a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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I was just in a town that is really taking off, it was blessed with good players, almost too much water and now two horse carts thanks to me. A young lad was but-naked and ran off with the sheep pen knife I ran after him hoping he would stab me so I could show the rest he was a greifer. He hid the knife in the woods to the north and came back so I tried to curse him! But, I typed his name incorrectly. (I am a keyboard klutz) I was so angry, the town was coming along so nicely and this kid wanted to start nonsense.
I said "he hid the knife" he says "knives are bad they ruin towns" it turned out he was a newer player, and really just wanted to keep the town safer. I explained that I needed the knife for the sheep and other tasks and he apologized and brought it back! And was generally a great help to the town after. He was upset that I tried to curse him so I apologized. In that life I melted down a few knives. If I'm about to die I don't give my knife away if I see a responsible person who has one. I melt it down. The kid was right about having too many knives.
Very happy ending. Some of the time suspicious actions aren't what they seem. I'm glad I typed his name incorrectly.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
"And they all lived happily after!"