One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-08-19 10:59:16

Registered: 2018-08-17
Posts: 13

Different in-game players

I've been playing this game for a while and i started to notice a patern in people. So i made a list of diffrent "personalities" ingame.
This is just for fun, dont take it personal smile

-Normal helper- Knows somethings about how to play and is quite helpful but often just helps and does nothing extraordinary. (Sometimes defends cursed people)

-"Pro" Player- Complains alot, often being mad of people for doing anything out of farming, baking and making tools. "Stop building wooden tiles it wastes planks"

-Cursed people- Behaviour is going after weapon and trashtalking, sometimes fabricating that they have "changed" since the curse.

-kind noob- Often ask people if needed help but can't really help without you showing how to do it. Really overall often kind people.

-Berry eating noob- Afraid of change and dont talk alot. Often eating lots of food around.

-Humble worker- Works often without break. More times than not even talk and when they die they just fade away without making a mess or telling them to get buried.

-Ambitious workers- Monolith people, crown makers, builders, horse tamer ect. Often goes down making something before they die, (Wants to be buried)

-Farming mess- Entire life farms carrots, wheat, cabbage, potato ect. Good people that helps many famines.

-Pro baker- Makes pie, stews, mutton ect often saving villages from famines. Good people.

-Cultist- Though rare it does exist. People who go around and talk to others maybe not for cults but for reasons. Not really farming or anything else but making conversation.

If you have anything i miss feel free to comment smile

Last edited by Mad_Villager (2018-08-19 10:59:36)


#2 2018-08-19 11:56:54

Registered: 2018-06-19
Posts: 336

Re: Different in-game players

The suicider

Runs everytime, Usually seeks out cities.

The Royals

Normally obtain there crown from a previous royal, Given most things at birth. Tries to boss people around and normally dose no work, Kills people on a whim. They usually dir but if they live then they pass the crown to there kid and the cycle repeats.

The vigilante

Kills anyone who murders or steals, Depends on what they think is lawful and what isn't. Sometimes they kill each other.

Last edited by Neo (2018-08-19 12:11:22)


#3 2018-08-19 11:57:14

Registered: 2018-04-23
Posts: 341

Re: Different in-game players

The overprotective new-player mother :

Stays with the kids next to fire, feeding them every five seconds. Doesn't do anything else. Once too old to feed, gets a heart attack because mothers leave their kids by the fire and continue their work on the farm, which is just next to it. Doesn't understand that kids can survive ten seconds without food when on a warm tile.

The advance multitasking mother :

Females that manage to make bowls and plates, forge, bake and farm while keeping the baby fed on a warm tile. Those are the real heroes.

The "I need to touch everything" player :

Mostly new players. Runs around, grabs stuff and try to combine with everything and anything. Doesn't know that stuff he grabs, is being used. Get's yelled at a lot.

The RP Player :

Loves marrying his cousin, sister/brother, anyone really who accepts his marriage proposal. Or mothers connecting with their children. Helps sometimes at farm but mostly runs around and talk to others.

Good example : Aurora Aurora wink

The trouble making players aka the griefers :

Fuck you !

The keen-eye-players :

Those who keep an eye on people who are making trouble and tracks down the griefers. Kills them if needed. Sometimes killed by others, thinking they were the killers.

The suicide babies :

Prefers big towns. Hates Eve or small settlements. Many times spawns as the last girl of an Eve but prefers to go suicide.

The "I promise not to die" players :

Most of the times girls. Most of the times dies.

Last edited by Tea (2018-08-19 12:03:46)

The one and only Eve Kelderman


#4 2018-08-19 11:59:19

Aurora Aurora
From: Tuppsala (HAHA FATTAR NI!?!?!)
Registered: 2018-04-09
Posts: 839

Re: Different in-game players

Tea wrote:

The RP Player :

Loves marrying his cousin, sister/brother, anyone really who accepts his marriage proposal. Or mothers connecting with their children. Helps sometimes at farm but mostly runs around and talk to others.

Awwww! You added me in there

One of the original veterans.
Go-to person for anything roleplay related.
4 years in the community.
Unbanned from the discord.


#5 2018-08-19 12:04:28

Registered: 2018-04-23
Posts: 341

Re: Different in-game players

Aurora Aurora wrote:
Tea wrote:

The RP Player :

Loves marrying his cousin, sister/brother, anyone really who accepts his marriage proposal. Or mothers connecting with their children. Helps sometimes at farm but mostly runs around and talk to others.

