One Hour One Life Forums

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#1 2019-02-24 09:12:34

From: Under your bed
Registered: 2019-02-17
Posts: 781

Iffy lineage errors and occurances?

I've seen somebody else notice missing lineages, and I was rather curious to see how my surviving daughter and son were doing...They simply never popped into the family tree.
And they simply not in the lineage. Not are any of the daughter's children recorded. … id=3564501
Jesus Christ I popped recorded 16 kids and at least two more that reached adulthood and are unrecorded. Abysmal. Also, I popped in with twins and a third kid in tow. Almost confused them for triplets and nope'd out as an irresponsible 14 year old girl.

This I think is the missing part, found via Cowen and Augustin horse. … id=3564511

Later I've been reborn at the camp, with people with no surname in it, at least around the camp area (Keep the surname going, name your children. Why? Helps identify people better across generations.) Mother got old and didn't feed me solids when I pleaded to, aggh. Else I could've investigated further.

Also how can two surnames exist in the same lineage? Here is Bob and Grass born to the same eve. … id=3582188
I was born to the grass part just now (Just wanted to test a name so I could find the previously mentioned lineage of mine because I'm awful at remembering names.)

My favourite all time lives are Unity Dawn, who was married to Sachin Gedeon.

PIES 2.0 <- Pie diversification mod


#2 2019-02-24 10:10:40

Registered: 2018-12-16
Posts: 289

Re: Iffy lineage errors and occurances?

Two names in a lineage can happen when a foreigner with a different surname names a nameless kid. The kid stays in the same line but with the new name.  At least I'm pretty sure that's how it works.

Last edited by Greep (2019-02-24 10:11:11)

Likes sword based eve names.  Claymore, blades, sword.  Never understimate the blades!


#3 2019-02-24 14:42:19

Registered: 2018-07-11
Posts: 492

Re: Iffy lineage errors and occurances?

Happened weirdly to me as well. I got married to Shine Steeley, who divorced me. I wanted to see what her last words were.
But there was no record of her.
Not even her kids..weird

Recent favorite lives:
Favio Pheonix,Les Nana,Cloud Charles, Rosa Colo [fed my little bro] Lucas Dawn [husband of magnolia] Jasmine Yu,Chogiwa, Tae (Jazz meister)Gillian Yellow (adoptive husband),Jason Dua, Arya Stark, Sophie Cucci, Cerenity Ergo ,Owner of Boris The Goose,Being Maria's mom, Santa's helper.


#4 2019-02-24 15:59:59

Registered: 2018-03-21
Posts: 556

Re: Iffy lineage errors and occurances?

I had a male around a camp that i couldn't find on the lineage server, and it was a small Eve camp with a noob mom, i believe he was my younger brother, but i saw no record of him on lineage. it's possibly he was a random person who found us and I never hovered over his name but I don't think so.

and I know i'm not misremembering him being there, because i was talking to someone as i let myself starve, and had just been giving my noob mom so food recipes then explained to him how to make stew, which he was going to try to do as he ended out his life. … id=3570778

I'll tell you what I tell all my children: Make basket, always carry food.

Listen to your mom!


#5 2019-02-26 21:22:01

Registered: 2018-11-19
Posts: 322

Re: Iffy lineage errors and occurances?

I've had some weird missing links in lineages, too.  And have started a bug report on github.

Looks like there are some small gaps in when the lineage server is operating, and if you are born (or die?) in those gaps, the link to your mother doesn't get created.

--Blue Diamond

I aim to leave behind a world that is easier for people to live in that it was before I got there.


#6 2019-02-27 07:13:20

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: Iffy lineage errors and occurances?

So, I died at 60 of old age (after annoying everyone playing "the bone lady, I'm here for your bones!")

And it's been about 15 min... but my mom... is ... *still alive* ??? How? … id=3620614

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#7 2019-02-27 07:24:02

Registered: 2018-12-30
Posts: 943

Re: Iffy lineage errors and occurances?

WalrusesConquer wrote:

Happened weirdly to me as well. I got married to Shine Steeley, who divorced me. I wanted to see what her last words were.
But there was no record of her.
Not even her kids..weird

You just cant see because she filed a restraining order smile

I've had times where I disconnected and couldn't get back to that life. I wanted to see how long I lasted after, so i go on the family tree, and it says both me and my kids didn't exist lol.

Last edited by Grim_Arbiter (2019-02-27 07:24:28)

I'm flying high. But the worst is never first, and there's a person that'll set you straight. Cancelling the force within my brain. For flying high. The simulator has been disengaged.


#8 2019-02-27 15:11:27

Registered: 2018-11-19
Posts: 322

Re: Iffy lineage errors and occurances?

If this is the same bug....You should be able to search for her name "Shine Steely" and find her records, but Shine and her family won't show up in the original family tree.

--Blue Diamond

I aim to leave behind a world that is easier for people to live in that it was before I got there.


#9 2019-02-27 16:14:46

Registered: 2018-07-11
Posts: 492

Re: Iffy lineage errors and occurances?

It just says ancestor unknown. I can see some of our kids (she named them after herself I ask you >:0 ) but not her.

Recent favorite lives:
Favio Pheonix,Les Nana,Cloud Charles, Rosa Colo [fed my little bro] Lucas Dawn [husband of magnolia] Jasmine Yu,Chogiwa, Tae (Jazz meister)Gillian Yellow (adoptive husband),Jason Dua, Arya Stark, Sophie Cucci, Cerenity Ergo ,Owner of Boris The Goose,Being Maria's mom, Santa's helper.


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