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#1 2019-02-21 21:52:34

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Live changes to donkeytown threshold for repeat offenders.


#2 2019-02-21 22:54:24

Registered: 2018-11-12
Posts: 676

Re: Live changes to donkeytown threshold for repeat offenders.

For easy reference, here is the commit and the details of what was changed: … a0b898f7b8

Donkeytown threshold (which was fixed at a current curse score of 8 before) now goes down as a player's total curse score rises. Once they hit 25 total points, it goes down to 7. At 55, it goes down to 6. At 65 down to 4. And 75 down to 3. Note that there are only 27 people in the game with a total curse score of 55 or more. A very tiny sliver of the total player population. So, we now wait for the worst players to anger fewer people before sending them to Donkeytown. Fixes #204


#3 2019-02-21 23:00:42

Registered: 2018-12-04
Posts: 164

Re: Live changes to donkeytown threshold for repeat offenders.

Is this starting now, or is it retroactive? I'm worried about Tarr, to be honest. He really was just doing what Jason asked with his Apocalypse.


#4 2019-02-21 23:09:26

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: Live changes to donkeytown threshold for repeat offenders.

Are there any videos of donkey town? or images? Curious what it's like. But donwanna go

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#5 2019-02-21 23:16:19

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: Live changes to donkeytown threshold for repeat offenders.

futurebird wrote:

Are there any videos of donkey town? or images? Curious what it's like. But donwanna go

It's basically an afk simulator. You go from berry bush to berry bush (or banana tree to banana tree) while you wait for your time there to be over. A lot of people are curious but it's just like playing Eve with no or little kids while also having zero progress possible.

fug it’s Tarr.


#6 2019-02-21 23:16:55

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: Live changes to donkeytown threshold for repeat offenders.

All current curse scores have been cleared as part of this hot fix (though total curse scores have not been changed).

So, anyone currently in d-town is now free again.

But watch out, if you're a repeat offender, because your threshold is probably lower than it used to be.


#7 2019-02-21 23:23:42

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: Live changes to donkeytown threshold for repeat offenders.

Averest wrote:

Is this starting now, or is it retroactive? I'm worried about Tarr, to be honest. He really was just doing what Jason asked with his Apocalypse.

I'm not really worried about the whole total score situation. I don't normally put myself in a spot where I start collecting mass curses in the first place since why would I want to grief a bunch of people? I knew when I did that impromptu apocalypse run I was going to get sent to donkey town I just happened to do it on the day Jason sent everyone to one server tongue

As long as you don't be a jerk to people getting a curse here or there doesn't really hurt you in the long run hence why my first and only trip to donkey town was a two hour stay. Just play nice and don't kill people all willy nilly.

fug it’s Tarr.


#8 2019-02-22 01:42:51

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 362

Re: Live changes to donkeytown threshold for repeat offenders.

I am generally in favor of this, but iit's worth considering the fact that if people keep playing this game for years and years, the number of curses even the most pro-social player gets for stupid things will always accumulate and never diminish.  Those numbers look absolutely fine to me for now, but maybe not for ever and ever.  I wonder if some day you might want to move to a curses-per-time-played system. 

I mean, I'm an almost annoyingly goody-two-shoes kind of player, but I've been playing since before the curse system started, and I'm pretty sure I'm into double-digit lifetime curses by now, for various stupid reasons.  (I got quite a few of them from griefers who think that if they can curse the person taking them out everyone will think that person is the bad guy.  I've never once had it work  -- usually I've got three townspeople standing next to me going, "Yeah, right, buddy we saw what you did" and feeding me -- but they do keep trying it.  Also, I genuinely had two people curse me as a joke once  when the curse system first came out.  We were the last males in a dying village, and that was the third life in a row that had happened to me.  I lamented that I appeared to be cursed, so they cursed me for bringing the curse on them.  I laughed.  It was a waste of curse tokens, but it was genuinely funny.  Didn't know it was going on my permanent record, though. smile)


#9 2019-02-22 02:28:27

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Live changes to donkeytown threshold for repeat offenders.

i also got quite a lot of curses, not as much as people think, but like 2x had a looot, once due to curse notes , and once cause testing murder mechanics and tp, btw jason fixed tp after i murdered morti and 5 others under a minute
generally i get 2-3 sometimes and always the people who dont work shit or waste stuff or play stupid rp, talk all game, curse others, i had a proper griefer in Hiro lineage, i could get 3 curses for her, and two of it was my kids. while i received 3 once, cause i told a guy not to throw my baby left and right, so he cursed me, a friend of him cursed me and a person just randomly cursed me cause seen 2 curses. maybe i deserve sometimes, maybe not. but its annoying when i kill a griefer and i get cursed by him and i get cursed again cause he is dead and im standing with a bloody weapon.
now the 1 min in cold cant really be survived, and fire is in populated area so you really got to plan a kill.

