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#1 2018-05-05 10:20:04

Registered: 2018-05-05
Posts: 3

Townspeople are too aggressive

I was born into a fairly well-off town today, my mother didn't name me until I asked her for like the 10th time. I tried to be helpful and asked what needed to be done, where things were but mostly I was ignored. I still tried to be helpful anyway. I went exploring around outside the town and found a few other attempts at farms that didn't take off, but I also found some wool at one of these camps, enough to make myself a top and hat. I came back to my village and little girl asked me how to make clothes like that. I was mid-way through explaining it when an older woman came over and started calling me a thief. She claimed I had shorn all her sheep and not fed them, then ran off before I had a chance to explain she was wrong. She came back telling me to trade clothes with her kid, I asked why, she just kept calling me a thief then ran off again. Came back with a knife, so I ran.
I lived wild for a while and started trapping rabbits, occasionally stopping by home to drop some off. Every time I did, I saw this lady as I was leaving and she would chase me again. I kept scavenging and hunting and bringing stuff back anyway. Eventually she must have died, so I thought it would be safe for me to come back and help farm, the carrot farm with in desperate need of help. Most of the soil was hardened, bone piles all over the place, and carrots and seeds all over the place. I made a hoe and helped replant and water it all. Then a young girl accused me of being a thief...
I just repeatedly told her no whilst I continued to farm. Everything seemed fine for a while and no one bothered me. Then I saw someone stop near me and pull out a knife. I ran again hoping it was nothing, but when I came back, a different woman, specifically stopped near me as I moved around, put down her baby and pulled out a knife. I ran again, this time a bit further. This was incredibly frustrating as all I wanted to do was help but these women all wanted me dead.
I had had enough at this stage, and I'm not overly proud of this but I was quite annoyed and angry with these people. So I went south and found a bear cave. I made that bear follow me all the way back up and into the town. I saw it kill a couple of people, and I kept coming back in removing items to make sure it had plenty of places to stop. I even saw it feed on someone and split into two bears...
I ran off and came back as I was an old man now, the bear had gotten itself stuck, we were all laughing at it. I suggested we name it, keep it as a pet. Then since I was about to die of old age, I decided to run in and give it a hug. Died at age 59.

TL;DR: See this too often, accused of a crime, no chance to explain yourself because too many players are just too keen to murder someone.


#2 2018-05-05 10:28:13

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 136

Re: Townspeople are too aggressive

Yes, next time, make a bow and kill them smile
Kill or get killed

Last edited by Drakulon (2018-05-05 10:29:49)


#3 2018-05-05 10:47:53

Registered: 2018-03-12
Posts: 570

Re: Townspeople are too aggressive

You know, people accusing you, are the same who did the crime, don't try to explain yourself, stab them before everybody thinks you are the murderer, if not people yelling will have the chance to kill you without being called thief. You can explain yourself while you walk while writting. Running is sucpicious

Last edited by TrustyWay (2018-05-05 11:49:19)


#4 2018-05-05 11:05:10

Registered: 2018-03-16
Posts: 336

Re: Townspeople are too aggressive

Big towns are always doomed because of things like this.

There are four things that happen constantly.

1. No one cares about the food

2. People accusing someone for something and then a slaughter happens.

3. A queen/king is in town, others want to be queen/king and then a slaughter happens.

4. Griefer comes. And a slaughter happens.

And in all cases it leads to a food collapse.

I played the last days in semi big towns and always one of those things happend.
Allot of times I farmed. Got more seeds for the farm, went smithing while crops were growing because tools run out.
But I couldnt stop the collapse several times, I asked alot of people to help, but most were busy doing own stuff or hunting someone down.

I figured out that we need a new town layout.
I think the future town should be a big farm sourrounded by boxes and wells and with a locked door.
One women should keep outside of the farm a female child. And one women should mass produce children in the farm. Only grown male farmers should be let free to work on the town. And if someone outside carrys a weopon expect the one women ouside of the farm need to get killed asap.

Maybe this will help lol

Its a rought world - keep dying untill you live <3


#5 2018-05-05 11:40:51

Registered: 2018-03-30
Posts: 339

Re: Townspeople are too aggressive

I disagree Trusty.

This is why we need manacles to "restrain" people.

