accomplish the task. Even a middle level player won´t actually understand all the steps unless he has made a newcomen before. The language barrier is just a big blocker to explain someone anything step by step.

That being said I see it as necesary to be that complicated. It is actually the last step into the latest game tech. It needs to have some level of hardship to pull, otherwise it is just too easy. Unfortunately specialization just made us all a little dumb tech wise and didn´t accomplish the so dreamed "trade" utopia.

- I believe the term "Berrymuncher" is derogatory and therefore I shall use the term "Berrier" instead.

- Jack Ass


#18 2019-12-29 11:25:55

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Problem: Oil making is too hard

I don't think doing oil is too difficult in the low pop context.

I do see how explaining oil to someone who hasn't done it before could be excessively challenging to accomplish in a single life on bs2 though.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#19 2019-12-31 04:02:16

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Problem: Oil making is too hard

no but I could still steal kerosene on orseback before the eve died, starting from scratch livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#20 2020-01-05 08:35:01

Registered: 2019-05-22
Posts: 393

Re: Problem: Oil making is too hard

Why is it all the rage to /die to be ginger if people don't even know how to make oil.


#21 2020-01-05 09:02:06

Registered: 2019-02-06
Posts: 4,369

Re: Problem: Oil making is too hard

Saolin wrote:

Why is it all the rage to /die to be ginger if people don't even know how to make oil.

Roses, kraut, seals, penguins, fishing, shrimping, Christmas trees, igloos, and ice cream.

Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.


#22 2020-01-05 15:56:53

Registered: 2019-04-14
Posts: 304

Re: Problem: Oil making is too hard

Is that why every life that I've played I got tan once and white rest of times? I'll keep trying later, had a month of not playing so I haven't used slash die at all and haven't needed to.



#23 2020-01-05 17:29:47

Registered: 2019-08-21
Posts: 1,130

Re: Problem: Oil making is too hard

Saolin wrote:

Why is it all the rage to /die to be ginger if people don't even know how to make oil.

Gingers have more freedom to do stuff.

Black = horses, blue/red dye, rubber stuff.
Tan = tomatoes, rubber stuff.
Ginger = stuff already listed in the thread.

Black + tan have less they can do than gingers + have generally boring stuff. I pretty much only like to play ginger myself since collecting and dumping resources out of a biome isn't very exciting at all.

Worlds oldest SID baby.


#24 2020-01-05 18:47:14

Registered: 2019-07-12
Posts: 385

Re: Problem: Oil making is too hard

With the most recent update gingers now have the added advantage of being the only ones that can decorate their hats with roses, since the seeds have to be stratified in a cold bowl in a snowbank.

Loco Motion


#25 2020-01-06 02:03:22

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Problem: Oil making is too hard

I think that more oil but smaller batches of water from it would be better, the rubber part is annoying but I guess it's  something that needed as a requirement

using water to get water is quite bad tho, that's not a good game mechanic, and if it would be only charcoal or something else than clean water (maybe dirty water?) then it would be more balanced

and the randomness on gushing can be annoying I'm a fast player and even so I end up old or dead before we manage to get the pipe running

and since others need to build up the city, and gingers can just take over late-game cities, would make sense that after the oil pumpjack is made, other races can use it too, like flooring under it automatically? livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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