also is bullshit repeated offenders. you see twitch players go in game and kill others for view or some players kill 7-8 babeis and the town cant defend but cant even curse.
so even if i got like 30-40 curses, for 1000 hours thats still less than some with 20 hours already hitting 10 kills and shit. and everytime i got an argument or try to say that something is not optimal, peopel get offended and try to kill me.
should i let it kill me? is this the big brother? i dont like them either and probably im right, but i get cursed for not losing a duel or what?

like other game, i digged some yellow bushes out. noob kid was tellign that im a griefer
ofc her mom cursed me instantly, later to recognize me
ok, i told kid that im making road there so we can pick it off easier
road? from wood? you are noob and you are idiot and such
worst was that i told, i got one of the most hours
comes 5 min of verbal abuse and she picks up a bow.
ofc i killed her. i got cursed 3 times, the girl quit on us and the lineage died.
peopel are sensitive flowers and its ok to chitchat 60 min and convince others to curse someone for looking at them, but not ok to kill anyone for anything.

and btw, if someone lives normally after being cursed yes, that is a good effect in theory, people can curse you without you seeing it, so you cannot really track and stay under threshold. all i see is people who are two faced framers and so selfish enthusiasts, they hate someone for 40 min just for any reason whiel doing nothing then go on forums and cry about griefers when they piss off everyone. livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#10 2019-02-22 02:47:12

Registered: 2018-05-11
Posts: 212

Re: Live changes to donkeytown threshold for repeat offenders.

Is there any way to find out what my total curse score is? I've never griefed a day in my life, but I butt heads with griefers often and they usually curse me in retaliation, or I get cursed by a rando after stabbing the griefer. I'd love to know how quickly the lifetime score accumulates.

I'm with happynova in that I doubt this is going to be a problem right now, but over time the lifetime curse system is going to hurt people who play the game more often.


#11 2019-02-22 03:42:03

Registered: 2019-02-14
Posts: 199

Re: Live changes to donkeytown threshold for repeat offenders.

an easy way to future-proof this would be to decrement the lifetime curse score by one for every 7 day period you go without getting cursed. Surely if you don't get cursed for an entire week you aren't griefing or at least not consistently. If you wait a month before you grief again to lower your score after you get cursed a few times, griefing is greatly reduced regardless.

Last edited by Peremptive (2019-02-22 03:43:44)


#12 2019-02-22 04:57:46

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 2,467

Re: Live changes to donkeytown threshold for repeat offenders.

Imo it should depend on a ratio number of curses/hours played, this will just end up punishing the long term players that will rack up curses trough normal gameplay


#13 2019-02-22 07:38:01

Registered: 2019-01-09
Posts: 62

Re: Live changes to donkeytown threshold for repeat offenders.

It should absolutely be a ratio of curses/hours played.

Also, if there are only 27 people with a curse score of over 55 but the state of griefing is as bad as it currently is that just means that the majority of griefers manage to avoid curses. Really makes you think.

I am Eve Speed.


#14 2019-02-22 09:49:23

Registered: 2019-02-13
Posts: 47

Re: Live changes to donkeytown threshold for repeat offenders.

I am pro ratio

(I once got cursed because because I not wanted to marry/roleplay...)


#15 2019-02-22 11:05:19

Registered: 2018-01-22
Posts: 712

Re: Live changes to donkeytown threshold for repeat offenders.

It should absolutely be a ratio of curses/hours played.

Curses/lives lived to 60. It's too easy to fake playing 24/7.

Also, I still think curses should be relative in some way.
Cursing basically means "I, person X don't want to play with person Y, so I curse person Y."
The goal is to reduce the number of times a player wants to curse another player.
Instead of spawning "bad" players in a donkey town, choose spawn locations based on how many "enemy" players there are nearby.
If there really are "good" players and "griefers", towns will naturally split into regular towns and donkey towns.


#16 2019-02-22 11:53:46

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: Live changes to donkeytown threshold for repeat offenders.

now we need an option for babies, kids, juveniles to curse in a quick way

Kinrany wrote:

Instead of spawning "bad" players in a donkey town, choose spawn locations based on how many "enemy" players there are nearby.
If there really are "good" players and "griefers", towns will naturally split into regular towns and donkey towns.

i like that idea

would end up in something similar to a guild system,
players had finally some saying with what sort of players they want to play,
cause so far the randomness is literally deadly & foremost unpleasant to play

Last edited by breezeknight (2019-02-22 11:57:21)


#17 2019-02-22 17:08:31

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: Live changes to donkeytown threshold for repeat offenders.

