One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-02-10 19:29:27

From: Usa
Registered: 2018-05-24
Posts: 143

Lower the Donkey Town Requirement

As most of you are aware, the requirement to be sent to Donkey Town is set at 8 curses. It used to be 10, but was lowered because the number was too high. I would like to suggest again the requirement be lowered again to at least 6 curses, and if possible down to 5.

I'm sure y'all've noticed there has been a large influx or griefers recently and I feel that there's not enough curses to go around to send griefers to where they belong. It's very hard to be sent to Donkey Town, even on purpose, with the limit currently being 8. So I want to suggest that it be lowered again to try and weed out the troublemakers and letting the players be able to play in a somewhat peaceful manner again.


#2 2019-02-10 19:41:29

Registered: 2019-01-03
Posts: 98

Re: Lower the Donkey Town Requirement

Stylingirl wrote:

the requirement be lowered again to at least 6 curses, and if possible down to 5.

The problem with 5 is that, even though rarely, quads could curse someone and somebody else seeing this could probably be tricked into cursing someone innocent.

I don’t talk in-game unless it’s dire.


#3 2019-02-10 19:46:52

From: Usa
Registered: 2018-05-24
Posts: 143

Re: Lower the Donkey Town Requirement

That's the same thing people were worried about when curses were first implemented. People were vehemently against the cursing system for fear that they would be sent to Donkey Town despite being innocent. But we can't even send guilty people to Donkey Town. Like I saw before, I think 6 curses for the requirement would be good enough.


#4 2019-02-10 19:49:23

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: Lower the Donkey Town Requirement

I agree but i would even lower to four (for small eve camps), but with a different system for time spent in donkeytown, there would be a cap of 30 minutes for the first five times spent in donkey town then after five times it would be a ratio of number of hours played/number of curses.

So regular players dont get punished for racking up curses trough normal gameplay (stabbing a griefer and getting cursed, being on disagrement with someone and getting cursed etc)

Depending on the ratio the time spent in donkey town could be as much as 2-3 hours for the hardcore griefers, after someone spend 3 hours (or a similar long time) he should go back to 30 minutes as it would be unfair to only get 4 curses and continuously spend 3 hours in donkey town

Having more people go in donkeytown but for a shorter time would send a clear warning that it's easy to get there and they shouldn't grief (at least not every life) or they will go there again many times

Yes there will be people sent unfairly there but as long as they are not a regular griefers they will only spend 30 minutes there and their ratio should be good enough that next time it wont be more than 30 minutes or maybe one hour max

Overrall i think shorter but easier to get sentences could be a good idea


#5 2019-02-10 19:50:43

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: Lower the Donkey Town Requirement

Oblong wrote:
Stylingirl wrote:

the requirement be lowered again to at least 6 curses, and if possible down to 5.

The problem with 5 is that, even though rarely, quads could curse someone and somebody else seeing this could probably be tricked into cursing someone innocent.

That could be fixed with twin/trips/quads not being able to curse (disable cursing for them)


#6 2019-02-10 19:52:48

Registered: 2019-01-09
Posts: 62

Re: Lower the Donkey Town Requirement

I like it.

The one thing that needs to be reworked tho imo is the lifetime curse score system. It's fixed numbers right now that determine the duration of your stay in DT. But the longer the game is out and the more people play, the higher your lifetime curse score is gonna be on average which means that by simply playing more people get longer DT sentences on average. It should instead be a ratio of curses accumulated over time played. This is to make sure people get fair sentences.

Edit: I see Dodge already suggested something like this, good stuff.

Last edited by Nepumuk (2019-02-10 19:53:54)

I am Eve Speed.


#7 2019-02-10 19:55:05

Registered: 2019-01-03
Posts: 98

Re: Lower the Donkey Town Requirement

Dodge wrote:
Oblong wrote:
Stylingirl wrote:

the requirement be lowered again to at least 6 curses, and if possible down to 5.

The problem with 5 is that, even though rarely, quads could curse someone and somebody else seeing this could probably be tricked into cursing someone innocent.

That could be fixed with twin/trips/quads not being able to curse (disable cursing for them)

And what if someone griefs and kills part of a multiple?