"Words build bridges into unexplored regions"


#6 2018-05-05 12:46:35

Registered: 2018-05-02
Posts: 28

Re: Townspeople are too aggressive

FounderOne wrote:

1. No one cares about the food

That one is definitely the biggest one doing it. If I'm born into a big town the first thing I do as soon as I'm old enough is go and help the carrot farm. It doesn't matter how many times you stand next to a row saying "seed" someone always comes and picks it and then then next one you designate as seeds causing the whole food system to collapse.

Hard to tell if it's griefing or just stupidity.


#7 2018-05-05 15:22:25

Registered: 2018-03-29
Posts: 416

Re: Townspeople are too aggressive

I generally don't really kill people, but if someone chases you that is a different story. It is self defense, make a bow and take them out. Not only for your protection but for everyone else in the area too.

Crow wrote:

Hard to tell if it's griefing or just stupidity.

A lot of time it is desperation. People let them self get really hungry and they are about to die so they grab the nearest piece of food they can find, which may be a carrot out of the ground. That is why it happens more and more when things get bad. The less food there is, the more likely they are to eat the seed carrots.

Often times you might be better off to run out and get some food and put it around the farm, rather than sitting there telling people not to pick the seed carrots. Because if there is food there, they might eat that instead. I would say 95% of the people if they are going to die, will eat the seed row. They are not going to die to prevent. Which is why you need other food there to give them a different option.

Smart players, thinking long term wont wait until the last moment to get food, and they will take more risks in finding wild food. Though even them might pick the carrots if they get taken off guard and know they can't reach wild food in time to survive.


#8 2018-05-05 15:55:51

Registered: 2018-03-30
Posts: 339

Re: Townspeople are too aggressive

Crow wrote:
FounderOne wrote:

1. No one cares about the food

That one is definitely the biggest one doing it. If I'm born into a big town the first thing I do as soon as I'm old enough is go and help the carrot farm. It doesn't matter how many times you stand next to a row saying "seed" someone always comes and picks it and then then next one you designate as seeds causing the whole food system to collapse.

Hard to tell if it's griefing or just stupidity.

If you spend a whole 5 minutes telling people it's the seed row, then you're the griefer - not them. Do something productive, like trap rabbits or farm berries.

"Words build bridges into unexplored regions"


#9 2018-05-05 16:04:10

Registered: 2018-05-02
Posts: 28

Re: Townspeople are too aggressive

Alleria wrote:
Crow wrote:
FounderOne wrote:

1. No one cares about the food

That one is definitely the biggest one doing it. If I'm born into a big town the first thing I do as soon as I'm old enough is go and help the carrot farm. It doesn't matter how many times you stand next to a row saying "seed" someone always comes and picks it and then then next one you designate as seeds causing the whole food system to collapse.

Hard to tell if it's griefing or just stupidity.

If you spend a whole 5 minutes telling people it's the seed row, then you're the griefer - not them. Do something productive, like trap rabbits or farm berries.

I'm talking about big ones, where I'm constantly picking and having to go back and forth for water because there's only a small number of people working on it. I wouldn't say briefly between trips to ponds and wells walking next to a row saying "seed" is griefing.


#10 2018-05-05 16:04:51

Registered: 2018-03-06
Posts: 445

Re: Townspeople are too aggressive

Alleria wrote:
Crow wrote:
FounderOne wrote:

1. No one cares about the food

That one is definitely the biggest one doing it. If I'm born into a big town the first thing I do as soon as I'm old enough is go and help the carrot farm. It doesn't matter how many times you stand next to a row saying "seed" someone always comes and picks it and then then next one you designate as seeds causing the whole food system to collapse.

Hard to tell if it's griefing or just stupidity.

If you spend a whole 5 minutes telling people it's the seed row, then you're the griefer - not them. Do something productive, like trap rabbits or farm berries.

Innovation is needed, technology is improving and we need to make use of it. Instead of having to yell "this is seeds" over and over they could make a sign, automates the process. But seriously, I aso hate people that do nothing but tell me what row is seeds, If your worried about seeds then go out and collect some.