Yes, I may add some time-played adjustment in the future.

Remember, the "over 55" bit is only affecting 27 players currently, out of the 34,000 that are registered on the curse server.  That is 0.07%.  I.e., not affecting 99.92% of the playerbase.

Thus, it's pretty clear to me that anyone with 55 curse points is "special" and not just a long term player who got cursed by accident 55 times.

FURTHERMORE:  it is still the case, even if you have 55 curse points, that you have to anger six people together to actually go to d-town.

For example, there are 13 people with more than 75 total curse points.  They will go to d-town if they get a current curse score of 3.  But that still means making 3 people mad at the same time, which is pretty unlikely to happen by accident.

So even in the worst case, it won't send too many people to d-town "by accident."  The curse mechanism is a tool for measuring consensus.

Just did a little sampling, and for the top players in terms of hours, I'm seeing these lifetime curse scores:


All these players have more than 1000 hours logged, and all of them played the game yesterday.  Also, these are all pre-steam players (hard to log over 1000 hours since the Steam release).

On the other hand, the highest curse score in the game is 172, and that's held by a Steam player with only 419 hours.

The top Steam player has logged 698 hours in three months.  That's a lot!  7 hours a day, 7 days a week, for three months straight.  And their curse score?



#18 2019-02-22 17:21:15

Registered: 2019-01-09
Posts: 62

Re: Live changes to donkeytown threshold for repeat offenders.

Regardless of everything else I want to take a moment to say that I really appreciate your increased presence on the forums, Jason. Not sure how much it interferes with your work schedule but it's nice to see you interact more with the community.

I am Eve Speed.


#19 2019-02-22 17:36:44

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 362

Re: Live changes to donkeytown threshold for repeat offenders.

jasonrohrer wrote:

For example, there are 13 people with more than 75 total curse points.  They will go to d-town if they get a current curse score of 3.  But that still means making 3 people mad at the same time, which is pretty unlikely to happen by accident.

It's not impossible, but, y'know, I am entirely happy with saying that person has lost the right to have the benefit of the doubt. smile

Anyway, thanks for the stats, Jason.  They're interesting.


#20 2019-02-22 17:48:59

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 1,596

Re: Live changes to donkeytown threshold for repeat offenders.

I guess no more apocalypse attempts or I get to move up a tier based off that data haha. It's easy to wrack up a few curses on someone by just walking into the center of town and saying "Curse X." Once people hear that chime it's easy to get a few extra sent someones way.

Overall I think it's an improvement to the system. Don't be silly and the curses you get here or there won't generally matter.

fug it’s Tarr.


#21 2019-02-23 03:15:47

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Live changes to donkeytown threshold for repeat offenders.

if they know its me, they would probably curse me for it
i got quite a lot of friends too and im on edge of both scales
that still wont mean that im particularly did anything on that life

i did some low key griefing the other day, cause i was killed there for no reason before, so i just messed things up while doing some cover actions
got 0 curses and ruined the whole city over and over
i got killed finally but not for griefing, for naming babies dumb names livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#22 2019-02-23 03:37:49

Registered: 2018-04-05
Posts: 680

Re: Live changes to donkeytown threshold for repeat offenders.

pein wrote:

if they know its me, they would probably curse me for it
i got quite a lot of friends too and im on edge of both scales
that still wont mean that im particularly did anything on that life

i did some low key griefing the other day, cause i was killed there for no reason before, so i just messed things up while doing some cover actions
got 0 curses and ruined the whole city over and over
i got killed finally but not for griefing, for naming babies dumb names

Anyone who knows you knows when you are in their ohol family.

Your a love it or hate it personality personally i really admire your efficiency. Stay out of peins way and the family will make major strides. Get in his way and everyone will die and you wont even know what happened.

<3 you pein

Be kind, generous, and work together my potatoes.


#23 2019-02-23 06:53:08

Registered: 2018-08-11
Posts: 476

Re: Live changes to donkeytown threshold for repeat offenders.

jasonrohrer wrote:

Just did a little sampling, and for the top players in terms of hours, I'm seeing these lifetime curse scores:


All these players have more than 1000 hours logged, and all of them played the game yesterday.  Also, these are all pre-steam players (hard to log over 1000 hours since the Steam release).

On the other hand, the highest curse score in the game is 172, and that's held by a Steam player with only 419 hours.

The top Steam player has logged 698 hours in three months.  That's a lot!  7 hours a day, 7 days a week, for three months straight.  And their curse score?


Is the logged hours time in game or just time with the client open? I'm guessing the latter, as that's how Steam seems to measure things. So these times could be inaccurate. I in particular often leave programs open and have 20 things open at a time. I'm also guessing that it might not count people who use Awbz mod to play.


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