a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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I was in the new bell town and didn't even really want to stay, it was a terrible mess from all the new foods. All the bowls were taken up, no milkweed no iron. Newer players were panicking since though there were many foods around the berries were getting dry.
On the edge of town I spot a woman in nothing but a sheep-skin with a stack of plates and a flat stone and 2389593408578 eggs. She had 3 burnt bits of tinder and was trying to put firewood rather than kindling. I asked if she needed help and we got the egg operation going and the panic died down.
I walked three green biomes over to find some milkweed and brought back seeds (no horse, no iron in a town that size and that age)
I got the garden going and to my surprise some people cleaned up a bunch of the spaces and got serious about making some pies.
But, mostly I remember the initiative of the woman with the eggs. She was new-ish to the game, or maybe just hadn't played for a long time but she was going to fill all those plates and save the town.
Made me think twice about not wanting to bother with the place.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
Eggs are the true OP food. She done good. Hope it's still standing tomorrow.
What is an ominous blade blank?
It's that blade blank next to the file and short staff you see in a naked toddler's basket.
Pages: 1