I don’t talk in-game unless it’s dire.


#8 2019-02-10 20:04:00

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: Lower the Donkey Town Requirement

Oblong wrote:
Dodge wrote:
Oblong wrote:

The problem with 5 is that, even though rarely, quads could curse someone and somebody else seeing this could probably be tricked into cursing someone innocent.

That could be fixed with twin/trips/quads not being able to curse (disable cursing for them)

And what if someone griefs and kills part of a multiple?

twins/trips/quads already have the group advantage if someone attacks them they can easily kill them, why give them the ability to curse on top of that?


#9 2019-02-10 20:04:14

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: Lower the Donkey Town Requirement

Oblong wrote:
Dodge wrote:
Oblong wrote:

The problem with 5 is that, even though rarely, quads could curse someone and somebody else seeing this could probably be tricked into cursing someone innocent.

That could be fixed with twin/trips/quads not being able to curse (disable cursing for them)

And what if someone griefs and kills part of a multiple?

Then you already know who griefed your twin and they can handle it.

fug it’s Tarr.


#10 2019-02-10 20:48:09

Registered: 2018-11-14
Posts: 364

Re: Lower the Donkey Town Requirement

I would like to see the ability to curse people reload faster.  I often wish I could curse more than one person every two hours.  It would also be nice if I could type "curse ..." and right click on the person I want to curse and have it autofill the name"



#11 2019-02-10 21:06:37

Registered: 2018-11-19
Posts: 322

Re: Lower the Donkey Town Requirement

Crazy Eddie has a similar suggestion active on the github page.  It targets players with a higher number of lifetime curses.  Crazy Eddie has a knack for writing suggestion Jason implements - using Jason's own statements of what his goal is, and making a very logical argument.

I'm all for it, either way.  I'd be happy to spend and hour in DT, if it made it harder for our pro griefers to singlehandedly destroy our playgrounds and not have any consequences.

--Blue Diamond

I aim to leave behind a world that is easier for people to live in that it was before I got there.


#12 2019-02-10 21:54:00

Registered: 2018-07-15
Posts: 355

Re: Lower the Donkey Town Requirement

Yes to lowering it, yes to twins not getting it, and yes to reducing cooldown by a bit, say an hour and a half

Favourite Lives: MrDryer/ChirpChapley (Eva II) Town Nurse (Beth Storm) Ma's Best Li'l Helper (Law Autry), The Latex Lord (Kevin Youree), 60 Years a Blacksmith (Victoire Mom) The Egglord's Apprentice (Thomas II), Big Blood Brother (Dante), Horse racer on doomsday (Lilly Tana)
Profile Picture by MultiLife


#13 2019-02-11 00:02:56

Bob 101
Registered: 2019-02-05
Posts: 313

Re: Lower the Donkey Town Requirement

I don't think lowering it will work. Keep it high but make each point hang around for longer.


#14 2019-02-11 01:58:50

Registered: 2018-08-21
Posts: 12

Re: Lower the Donkey Town Requirement

I am in favor of lowering it, and shortening the cooldown. I would also like to see the speech character limit bypassed if "curse" is typed. it is so frustrating to type "Curse Elizab" and not being able to finish it.  Especially if they have a long name.  If you are old enough to type "curse", you should be able to type the whole thing.


#15 2019-02-11 02:55:17

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Lower the Donkey Town Requirement

no thanks, cursing is dumb

the statement that veterans grief more is not true
there is a point where people start killing others, and it will come to everyone
there is a point where people realize that what they did in past is unoptimal and it takes more courage to admit that they deserved to be killed for it
with time you get better fvo, better sense of strategy, better skills
just because you dont see or care about things, didnt mean it doesnt happen
lot of newbies are offended easy and kill others for pointing out their mistakes
most people learn to curse others before they learn how to farm and sustain themselves

cursing for me is like saying that i am weaker than the other player, if you are annoyed by something, if you face problems, you either solve it or let it go. there is a bear in town? get arrows, kill it. there is a griefer in town? kill it.
now what i see is people wearing crown and "im the leader of this camp", "whe should fix the pen" but they never even start working on it, just chat about it 20 minutes, die, the pen isnt finished 9 generations later
while newbies are like: there are no berries, lets plant more and fuck you for not letting it, im an expert berriologist