"I came in shitting myself and I'll go out shitting myself"


#11 2018-05-05 16:15:12

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Townspeople are too aggressive

spent 3 games to build up the town
got the sheep, made the milkweed farm, watered berries

i gave the chance to talk with you, not once, three times, without weapon

you just sheared all the sheep until i raised my  first boy, and yes, i offered clothes in return, so you are a pure asshole, other lady even stole my wolf hat which i shot, and told me to fuck off, gave for his noob son who i kidnapped and starved out, disgraceful bastards
and you lazy ass, had a whole life of getting berry bowls, did you? no. but when i spend my time getting 7, you take the sheer tool you never made. take the clothes right away, and run around with 3 berry  in a basket
how you are hunting when you cant even make a backpack?

btw i shot the bear pretty fast as i knew the two lost bows and the skewers location

the  wool booty girl got stabbed, you dont shear others sheep in first 5 minutes just to make 3 kids right after

yes, the knife was also from scratch, as the other one my mom and later my sister hade, and i made the hoe, and the blonde guy in muflon cape, dunno wtf you talking about

i made the city viable, then you bunch of free loaders take my wool clothing, you even picked off the east forest so i cant make more bowls

you were a thief and all you had to do is to give me back the clothes, i dont care if you sheared them or not, its not yours to take,you couldnt even lift a bow, but you taking all the fleece for yourself
even offered you the alternative clothes, you had kinda 45 minutes to give back the resources you just used up, you never did, instead you bring the bear on us

everybody was asking lil old Abby what to help, and Abby was directing them best as could, you sheer my sheeps in 5 minutes i fed them, when you born, the pen was empty, and you are the righteous now
the soil you planted, the plates you ate, the tools you used, the compost you had, the mutton pies you munched, all were made possible, by my work

i was alone, no one ever wanted to kill you, me at age 45, when all i wanted to have my first set of wool clothing and paint it , my mom should of stabbed you next life, just think about the resources you wasted, and the time
40x7 calories and 3 lifetimes, and you brought us to blink of extinction, only one lady left alive, you still dont see how selfish you were? livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#12 2018-05-06 03:19:27

Registered: 2018-05-05
Posts: 3

Re: Townspeople are too aggressive

I read your other post, and you already start it off by proving how much of an arse you are by murdering some kid for their gear, so don't come in here calling me the arsehole.

You didn't give me any chance, you ran over calling me a thief and saying shit then running off while I was replying. Then you come back telling me to swap clothes, without even giving me a chance to explain just continuing to badger me. And then you come back with the knife...
I never used your shear tool, and I never sheared your sheep. The only time I went into that pen was to show that girl where the sheep were. You have no idea, you just made assumptions like the arsehole you are.

Yeah, like I said, I was living wild for a while on burdock and onions and sometimes berries, I was trapping rabbits and bringing them back, ever heard of a basket? I didn't have a needle so I didn't bother making a backpack for a while. Eventually some dude from our town saw me bringing back all these rabbits and found a needle for me, I made backpacks for us both and continued hunting.

When I was a bit older, there was no hoe, not even a spare skewer nearby. And no one was tending the farm, so I fixed both of those. At least one person thanked me but two others came after me with knives no doubt due to your lies.

I barely even ate from the town, a few carrots when I was a kid, but after the incident I lived purely on burdock and onions and cactus fruit. I only had one pie because some guy gave me one. I never even went near the east forest. Again making assumptions like an arsehole.


#13 2018-05-06 05:10:19

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 1,323

Re: Townspeople are too aggressive

New people, avoid these qualms.
Spend your lives providing for your family and don't squabble over small stuff.
60 years in 60 minutes, if you're good and lucky, never waste a second of it on an argument.

Learn to take care of yourself and give all your excess willingly to your kin.

If there is any question that the food situation in your town is not stable, run for the hills, sustain yourself on foragables and bring back food and carrot seed if you can.

Always provide for your family, never argue in game, time is too precious.

Spend as much of it as possible being productive and you will be rewarded with satisfaction.


#14 2018-05-06 06:42:28

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Townspeople are too aggressive

just admit you were wrong

dont argue about semantics. not your sheep, not your fleece, not your clothes. nothing to explain, nothing would of justify taking the first clothes from the one who brought the sheep and fed 7 of them.

you can swirl it but: there were no sheeps when you were born
there was nobody wearing wool clothes, this could of beeen enough of a clue that those are not yours to take

so by placing yourself ahead the one who made it possible after more than three generation, you gave enough reason to be killed

how you want to explain? you didnt shear it. i get it, still no one else should of done it without my permission.

you got a fair deal, if the clothes were important to you, seal skin and wolf hat, more than fair deal.
any decent person would of said yes, instead you were talking about semantics just like now. if you steal from the thief, you still a thief. no one ever made an attempt to bring a sheep. after i do it, and feed it, in 5 minutes, you fckers reap the benefit.
now explain to me, that i spent like 15 minutes, doing hard work, you ruined that, its not comparable with killing a useless spoiled kid. if you would done it, it would of taken your whole life to make the bowl, the rope, the arrow, to scout out, have a backpack of food with you and bring it back, feed it all in one strait run. had the map knowledge and the experience, but dont you ever underestimate peoples efforts, giving something that its not yours is easy.

