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a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-02-09 20:10:28

Registered: 2018-03-21
Posts: 556

What direction do you usually explore?

I've realized that instinctively, I almost always travel east or north. For some reason exploring west or south doesn't seem correct.

I thought about it, and realized, in almost all 2d videogames, you travel either upwards or to the right.

My wife did say, she habitually travels west in the bit of OHOL she's played, because in games there are often secrets before the beginning of a map (in platformers)

Anyway, more than out of curiosity, I realize if we're all doing this, we're wasting time over-exploring one quadrant in relation to our homes.

I assume out of habit we all mostly explore one or two directions. So, is that true, and if so, is it north and west for almost everyone?

I'll tell you what I tell all my children: Make basket, always carry food.

Listen to your mom!


#2 2019-02-09 20:20:10

Registered: 2018-10-12
Posts: 663

Re: What direction do you usually explore?

I usually go North or South - you reveal more tiles with each step when going North/South compared to going West/East, giving you a higher chance of finding whatever you're looking for


#3 2019-02-09 20:40:40

Registered: 2018-06-15
Posts: 221

Re: What direction do you usually explore?

With no zoomout mod I avoid walking south home arrow, toltips and "hungry" popup block to much view.


#4 2019-02-09 21:28:00

Registered: 2018-11-12
Posts: 676

Re: What direction do you usually explore?

Twisted wrote:

I usually go North or South - you reveal more tiles with each step when going North/South compared to going West/East, giving you a higher chance of finding whatever you're looking for

You'll reveal even more tiles with each step by going diagonally. Diagonal steps take the same amount of time as orthogonal steps, but cover twice as much distance (twice as much when measured along the grid, that is... only 1.4 times as much when measured as the crow flies).


#5 2019-02-10 02:22:32

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: What direction do you usually explore?

well, jason said on the reddit event that he uses perlin noise for the map
so you might learn a bit more about that

i found a few patterns in it, the more you play the game the more you predict

for example we went on a triplet play and our mom was a newbee, she already lost a kid, raised us up while we running after her
i told the guys to go SW, we found a swamp next to a green, but no desert
my prediction was that NW we will find another swamp, and so we did
was full of trees and wasnt perfect, but was quite good DGS border, our mom already been there as cactus was active just she didnt thought on settling due to lower food, but that can easily be overcome by 3 pro triplet girls who make tools and farm quick

i definietely say, diagonal is best,  the screen is wider than tall, i recon, without zoom mod especially, but diagonal shows both ways a bit more than straight horizontal or vertical, this is due to the squares having longer diagonal than width and hight 1 to 1.4, so you technically cover more distance going diagonal as you walk tile per sec not distance per sec, hex shape would be the only thing which covers maps perfectly, thats why civilization games use hexes, squares are a bit of an optical illusion things if you think in distance

now the way biomes are placed is not totally random, you will find a desert on the same direction as the previous two were, and all other ones same way, generally green or jungle is bigger than the others, swamps are needed for ponds, and heat from jungle or desert, so if you want a spot, you either need a big swamp with jungle or a small desert with any size of swamp, and you got a few options on getting some branches on one side of them. later, green biome loses value, as they only got branches, milkweed and food, soil, but all those can be replaced and they deplete quick
so depending on what you are looking for, differs
but if you want spots for a camp or outpost, you mainly want water in warmer areas

what you need to pay attention to is how the biomes are joined together, there will be a line between them, that line can be NW-SE or NE-SW, depending in which side you are on, you will find the same line in the other biome edges, can even be straight up down but its a bit more rare
every time i find a vein, i go back to camp straight and try to describe it like go right until you reach the edge of desert than straight south
this is not totally random coincidence!
those lines are there for a reason
now lets say you got 800x800 tiles to poulate, you fill it with diamond shape biomes, you get a few big diamonds, a few small diamonds, the rest is a filler, ever seen a swamp tree on the green? thats technically a swamp
or snow on desert, its still hot, temperature and items wont lie, colors do, so check the trees and stones and other biome specific items
they for a pattern, like a triangle, the corner of that triangle is a pointer to another similar biome, that can be 60 degree or 45 or even straight 0 or 90, you surely will find other borders following that line

the other thing is monoliths, those are always on desert as far as i know, if they arent, than its a pseudo desert and some error generated them a bit further from a desert, im positive its a dessert near it closeby
so deserts are the best indicator, not the green biome, which everyone uses cause of food is in there
sure thats a good thing and if im starving i go to find a green biome, doesnt require tools to eat
but deserts are the ones which are a bit more indicative on you place in the world

also monoliths have this habbit to create a lot of fragments aoudn them, or vice versa, the fragments on map have monolith next to
this map errors are like tiny deserts with ponds or smaller green with no actual food on them
this are a high risk high reward zone, where you can find ideal spots, like i mentioned ponds near a desert are pretty good

here is a picture of a map:
no jungles on this, as its pre update
i guess purple are swamps, as they had no jungle before update and we had ice from start, also no towns on light grey
the names are old cities on s3 as they tried to map it out
i can say that all biomes are kinda same proportion
i clearly see a diagonal structure on the map, even cities are NE-SW to each other, and even if this is pre update, there is some reason why people choose those spots , i guess ice acts as a wall so people dont often go trough it
choose any spot on this map and imagine where you want to go, sure straight goes trough a lot of biomes, but diagonals are kinda connected same type biomes, and if you want to put more points on the green/yellow/purple border you end up on diagonal line pattern next to each other
we can talk about pattern recognition when you see 3 points or more
but i can connect several cities here on straight line you would say
i would say this are two parallel diagonal lines thats why you got those spots straight to each other

so what are those "lines"? i seen this lines sometimes NW-SE, sometimes SW-NE, sometimes, rarely straight up and down
and made false assumptions of it, which worked in that scenario but didnt when i born in other cities

then i realized why
yo uare born on a random spot of map, what is absolute ? the origo, 0,0 coordinate
makes sense that the map is populated from middle to edges, so those lines are connecting the middle to sides
their degree indicates where are you on the map
lately on s2 we were on the NW side of the map, -x,y coordinates, so you could find cities on SW-NE moving pattern, NE older, SW  newer
there is some random in it, yes, but fo me makes sense why i got a 60 degree line sometimes, and why i see a 45 degree one, it means im more to east than west when i see the first, while diagonal means similar coordinates toward middle, think of a sun in middle of a galaxy, it shines staight and if nothing blocks it, passes trough the galaxy
now imagine that each beam of light forms on a distance on the perimeter, the more you go outside, the higher the distance between each beam
you are ant size on a map like this, so you see how they are shaped. but if you travel straight sideways you should see that under the origo, ,the biome groups are almost cube shape while on left they are diamond/triangle
you can test this if you are born in tutorial or donkey land as those are further from middle

Last edited by pein (2019-02-10 02:25:52) livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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