One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2023-01-05 03:45:43

Registered: 2023-01-05
Posts: 19

Linux game won't run

I'm pretty sure i have all the requirements. Though i only saw a list of vague names not full package names. The readme file doesn't tell me anything about how to run it.

I get this from a terminal:
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

If is a thing, i don't see it in the synaptic package manager. I have plenty of other things that start with libsdl that are marked as installed and plenty things that start with libsdl that are not installed. Does anyone have specific names of what i need to have?

Last edited by LiberatedAmon (2023-01-05 17:34:55)


#2 2023-01-05 04:00:02

Registered: 2023-01-05
Posts: 19

Re: Linux game won't run

I've tried running the .exe version in wine and that fails too. It says:
An error prevents this program from continuing:
Can't write temp file Path not found

Last edited by LiberatedAmon (2023-01-05 04:00:21)


#3 2023-01-05 17:29:55

Registered: 2023-01-05
Posts: 19

Re: Linux game won't run

It almost started after i did this:
sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2debian:i386
as suggested here: … l-1-2-so-0

It went to a black screen for a couple seconds and then closed, leaving this message in terminal:
Local epoch time  = 28800
GMT epoch time  = 0
L4 | Thu Jan  5 09:26:40 2023 (32 ms) | general | OneLife client v216 (binV=216, dataV=0) starting up
Failed to load sprite from graphics/hiddenFieldTexture.tga
Failed to load sprite from graphics/hiddenFieldTexture.tga
Failed to load sprite from graphics/hiddenFieldTexture.tga
Failed to load sprite from graphics/hiddenFieldTexture.tga
Failed to load sprite from graphics/hiddenFieldTexture.tga
Failed to load sprite from graphics/hiddenFieldTexture.tga
Failed to load sprite from graphics/hiddenFieldTexture.tga
Failed to load sprite from graphics/hiddenFieldTexture.tga
Failed to load sprite from graphics/hiddenFieldTexture.tga
Failed to load sprite from graphics/hiddenFieldTexture.tga
Loaded 0 animations from animations folder
Finished loading animation bank in 0.016000 sec
Loaded 0 objects from objects folder
  Auto-generated 0 'used' objects
  Auto-generated 0 'variable' objects
Finished loading object bank in 0.017000 sec
Loaded 0 categories from categories folder
Finished loading category bank in 0.016000 sec
Frame rate = 49.043648 frames/second
Loaded 0 transitions from transitions folder
Auto-generated 0 transitions based on categories
Auto-generated 0 transitions based on pattern categories
Run 0:  Auto-modified 0 transitions based generic use transitions and auto-added 0 last use generic transitions (0 objects had generic use transitions defined).
Run 1:  Auto-modified 0 transitions based generic use transitions and auto-added 0 last use generic transitions (0 objects had generic use transitions defined).
Auto-generated 0 transitions based on used objects, 0 removed in the process.
Auto-generated 0 transitions based on variable objects.
Finished loading transition bank in 0.017000 sec
Segmentation fault (core dumped)


#4 2023-01-05 17:33:20

Registered: 2023-01-05
Posts: 19

Re: Linux game won't run

I'm pretty sure i didn't change anything, but upon trying to run it a second time, it worked.


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