the lady run off with the hat as you were talking shit, and gave to his kid, told me "fuck off". this was the reason i made the knife, and only killed 2 of you 4 selfish bastards and made it a better place, didnt see people taking others shit afterwards. at least you had bad time, but even now after knowing the hole truth you talk shit.

rule number one with wool clothes: feed a lamb, then sheer it
rule two: ask somebody to cut down the sheered sheep so doesnt occupy place, this case it was plenty of space
rule three: clean out the pen
if you havent done any of this, and havent consulted with the main shepherd, at least get one berry bowl for each sheep sheared, each fleece you took, you still waste others time but not the resources
and when the pen is made, its not only polite, the sheep is taken inside, you dont run inside to take the first clothes, wait your line
me, baker lady, main hunters, and somewhere on the end, you the naked guy who did nothing so far

semi-experienced assholes like you make me craft locks and keep everything valuable inside a box or a room. let them make their own kiln, their own tools or learn to ask permissions.

clearly you didnt care about anyone else to provide permanent clothing, thats why you didnt feed any  sheep. i am selfish too, resources are scarce,  but then i work hard to compensate, and not take the easy way out. i was willing to work together, you not, i dont see any outcome in this you walk away with the clothes and deserve anything else there, your pitiful revenge only killed innocents. i even fed, and carried to our matriarch, the kid of the woman i killed, cause he the baby wasnt the one to blame for her mothers actions. and the most geared person was the abandoned girl who was clamping her keyboard and running after me twice as no one cared about she starving.

there were no assumptions, i followed you in the forest a while
also its no assumptions that there was 7 sheeps, the first ones i fed, you had a wool hat and a shirt, girl had the two shoes. i was asking nicely.

it was just me, my mom and my sister didnt bothered killing you, the thief, sis looked like me just bit older, mom was blonde, but at least the blonde smith was telling me when you are around. i was the little girl, i didnt wanted to kill you without a warning, i wanted you to listen to your conscience after all those years passed. "tief" "have" "you" "fed" "my" "sheep" ? "no"-"no"
  then i got the iron, made shovel, hoe, blade and left an ingot too. so you didnt fix shit, there was no rope nor iron to possibly make a hoe you can present yourself anyhow you want, the truth is, the city was booming after you were gone, thanks to people actually listening and helping on composting, gathering and pie making, Abby didnt had to worry about thiefs anymore

Last edited by pein (2018-05-06 06:46:48) livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#15 2018-05-06 07:56:23

Registered: 2018-03-24
Posts: 99

Re: Townspeople are too aggressive

Morti wrote:

New people, avoid these qualms.
Spend your lives providing for your family and don't squabble over small stuff.
60 years in 60 minutes, if you're good and lucky, never waste a second of it on an argument.

Learn to take care of yourself and give all your excess willingly to your kin.

If there is any question that the food situation in your town is not stable, run for the hills, sustain yourself on foragables and bring back food and carrot seed if you can.

Always provide for your family, never argue in game, time is too precious.

Spend as much of it as possible being productive and you will be rewarded with satisfaction.

Wonderfully put, thank you.


#16 2018-05-06 08:54:23

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: Townspeople are too aggressive

stickyflypaper wrote:
Morti wrote:

New people, avoid these qualms.
Spend your lives providing for your family and don't squabble over small stuff.
60 years in 60 minutes, if you're good and lucky, never waste a second of it on an argument.

Learn to take care of yourself and give all your excess willingly to your kin.

If there is any question that the food situation in your town is not stable, run for the hills, sustain yourself on foragables and bring back food and carrot seed if you can.

Always provide for your family, never argue in game, time is too precious.

Spend as much of it as possible being productive and you will be rewarded with satisfaction.

Wonderfully put, thank you.

some players understand that without that it has to be said
& some players need some gameplay content to make them understand how precious that little time is within a life


#17 2018-05-07 00:20:53

Registered: 2018-03-21
Posts: 556

Re: Townspeople are too aggressive

Morti wrote:

New people, avoid these qualms.
Spend your lives providing for your family and don't squabble over small stuff.
60 years in 60 minutes, if you're good and lucky, never waste a second of it on an argument.

Learn to take care of yourself and give all your excess willingly to your kin.

