a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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I did it mom i builded a camp and helped us too survive more generations!
the moment i was born you said that youre mom was stupid and i said i will make camp. you where proud. the moment i was 4 years old i ran i ran so fast in a direction i found a nice place too build a camp. i had a hard time a t first bcuz i was really young but it really helped me in some way too bcuz i didnt get any kids that annoy me.
we just needed more food but i knew i had too sacrifice myself if i wanted my kids too survive so i went really far from camp and died.
i looked at the lineage and the generation is still going.
Eve Gluck! We are the great glucks and we will beat every other dynasty!
Best Gluck linage so far: http://lineage.onehouronelife.com/serve … id=4082492
Alas they ded
"be prepared and one person cant kill all city, if he can, then you deserve it" -pein
Alas they ded
prob only noobs that lived sad laif but still i made a camp where they had a chance of living
Eve Gluck! We are the great glucks and we will beat every other dynasty!
Best Gluck linage so far: http://lineage.onehouronelife.com/serve … id=4082492
It is ok. All lines die eventually. Updates all the time ..
"be prepared and one person cant kill all city, if he can, then you deserve it" -pein
Pages: 1