the reasons for cursing are quite bad too
i griefed a camp for 40 minutes mixing some useful acts and lot of useless acts, like converting oven over and over, blocking it with newcommen, seeds everywhere, bowls and plates filled with garbage, the only reason i was killed was naming kids bad names
and thats what i see, cursing is more personal and people do it for rp. they are less likely to care about truth or facts, than family relation
people also pretend to be nice for a few minutes but then turn back to their selfish ways

so how often people use curses for intended purpose? quite low
how often the curse and frame others when they deserve to be cursed? off the charts

it already doesnt cost you anything
twins have too much advantage on killing and cursing
and while you think people are equal, i dont feel that a player who works his ass off deserves to be cursed for telling people not to ruin his work. happened to me, happened to others i seen.

intention is other question, i seen newbees with bad intention, and better players too, now if you want to change their ways, you should change their ways too. it requires a whole lot of patience just to ignore people who dont know what they are doing and doesnt even care to learn. am i the fault for it? i dont think so. if i dont tell them if they do mistakes or that they are annoying, they will do it again and again.

there should be some pointer how useful is a player. some sort of point system
generally there are actions that are super useful like making a compost
now if for example you make one compost then earn 1 point, for 5 points you delete a curse point
while you could technically make compost then grief around  but that would be quite weird gameplay.
i dont imagien any situation where i need to talk all game and convince others to curse a player cause its griefing. like who gonna feed the kids? and who gonna advance society? how can you call someone griefer when you dont do anything at al land you eat the food what that "griefer" produces for you

also there are this people who curse quite often, i rather punish this people than give them more power. if you want to bring others down, you should think it seriously. you should also get cursed, at a lower rate. give 2 curse point but receive one. If you are cursing, you might be the one who provoked the other player. So you should also have a risk of getting to donkey town. if you still do it, than you should accept the risk. thsi way people wouldnt curse on sight when they are being asked.

it feels unfair to get into donkey town when you are innocent, and i was cursed 13 times for killing one griefer, cause we had a king who defended poor kid who wanted hunting at age 8 and i dared to disagree. the only thing it teached me is to kill people with crowns first cause they are useless troublemakers.

it could be lower amount of points but then twins shouldnt get 1 curse point each, and lower time of sentence.
or maybe real time sentence acceptable, like you can get cursed but if you dont play that day, it decreases sentence with some time. sometimes people have a bad day and got angry easy. maybe give some task to them in donkey town. some sort of tutorial, tips, ways to see there is other things to do than killing people. if they do it, their sentence comes off, if they goof around, let them spend hours.

so it needs major changes. maybe a tier based donkey town where you get  4 curses, you are sent further with other cursed players.
then if you still get more curses even further, so not all alone but with the likes of you.
not all cursed people are bad people, maybe they had less friends, no witnesses
with 3 tiers you would get heaven, hell and cleansing fire
if you are cursed, you would be sent further, if you are cursed again 4 more times, you are sent lower, but chances are, that on lower pop you wouldnt be cursed again, or some part of those players are there by mistake
aslo you would have a warning before sent far away
i guess people would choose o be cursed and second tier people would be  more decent in this case, but if they are true griefers, they would meet other bad griefers and they could fight it out
any case, quads, triplets and twins got unfair advantage when lowering numbers livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#16 2019-02-11 04:05:48

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: Lower the Donkey Town Requirement

In relation to group play he should make it where

-Everyone in the group receives a curse point if one person does.
-The groups total score determines whether they're born normal or donkeys
-Add in broken heart syndrome (if one twin is murdered the other dies too and make sure it counts as murdered to lineage ban both)

For single play

-Either allow children to curse or create a fixed version of curse notes (Previous version was broken because you had no idea what a piece of paper say before picking it up leading to people accidentally wasting curses instead of enabling children to curse.)
-Lower the threshold to six

fug it’s Tarr.