If there is any question that the food situation in your town is not stable, run for the hills, sustain yourself on foragables and bring back food and carrot seed if you can.

Always provide for your family, never argue in game, time is too precious.

Spend as much of it as possible being productive and you will be rewarded with satisfaction.

I play like this and am regularly the only survivor of camps, while bringing back food to drop off. What gets me is people,who do nothing but say 'seed' while I gather wild seed and save camp. One time,a person was insiting on saving like 7 rows for seed when there was no food!  Of course, village starved out but me. I suspect that person was testing how dumb people were lol,

I spend so much time in the brush...

people who only like to play as cities do seem to suck. I often just make a seperate farm and try to trade lol

Last edited by fragilityh14 (2018-05-07 00:22:04)

I'll tell you what I tell all my children: Make basket, always carry food.

Listen to your mom!


#18 2018-05-07 03:30:07

Registered: 2018-05-05
Posts: 3

Re: Townspeople are too aggressive

@Morti and @fragililityh14
You guys seem like people after my own heart. Generally I have very pleasant, loving, and co-operative experiences. The only time we "waste" is telling each other we are happy and proud and that we love each other. I tell my children I love them often and give them things to do, then they come back and show me and we thank each other. It's lovely. So it's a bit of a shame when you're born into goal-oriented min/max players who don't want to waste time on you. They have their own goals and you are just a burden to them, it's sad. What kind of existence is that?
The only time I'm ok with someone guarding a seed row like that is after we've exhausted all the natural seed around and have failed to find more. I feel like the rule should be if you have not been working the farm, and you see unplucked carrots, maybe leave them alone just in case or at least ask. If there is a large harvest ready, it's generally ok to start picking, but start at the bottom, still just in case.

@pein No.
First you accuse me of shearing the sheep as my crime. Then when I say I didn't, you accept that and then say it doesn't matter because someone probably did and I found what they probably hid. That's silly. Make up your mind.
When I find stuff off far in the wild, I will use it. And anything else I can bring back I usually do. Like several plates I found sitting around there as well. There is no way to know for sure where the fleece came from. But if you were *actually* willing to talk with me and listen to what I have to say instead of making accusations and demands, then maybe things would have gone better for both of us.

And I didn't actually find the sheep pen until I already had the clothes, when I was trying to explain to the little girl how sheep work, before you rudely interrupted. I never even got up to telling her the part about feeding sheep. You could have done that instead of killing her. She probably died having no real idea what she did wrong if anything. Your solution of accusation and murder over education, it's dumb. Just like you.

My problem with you is you run over aggressively calling me a thief based on an assumption, don't give me any time to understand what you are going on about or even tell you you are wrong, then you continue to harass me over it. Just admit that you enjoy killing people and will find any excuse if you think you can get away with it.

Did you perhaps mean *west*? I did eat from one berry bush in the west, I never went east like you claimed. So assumption or error, it's on you. I wasn't the only person there, several people would pop in picking berries. I even told one there was heaps of burdock around but they didn't care.

Guess you haven't heard of the stone hoe you arsehole, because that's what I made. Using materials I found myself in the wild, not in your precious camp.

You, your mother, and your sister didn't bother killing me because you couldn't. I still managed to contribute by leaving rabbits and helping farm all while still being harassed and chased by you idiots.

And I said no on the farm because you weren't asking me if I fed your sheep, you were calling me a thief yet again. So I said no and continued working on the farm.

I didn't have the most enjoyable experience, no. But I don't mind living a bit wild, people like you make me nervous hanging around towns too much, so at least in the wild I don't have to worry about crazy idiots trying to murder me as much.


#19 2018-05-07 11:44:54

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Townspeople are too aggressive

corvus you just talk shit, was the first seven sheep, its mine, simple as that, i explained you need to give back the clothes, i was fair. you had enough information to do the right thing. you suck at math, 0 compost 7 dung, means its first sheep ever, even worse if you didnt look at the pen before spending others resources and time. you disrespect others work and property, same as murder.  killing is the best education, burns into their minds. LEt the weak fall, bad intentions to be punished. I was arranging workforce nicely. All the new kids were getting clay, wood or making compost, tons of mutton pie. If you take fleece, if you shear it, get the bowls to compensate, sometimes it takes 3 lifetimes to set it up, honor your ancenstors.

seeds were inside the sheep bone fence later, nobody had to worry.

Last edited by pein (2018-05-07 11:46:24) livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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