One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2018-09-18 23:45:16

Registered: 2018-04-11
Posts: 41

Unspoken Words to my Berro Fam

My internet decided to give out on me due to the weather. I was old but had 10 years left to go. There was so much more I wanted to do for my family and say. I'm sorry that grizzly bear came and killed a few of you. I shot it with an arrow. It vanished somewhere while I was making a second arrow. I tried though to avenge you, big brother. Two of my kids ran off as babies, I'm sorry you missed out on the fun you'd have had if you stayed. It was a good life and a small village.

My other children did well and I'm so proud of you all! I hope you manage to live to an elderly age. I hope work continues on the hospital building I started. I managed to gather some needle, thread, and pads for you before I left.

I saw the void and it swallowed me whole. I was getting up there anyways though and had little time left. I hope you found my things to pass on to your own kids.

Thank you for giving me one of my better lives in the game. It was fun and you were all good babs.

Love, Mom Onna


Ever had more than 15 babies in one life? I have.

So many babies.


#2 2018-09-19 00:16:49

Registered: 2018-07-20
Posts: 95

Re: Unspoken Words to my Berro Fam

Hi Onna!
I was Ella Berro, daughter of our founding eve!
I just want to say that I am proud of what you and your descendants have done and never would've imagined that our family line would last this long. Thanks for playing!


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