#17 2019-02-11 05:02:26

Jk Howling
From: Washington State
Registered: 2018-06-16
Posts: 468

Re: Lower the Donkey Town Requirement

Tarr wrote:

In relation to group play he should make it where

-Everyone in the group receives a curse point if one person does.
-The groups total score determines whether they're born normal or donkeys
-Add in broken heart syndrome (if one twin is murdered the other dies too and make sure it counts as murdered to lineage ban both)

For single play

-Either allow children to curse or create a fixed version of curse notes (Previous version was broken because you had no idea what a piece of paper say before picking it up leading to people accidentally wasting curses instead of enabling children to curse.)
-Lower the threshold to six

Here here!

I'd like to add in that perhaps changing the curse system from simply saying "curse x" to a command similar to the emotions? Seems a simple enough way to fix the character limitations, as any message with a / in front of it ignores age limitations.

Could simply make it /curse <player>. Maybe change the text pop-up say "has cursed <player>" or something, or even a different textbox color to differentiate the action from normal chitchat. Obviously make no text appear if the player lacks a curse token.

Dunno how hard this'd be to implement coding-wise but I feel like it'd be doable.

Last edited by Jk Howling (2019-02-11 05:03:40)

-Has ascended to better games-


#18 2019-02-11 05:40:39

Registered: 2018-12-16
Posts: 289

Re: Lower the Donkey Town Requirement

My thoughts would be you could go as low as three curses.  But you'd have to have a corresponding reduction in donkeytown time served.  Right now it's a total crapshoot.  You need to discord pile people into cursing someone or just get extremely lucky.  However, if potentially innocent people are getting sent to donkey town it should be trivial, not potentially 5 hours. 

While we're at it, the lifetime curse level is not so great.  It punishes people who play the game more pretty much exclusively.  Regularly trollers will probably get bored and move on.  I'd abolish it for a flat half hour first time, 1 hour from there on IMO

Likes sword based eve names.  Claymore, blades, sword.  Never understimate the blades!


#19 2019-02-11 07:01:39

Registered: 2019-01-09
Posts: 62

Re: Lower the Donkey Town Requirement

I'd like to point out that being able to kill a whole group of twins/triplets/quads just by killing one of them seems kinda unfair and could easily be exploited by griefers. Just imagine someone walking into a quad eve camp and stabbing/shooting a single player, destroying the whole camp in one go.

I am Eve Speed.


#20 2019-02-11 07:16:50

Registered: 2019-01-25
Posts: 321

Re: Lower the Donkey Town Requirement

The one in a million chance of being cursed by quadruplets and actually ending up in donkey town is inconsequential when your stay is only 30 minutes.


#21 2019-02-11 08:43:27

From: Catalunya
Registered: 2018-05-13
Posts: 686

Re: Lower the Donkey Town Requirement

pein wrote:

cursing for me is like saying that i am weaker than the other player, if you are annoyed by something, if you face problems, you either solve it or let it go. there is a bear in town? get arrows, kill it. there is a griefer in town? kill it.
now what i see is people wearing crown and "im the leader of this camp", "whe should fix the pen" but they never even start working on it, just chat about it 20 minutes, die, the pen isnt finished 9 generations later
while newbies are like: there are no berries, lets plant more and fuck you for not letting it, im an expert berriologist


I'm tired of seeing people in these forums write stories about serial killers and read that nobody does anything to avoid it

guys, if someone walks for 15 minutes with a loaded bow in a city or camp when it is not necessary and fills the belly with berries ... someone will be killed shortly.

If someone carries a knife in strange movements and approaches people ... someone will be killed shortly.

If a bear appears in the city, do not continue composting as if nothing had happened

If all the cakes in a city disappear, do not continue making cakes like a fool

In every game I play there is a griefer, some more novices and others more experts who get rid of whole lineages
But NO ONE does anything to prevent it, I think people are too lazy to create a bow and arrow, or to crap a knife or just to pick up some snowballs and get rid of the annoying ones.

It seems that players rely too much on cursing someone ...
the curses only serve when the evil is already done, and even then it does not work unless the griefer is very cheeky and colorful

The truth is that this game is a reflection of our zombie society

lately I am seeing an augment of the griefers in all my plays, but what bothers me most is to see the players asleep and idiots doing nothing

Sometimes I want to be the zombie killer!

