One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 Re: Main Forum » What is the game icon supposed to be? » 2018-08-26 12:59:58

Anshin wrote:
lucythewanderer wrote:

I think it's the logo from the main page cropped down around just the L. I'm not allowed to post links or I'd link to the image, but the white rectangle that says One Hour One Life. smile

Ya, it's this.
But if you want to change it, BlueRock made a nice replacement icon of a Fruit Boot...

Oh, cool.
Yeah, I'd rather have that as an icon, that a damn co... Nevermind.

#2 Main Forum » What is the game icon supposed to be? » 2018-08-05 14:36:28

Replies: 10

The game icon:

Seriously, what is that??

#3 Re: Main Forum » Signs update: Letter S has accidentally been called Letter A » 2018-05-04 13:27:20

Havn't played this game for a long while now, but still reading the updates.
Seeing how the letters were crafted genuinly made me laugh.
The hilarious way (and logical) of making an O by threading an U ;D

#4 Main Forum » Two Hours No Life » 2018-04-11 20:24:01

Replies: 1

From Jasons latest mail:

I plan to trigger the down-time at 10pm PST today.  I'm not sure how long the patch process will take, but it could be up to two hours.

Game purchase will be unavailable during the downtime.

Hopefully, it will be way shorter than two hours.

Thanks for understanding!


Well, the next update is: 'Two Hours No Life'

... okay, I'll show myself out.

Hehe smile

#5 Re: Main Forum » Family comes first, killing non related babies » 2018-03-19 12:43:04

I got you, bro! All for the sake of creating the superior race.

#6 Main Forum » Process of making a Steel file: Holy f*cking shit. » 2018-03-18 14:28:47

Replies: 1

When I finally seem to have done everything, every step, every tool and instrument needed, from bow and arrow, to cooked goose,
Steel-file-blank and an entire infrastructure of metallurgy... The f*cking Axe-steel-head had to be hot, and it was cool, and I couldn't
re-heat it with wooden tongs (almost died of hunger), so I guess that means I have to re-do the entire steel-ingot process.
Being the age I finally was, forced me to eat entire damn time.

... and I was too old, and died of old age before I could combine the last two pieces to make a mother f*cking Steel file.

But one day I'll make it - one day I will definitely make it. One Hour One Life? No. This is... Steel-file Manufacturing Simulator.

#7 Re: Main Forum » How to kill a bear? » 2018-03-17 21:03:24

Baker wrote:

You gotta shoot them with 3 arrows before they go down, I think feeding it mutton might help too.

If by mutton you mean that red meat-thing that it eats... Two bears came into town. One we could shoot, and the other we couldn't.
The other just sat and feasted on the mutton, and the bow 'n arrow didn't work - at all.
We had to wait for it to finish eating, and then shooting it.
Is that a bug or a in-game function??

#8 Re: Main Forum » Relationship mouseover, a really nice addition » 2018-03-17 14:12:24

Baker wrote:

Very nice feature indeed, It actually helped me stop a would-be griefer.  Everyone in my little village was related to each other so I was naturally suspicious of the strange women who wasn't related to me at all. We noticed this foreigner straight away and the fact that she had a knife in her backpack. I decided to grab the bow and arrow to keep an eye on her in case she tried anything, soon enough she took out the knife and went for the babies. I immediately shot the killer before she could slaughter any of us.

Haha amazing story. If it happened to me I'd probably handle the bow so damn bad and accidently shoot one of mine instead.

#9 Re: Main Forum » Relationship mouseover, a really nice addition » 2018-03-17 12:52:34

Agree! It's great to know by 100 % who's your mother, brother, uncle, aunt, sister and stranger ^^

#10 Re: Main Forum » Pure Bliss » 2018-03-17 12:51:15

I'm actually coming into this game with these kind of experiances more often.
I have even spent four lives in the same village. Seen in grow - almost die out - and then recover and repopulate again.
Quite cool when all the clothes you've been making is still getting used as an example.

