a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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Idk how and I don't really get the command on the help page, because English isn't my mother language so please, HELP
I enjoy the simpler things in life, but only if I'm calm.
To post an image type [img]***image url goes here***[/img]
Game sprites can be found at [ url ] ***url address goes here*** [ /url ]
Last edited by Vexenie (2018-11-21 18:55:16)
I enjoy the simpler things in life, but only if I'm calm.
To post an image type [img]***image url goes here***[/img]
Game sprites can be found at [ url ] ***url address goes here*** [ /url ]
How do you do it? Mine just shows the polaroid with the X in it with the name, Does it show? Or not?
And also, how to post images from the computer like drawn picture or screenshots?
How do you get the image url?
Last edited by Vexenie (2018-11-21 18:55:42)
I enjoy the simpler things in life, but only if I'm calm.
When you quote him you can see how he did it.
When I quote you I see you aren't actually linking an image, you're linking a website.
You can tell this because what you're saying is with [img ] tags around it. What you should be typing is
Try quoting me to see the difference!
I managed to get the .png file by right clicking the image on the website and selecting open image in new tab - checking the adress bar I could see that it ended in the proper file type extension.
Last edited by Tramax (2018-11-21 23:20:32)
#1 Ranked baby player in the competitive OHOL community. Colour yourself impressed.
Also ranked #221354986 every other life state player in competitive OHOL. I'm nothing if not consistent.
Pages: 1