One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-08-12 15:13:53

From: somewhere inthe USA
Registered: 2018-07-24
Posts: 38

that moment when

I lost my Eve camp the other day - it was disappointing because I'd died of old age and checked the server before I logged in, but despite it saying 0, I spawned as an Eve in the wilderness. It was my best camp to date but I continued on without it. (And spent some time learning from The Red Bug, because The Red Bug is the best bug!) This morning I logged on and landed as an Eve in the wilderness with decent resources, so I decided to make due where I was and named myself Eden.

I quickly discovered there were a few too many snakes in Eden (one of which liked to hang out on the green, behind some trees) so I tread carefully and managed to pull together the basics without dying. There were also boar near the clay and was that a wolf I saw out of the corner of my eye? I set out for more milkweed so I could start a fire and get down to business. There's a bear cave too close for comfort, but look at all the milkweed. Then I noticed piles of bones. The positioning looked familiar.

Hello, a dead rabbit, and I remember setting that snare. I knew where my Eve camp was! So I set off in the appropriate direction, and sure enough, I was home. Beautiful day, this run really is Eden.

Look at my plates and plates of omelettes, I emptied out my basket and went back to collect the milkweed at the other camp, removed my home marker and returned to drop off all my threads. I set a new home marker--oh, the joy to see "home" pointing at my found camp. I decided to tidy up the camp a bit while my meter ran down enough to merit an omelette, planning back to collect a bunch of bunnies. While over there, I'd throw the clay and adobe I'd collected for the new camp behind trees to prevent myself from stepping on a snake hiding behind it in a few minutes when I forget the dangers of that abandoned camp. My meter dinged once and I reached for a plate of eggs.

Screen went black.

I stared in disbelief: Connection Lost

~running naked through the swamp


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