#11 Re: Main Forum » [GUIDE] CARE VS CARELESS - "RULES" (FOR NEWBIES) » 2018-03-17 09:10:49

Go! Bwah! wrote:
Fencce7 wrote:
Babsy wrote:

  (if you water all, the soil will disappear after the carrots turn to seed):(

Wait, what?
I didn't get this one.
A guy said something about this a while ago, when I was watering the seeded soil. I asked what he ment, but he didn't specify.
When it seeds, the soil dissapears, we all know that.
How else do you grow carrots without watering them?
How else do you get seeds, without first growing the carrots?
Is there a way to get seeds without destroying the soil?
If not - then why was that point even made, seems obvious for whoever have been doing farming.

He was talking about the case where you're about to die and leave an abandoned farm for the next person to come along.  Dry-seed so that it's easy to start up, but don't water, die, and then have the whole farm go to seed.

I'll even leave filled water containers nearby, if I can manage it.  And lots of baskets full of carrots, of course :-)

Ooow. Thaank you, that made much more sense.

#12 Re: Main Forum » Forms of Griefers -- Please submit examples » 2018-03-17 09:04:26

Portager wrote:

The "pioneer", this is a baby you raise to childhood. They then slowly steal your supplies and start a new camp somewhere else in the bush.

I fkn died. The picture I got in my head was just way too funny xD

#13 Re: Main Forum » [GUIDE] CARE VS CARELESS - "RULES" (FOR NEWBIES) » 2018-03-16 15:29:47

Babsy wrote:

  (if you water all, the soil will disappear after the carrots turn to seed):(

Wait, what?
I didn't get this one.
A guy said something about this a while ago, when I was watering the seeded soil. I asked what he ment, but he didn't specify.
When it seeds, the soil dissapears, we all know that.
How else do you grow carrots without watering them?
How else do you get seeds, without first growing the carrots?
Is there a way to get seeds without destroying the soil?
If not - then why was that point even made, seems obvious for whoever have been doing farming.

#14 Re: Main Forum » The Last Male » 2018-03-14 09:51:02

Seriously this happened today:

I grew up in this already quite prosperous place. No one took care of the farm though, so I had to do it. People brought water, and the old lady taught me how to make compost.
At the end it's me and another male and a woman who took over the farm - even though I told her to do other things.
She was bad with children. she starved every one of them, even when I tried to feed them carrots.
This kept on until she has too old. The other dude and I set out on a journey to find a young female. I went west, and he south.
I staked up on carrots in my backpack and went out. I ventured so far but luckily, I had marked my home before I went off.

Finally, I find this female alone. Telling her to come with me - to "home". She prepared by eating some berries and we went out.
On the way back to "home", she gave birth to her first child, but the child did not survive the journey. We stopped several times on the way back to eat, and my old age had made me weak and shrunken my stomach.

So, we arrive, and the only one lest is the other male who stood alone by the farm.  She was super excited to see the farm and all the carrots, but the happiness did not last for long. I tried to talk to my old friend and telling him that I had succeeded in bringing with me a young woman that could pass on the next generation.
But he did not respond. After a while he leaves and then comes back with a knife asking, 'Who's there?'.
Desperately I tried to explain to him that I had found this female which just had given birth to her second child. But he lashed forward and kills the baby. He then put down his knife and telling me to kill him, because there was no more hope for him.
We then dueled. He with a bow, and I with his knife, ‘To kill or to be killed!’ he said.

This was the first time I ever killed someone. At this point I'm in my late fifties. Telling the woman to take care of her newly born third child, and to dress him up. I tried to carry some clothes to give the child, but I couldn't carry anything. Perhaps due to my age.
And last thing I did before I passed on was to also pass on my last pieces of line clothes.
Son who knows... maybe be venturing out to find a female I saved the village to doom?

You'll never know.

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