Awwww! You added me in there

Yeah thought about you when I wrote this tongue

The one and only Eve Kelderman


#6 2018-08-19 12:11:45

Registered: 2018-07-24
Posts: 851

Re: Different in-game players

My observations:

"Burnout Pro"
A veteran player who has played a bit too much, has lost their patience and turns into the angry, kill-happy player who may start a purge out of frustration (cough instead of leaving the place cough because they feel they deserve to dictate who gets to enjoy it cough because they most likely worked a lot for it cough and can't let go of all that coughcough). Guys, just take some time off if you are getting frustrated or bored. Seems that quite a few veterans just go over the limit and have a murder-vacation on populations instead of playing another game for a while...

Is eager to spread their opinions over others even as a child: sometimes useful so others can be cautious of seemingly innocent people but sometimes can cause chaos due to over-analyzing a situation they experienced.

"Quietly suffering newbie"
Quietly suffers and tries to teach themselves, asks for help maybe once and if ignored, never asks again and continues to run around trying to create things. Guys please just ask few more times, I will teach you if I have time, especially as an older woman. If no-one has time to teach, just watch others and ask what people are doing so you can follow them a bit. Usually people can drop you a hint or two if they realize you are talking to them. I watched YouTubers and learned through them mostly so I was never a clueless player, I recommend that too.

Extra, me as a player:

Male: observes for a job, asks for a job, prioritizes important male jobs like rabbit hunter, boar/wolf hunter, smith, fetcher (iron, clay, soil, branches, short shafts, kindling, firewood, rocks, flat rocks, saplings, forgotten tools etc.), builder (relocator for bad baking/smithing stations, Eve roads), won't roleplay (debatable, just straight to business -type), busy, keeps an eye on the village and helps out in areas that fall apart (berry/wheat/carrot fields, skeleton janitor, compost, emergency soil retrieval). Likes to disappear sometimes to scout if times are good. Dislikes crowns. When necessary, takes upon himself to lead bears away. Doesn't make more weapons or clothing (rather leaves 'backpack ready' fur piles). Often unarmed and naked, temperature running (unless stumbled on dead bodies to loot). Loves to have a cart, is very careful in the wilderness, tends to live to 60. Doesn't build buildings. Proper and productive but bad at defending due to disliking drama and chaos. Appreciates helpful players and thanks them often.

Female: stays in towns and near camps or farms, baby tests ruthlessly (also lets runners run), baby tours promising and talkative babies, won't feed cursed children, won't feed twins/triplets/quadruplets if no food, aims to keep out of drama incase ends up as a last woman (often does), farms, retrieves clay/baskets/eggs/branches/kindling/firewood/seeds, cooks/bakes, tends fire, cleans, organizes, teaches if possible, names unnamed kids especially if owns a surname, gives jobs and tries to keep updated with town needs. Dislikes crowns. Rarely takes part in killing. Clothes herself whenever possible. Minimal roleplaying, mostly just being sweet to sweet players. Smiths only if necessary, and can be a bad mother at that time due to prioritizing smithing, sorry. When menopause hits, sometimes goes to teaching or male jobs. Grants her weapons to good players, closely related or not. Tends to live to 60, in famines lets herself die as an old woman (if not Eve) so next gen has a chance to live on. Doesn't build buildings. Proper and productive. Appreciates helpful players and thanks them often.

Last edited by MultiLife (2018-08-19 13:34:38)

Notable lives (Male): Happy, Erwin Callister, Knight Peace, Roman Rodocker, Bon Doolittle, Terry Plant, Danger Winter, Crayton Ide, Tim Quint, Jebediah (Tarr), Awesome (Elliff), Rocky, Tim West
Notable lives (Female): Elisa Mango, Aaban Qin, Whitaker August, Lucrecia August, Poppy Worth, Kitana Spoon, Linda II, Eagan Hawk III, Darcy North, Rosealie (Quint), Jess Lucky, Lilith (Unkle)


#7 2018-08-19 12:58:14

From: Warsaw, Poland
Registered: 2018-03-11
Posts: 565

Re: Different in-game players

Mad_Villager wrote:

-Cultist- Though rare it does exist. People who go around and talk to others maybe not for cults but for reasons. Not really farming or anything else but making conversation.

I like how you brand social people... cultists. Yup. Works for me as introvert. Kill all other people having social life.


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