a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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*insert opener here* In general i wanna make this post to help new players learn the basic mechanics faster so if you are a vet or experienced this isnt the post for you. That being said lets get to finding out how to make some of the basic stuff in OHOL:
(Food): Starting out you wanna eat just berries of gooseberry bushes () The berries are purple with seven of them on each bush so when you dont see anymore of them on a bush go find another one to eat.
(Temperature): Temperature affects how often you need to eat, you can see how hot/cold you are by looking at it in the bottom right corner of your screen. Because food is valuable you wanna have as ideal a temperature as possible to save food. Look at where you are on the map and compare it to your temperature meter to find out where you should stand at the most.
(Dangers): Almost all biomes in the game have some sort of danger from mother nature. Wolves, boars, mosquitoes, snakes, and even bears have the ability to kill you if you stand on the tile they are on. Rams and Muflons are neutral and wont attack you if you stand near them. If You are planning to leave the village to do something watch the tiles you click on to make sure you dont step on something. But if you really want to be on the safe side just dont leave the village, and if you find a animal near the village tell someone who knows how to handle the situation. Also standing on and tile thats not empty will make you completely safe from any animals attacking you. Look at which biomes the animals are in so you know what to expect each time you go into one to better prepare yourself.
(Players): Sadly There are greifers in this game like any multiplayer game so you are gonna have to learn how to handle it. First, if you see someone with a bloody knife or bow first ask them why they did what they did. If its very obvious they killed the person for no reason curse them by saying "curse (the persons full in-game name)". NEVER kill someone for something minor like taking something from you, talk to them about it first and try to fix the problem that way. If they are stealing your stuff repeatedly and arent responding, or are killing people and not explaining themselves afterwards, ask someone to help you kill them or click on a knife and right click their avatar.
Farming: For farming you want to start with farming gooseberries, to do this you need soil and water
(Soil): To get soil first left click a basket if there is something in the basket right click it to take it out. once the basket is empty and you have it in your hands click on either a fertile soil pit or a compost pile
Then with a full basket of soil right click to pour a pile of soil near the gooseberry bushes on a tile thats empty.
(Water): To get water look around for a pond, or a well,
you can get water from both ponds and wells with just a clay bowl.
However if the well has a bucket on top of it
you will first need to find a bucket yourself
and click on the well to get water from it. Once you drop it you can use a clay bowl on the bucket to get a bowl of water.
(Watering and resoiling): Once a gooseberry runs out of berries it will get darker in color, to get more berries from the bush now you must first use the bowl of soil on the bush, then use the bowl of water on it, after about ten minutes it will produce 7 more berries, after all the berries are taken off the bush it will repeat the cycle.
(Other Jobs): Theres alot more to do then just farming plants for food, and i highly encourage you to learn them all, but before you go fiddling around with tools ask people that know how to use them what they are for. If you start picking up random things without knowing how to use them all your gonna do is frustrate people that were trying to use them, so ask them how to do the job they are doing, or watch another player and what they are doing to figure out how to replicate their job that way.
(Parenting): If you are a adult women and you have a baby it is your job to feed that baby until it grows hair on its head, without you feeding it the baby will starve and eventually die, it is extremely important you take care of your babies as without any children the village will have no one to look after it making all the progress that village has made pointless. Your baby will say f to tell that he needs to be fed, you can feed your kid automatically by picking them up as though they were a item, every time you pick up and feed your kid you lose one food bar so make sure that there is some food nearby to feed you as well. Another tip is to try to keep you and your baby in a not to cold and not to hot area so that your kid needs to be fed less, and by proxy you will need to eat less from feeding your baby.
(Questions): If you have any questions about anything more technical ask people in-game for help, or post a comment here about something. You can also make a post on this forum with a list of questions you would like to know. Lastly if you wanna get the source from the horses mouth or whatever saying that is, check out the wiki and tech tree which ill leave links to below.
Tech Tree: https://onetech.info/
One Hour One Life Wiki: https://onehouronelife.gamepedia.com/On … _Life_Wiki
1,280 pips just by Making Pork Tacos, Possible 2,500 pips just by hunting turkeys, and yet, somehow, yall still eating berries, bruh.
No please teach new players about other food than berry... one time I was in a big town and as soon as my child got old enough to pick things up she started eating berrys. Soon there was none and as she stood in berry bush she said "f" I ran to her with a pie but she starved... right next to the bakery
I sign my ingame notes as Gio or Truz.
big baby: https://i.imgur.com/ZoLRpb3.png
most kids: https://i.imgur.com/3Vmffb4.png
No please teach new players about other food than berry... one time I was in a big town and as soon as my child got old enough to pick things up she started eating berrys. Soon there was none and as she stood in berry bush she said "f" I ran to her with a pie but she starved... right next to the bakery
I mainly made this for absolute beginners, and being beginners i wanted to encourage them to eat from a reliable food source. Not all bakeries have food ironically enough and its mainly entirely dependent on what everyone is doing in the village. Also with more experience players needing pies for doing work that requires a long amount of time and thus food it wouldnt be wise to have new people eat pies that could be used by those people.
Edit: I also didnt want to add too much into this guide as too keep it to the bare minimum, i.e where to find food, what dangers to avoid, and how to replenish your food. I talked about a couple other things but my main focus was to just get new players to a point where they have the time to interact with the world around them and find alternatives as a result, no offense.
Last edited by Crumpaloo (2019-01-03 15:18:02)
1,280 pips just by Making Pork Tacos, Possible 2,500 pips just by hunting turkeys, and yet, somehow, yall still eating berries, bruh.
Pages: 1