a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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Seems like masa dough and potatoes are getting a bit more uses in this update. It's probably not enough to justify the shovel uses though.
For the time being, I think we have enough content.
Potatoes still bad.
Tortilla chips, shrimp, and salsa are good.
Ice cream is a treat that you get whenever you decide to make skim milk for yum.
The thing to be seen with this update is if the good foods will be scooped up into town culture like stew or if they'll end up like some of the bad foods (fish, tacos.)
fug it’s Tarr.
Also from what I can see on Onetech, the only reason to make ketchup is for yum, since a french fry dipped in ketchup gives the same amount of pips as an undipped french fry. Seems like a bit of a weird decision to me, since stuff like butter for bread and even the new salsa for tortillas give of more pips when the extra filling is used.
There should be a clear benefit to use fillings on food outside of yum in my opinion, since you go through the extra effort of making it.
For the time being, I think we have enough content.
Potatoes are still good and misunderstood. They come as good for trips while trying to maintain a yum bonus, and work fairly well to quickly increase one's x yum level.
Snow melts fairly quickly, and a bowl of sugary cream and a bowl of salt do not fit in a horsecart (or seemingly any other thing from a box on up). So, making ice cream needs careful planning and movement of bowls before making it. A spoon also only has the use of ice cream.
Danish Clinch.
Longtime tutorial player.
Potatoes are still good and misunderstood. They come as good for trips while trying to maintain a yum bonus, and work fairly well to quickly increase one's x yum level.
no they arent because only a complete fool would waste shovels on an extremely niche, inneficient use.
for fucks sake, stop talking like you actually play on bigserver and can keep this level of micro there. Potatoes are disgraceful as food, a meme. Yum only foods suck in bigserver, the reason for it you've even aknowledged before, people just dont yum hard on bigserver.
5 people at 50 yum dont make potatoes resource efficient, I've shown you that (and other people reviewed it). You have yet to show a benefit of making extremely wasteful food that isnt niche or that vaguely ressembles a normal life in a village, cheaper foods are just better for yum. You dont ever need to eat potatoes because the better alternatives can feed you for your whole life for much cheaper. Corn makes yum faster than potatoes, so potatoes are also not the best alternative to yum. Literally every reason including yum doesnt justify potatoes because corn just makes better yum.
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