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#1 2018-07-28 13:39:03

Registered: 2018-06-19
Posts: 336

Just another forgotten male. … _id=722922

The town itself wasn't so bad,  Everything setup by gen 6 is impressive for a town. I presume this place was started by pein given our name.

Did some brief pie making and sheep feeding but I mostly farmed wheat and carrots while making compost and baskets. My mother starved while she was holding me, She was just saying how new she was. I would've tried to teach her but she died as soon as I turned 3.

I didn't talk to my sisters much, one of them said they were just standing around having babies and eating because they didn't know what to do. I told her to do some work and she said she was on "welfare".  Another lady bitching about "no baskets" so I stepped in and made a bunch. Was kind of frustrating that she didn't try to fix the problem on her own, instead she complained for 5 minutes.

Town already had a good setup so they should survive for a long time unless stupid people ruin it. Could use a bigger sheep pen and more iron, I saw a few kids with some brain power so somebody probably did that.

Last edited by Neo (2018-07-28 13:52:26)


#2 2018-07-28 17:14:57

Registered: 2018-04-28
Posts: 561

Re: Just another forgotten male.

Hate lives like these. sad

Especially females entitled to “maternity leaves” and people who complain but don’t fix the problem, like you mentioned in your story.


#3 2018-07-28 18:03:02

Registered: 2018-04-06
Posts: 4

Re: Just another forgotten male.

I was probably the one bitching about the baskets because people kept taking them from the farm and I was the only one tending to it my whole life. Also I had lots of kids and couldn't actually leave them behind while farming as well, I did appreciate your compost & baskets though! … _id=722922


#4 2018-07-28 20:02:44

Registered: 2018-04-03
Posts: 406

Re: Just another forgotten male.

Maybe try to talk to people? Why would you be remembered if you never socialized with anyone and just worked?

ign: summerstorm, they/them


#5 2018-07-29 03:54:30

Registered: 2018-07-27
Posts: 47

Re: Just another forgotten male.

Neo wrote:

Everything setup by gen 6 is impressive for a town-

-impressive +decent


#6 2018-07-29 05:07:05

Registered: 2018-06-19
Posts: 336

Re: Just another forgotten male.

Lum wrote:

Maybe try to talk to people? Why would you be remembered if you never socialized with anyone and just worked?

I don't mind as much as the title implies. Most of my male lives end like this.

Anthraxes wrote:

I was probably the one bitching about the baskets because people kept taking them from the farm and I was the only one tending to it my whole life. Also I had lots of kids and couldn't actually leave them behind while farming as well, I did appreciate your compost & baskets though! … _id=722922

Yeah I remember you, Berry farming is the most hated job. But hey, someone's gotta do it otherwise the whole field dies.

My productivity is also hindered by babies. It feels like a have a baby everytime I'm about to do something. I usually just name then and dump them on someone else. If they are gonna do nothing but have babies then they might as well raise other people's babies.


#7 2018-07-29 08:00:46

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Just another forgotten male.

oh yea that one

was my last run yesterday, i spawned into a decayed town, not a single basket
like 2-3 wheat and 2 milkweed, maybe 8 carrots, no carts, nothing, few tools, no knife, 2 adze, froh head, 1 hoe, 3 buckets, shovel, shears almsot broken, axe somewhere, multiple fire making tools
i was carrying my last kids when suddenly all half decayed baskets dissapeared, not sure where things pop after it, we might have lost some stuff

i kept all kids and told them planting wheat and making baskets is priority, lot of them died early, one daughter was decent, as she grew up, i tossed 2 kids to her after naming them

then i got a shaft, made the froh, made new mallet, our first cart
i had one basket so i hauled  a bit of soil, intentionally let some berry bushes die out, and even cut them

then a daughter made a few more wheat tiles and we both made compost
i went out and found a small swamp with tons of tule and clay
made 4 baskets, went home, seen a daughter making some but no food closeby  so couldnt fill them
the second run i made 4 more and took it home, third time i was aging but got some clay in baskets, a great grandkid picked out some of them

people still kept taking off basket off the cart while its pretty obvious that cart with baskets is for soil first and foremost

i havent seen bones, only one old one south, but the bunnies were out some places so not sure if someone died before us, based on the 3 set of clothes, i would say less than 2 hours before us
it looked like they were needing ropes and ran out of water, but ran out off females before food cause they hoarded lot of iron and someone even made a few wheat and milkweed for the next lucky eve, so thanks for that

as for my daughters: proximity to desert is more important than proximity to food, put that babies to desert corner and eat when needed, dont put them near the full bush and throw them around every 3 seconds without asking, its not fun to make baskets, wheat field and raise babies, but that what it takes to restart a town livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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