Last edited by JonySky (2019-02-11 08:49:51)


#22 2019-02-11 10:35:58

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: Lower the Donkey Town Requirement

JonySky wrote:


I'm tired of seeing people in these forums write stories about serial killers and read that nobody does anything to avoid it

guys, if someone walks for 15 minutes with a loaded bow in a city or camp when it is not necessary and fills the belly with berries ... someone will be killed shortly.

If someone carries a knife in strange movements and approaches people ... someone will be killed shortly.

If a bear appears in the city, do not continue composting as if nothing had happened

If all the cakes in a city disappear, do not continue making cakes like a fool

In every game I play there is a griefer, some more novices and others more experts who get rid of whole lineages
But NO ONE does anything to prevent it, I think people are too lazy to create a bow and arrow, or to crap a knife or just to pick up some snowballs and get rid of the annoying ones.

It seems that players rely too much on cursing someone ...
the curses only serve when the evil is already done, and even then it does not work unless the griefer is very cheeky and colorful

The truth is that this game is a reflection of our zombie society

lately I am seeing an augment of the griefers in all my plays, but what bothers me most is to see the players asleep and idiots doing nothing

Sometimes I want to be the zombie killer!

So the game should just be a guarding simulator? You expect players who can't even get passed the berry tending part of the game to defend themselves from someone whose only goal is to ruin all the work everyone else has put into the game? The game becomes a tedious game of whack a troll instead of a game about civ building. I've played guard for 12 hours straight and I not only promise you but guarantee it's not enjoyable to basically stand around and watch people. When you're stuck standing around keeping an eye on everyone in the village instead of doing what you planned on doing it becomes more of a job. "Well I can't bake this life because a griefer might start stabbing everyone." People are asking for the threshold to be lowered because even with everyone on the same server it's hard to get eight curses either way.

When it takes an hour of you running around yelling curse X to rack up enough people cursing are you having fun? Because I'm not. Yeah I might send that guy away for an hour of two but it costs me my whole life to secure making sure they get cursed out so in the end we've now both wasted an hour. Another reason it's so hard to make sure a troll gets punished is because you are almost always getting multiple troll per life trying to fuck things up. Well we used our curses on Bob this time, now Bobby gets to get away with wrecking everything. The good news is at least when they do get murdered they can't come back to the family line for three hours but unless you are purposely avoiding the lineage ban you have to deal with these same people in other families now.

This is why I play in only one village at a time. If I'm exclusively playing in one lineage the whole time I don't have to deal with the same griefer over and over again trying to wreck all the places. Sure I still run into griefers but at least once they're killed I'm done seeing them.

But yes, at some point new players/bad players have to learn to defend themselves, however this isn't a game about stopping some random antag, it's a game about building, growing, and advancing. If I wanted to play a game where someone is trying to fuck everything up I'll play SS13.

Last edited by Tarr (2019-02-11 13:17:24)

fug it’s Tarr.


#23 2019-02-11 11:09:57

Registered: 2019-02-11
Posts: 464

Re: Lower the Donkey Town Requirement

Tarr wrote:

When you're stuck standing around keeping an eye on everyone in the village instead of doing what you planned on doing it becomes more of a job. "Well I can't bake this life because a griefer might start stabbing everyone."


"I can't do... I have to do... instead because of griefers."

It's what makes me fall out of love with this game.


#24 2019-02-11 13:14:31

Registered: 2018-11-12
Posts: 47

Re: Lower the Donkey Town Requirement

Agreed. I don't want to have to chase someone with a knife for ten minutes until one of us starves, I want to curse that person and get back to what I'm doing.


#25 2019-02-11 13:17:42

Registered: 2018-10-12
Posts: 663

Re: Lower the Donkey Town Requirement

Yes to lowering the threshold, and yes to curses applying to both twins.

There has been a large influx of griefers recently, and it's so bad that the game is becoming unplayable in my mind.

Well organized twins can spawn into a town and kill half the population within minutes using snowballs before people have a chance to react.


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