One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-04-02 13:00:45

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Beyond twins

I often think about what a town would be like if everyone on some of these forum threads were there at this forum we reach consensus from time to time and it’s reflected in the game I’ll see one of pein’s berry entrances to a pen or someone is digging a row of bushes from a gross too large berry patch and I think
“I’m gonna help them make it happen” often I never find out if I knew them from here or not.  So, what if something similar to twin code put you in a group and you are more likely to be born into that lineage. There would still be time bans and it would not be exclusive. But it could give families more character in game.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#2 2019-04-02 13:09:26

Registered: 2018-04-02
Posts: 813

Re: Beyond twins

what i also would like is the reverse thing
to NEVER again meet with players who were just obnoxious in game lol
curse alone is not enough & i have only one curse per one hour, in some games there are more than two a-holes lol
i would like to be able to mark them, as i don't want to meet them, as it is now, i probably will hmm

- - -


#3 2019-04-02 13:23:22

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: Beyond twins

I think it should be separate from curses because we would not want people cursing just to blacklist people they don’t like (for example role players should not be curse by those who wish to avoid them) also any black list must be soft we don’t have enough players to sustain all of the restrictions this could cause. So it would be more like an avoidance list than a true black list.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#4 2019-04-02 16:27:46

Registered: 2018-12-08
Posts: 4,563

Re: Beyond twins

I think the easiest way to make this a reality would be by forming a private server and white-listing certain people to allow them to play there.    I don't think there's any legitimate way to implement a system like this in game.    It would require the game to individually track personal preferences for every single player as it relates to every other player.   That might not be impossible, but it would be incredibly complex.   

Now, there are a couple of possible options that I think might be possible, depending on what exactly you want to accomplish.   

For example, using the current curse system, you could have it be that people are more likely to give birth to players who have a lifetime curse value close to their own.   People with very high curse values give birth to more griefers.   People with very low curse values give birth to more pacifist players.  People with average curse scores give birth to more average players.   Over time, villages that kill or exclude griefers would be less likely to have them born to their towns.   Villages that encourage or turn a blind eye to random murder would be more likely to have high-curse players born into them.   You would still have the chance to get a "bad" kid or a "good" kid, if there was no better match available from the pool of fertile females.   And towns that are experiencing a population boom would be more likely to gain abnormal offspring.      This would also mean that your curse score would have a lasting impact on your game experience and future lives.   Living a more violent life would lead you to being around more violence.   While living a more peaceful life would increase your chances of being born into a more peaceful village.   A kind of "genetic heritage".

Alternatively, you could take a very different approach to the idea of grouping.   Allow people to join clans or groups - like The Builders or The Daddy Diesels or The Guardians or The Farmers.   You could assign yourself to specific clan/group/occupation in the screen before being born and this clan affiliation would be visible in-game beside your name  "John Smith the Baker".   Through out that life, you would be literally labeled as belonging to the selected group and other members of the group would be able to see that you are one of them.   This could be used to allow people to coordinate in-game and find other people with similar interests and skill levels.   Perhaps the available occupations could be unlocked by doing certain things in-game.  So you might start off only having access to the group "The Noobs", but as you advance further in the game and learn how to farm crops or tend berry bushes, you unlock access to The Farmers group.   And later on, you unlock access to The Bakers group by building an adobe oven and baking a certain number of pies in-game.    This kind of grouping might change the social landscape of an OHOL village in interesting ways.


#5 2019-04-02 17:28:00

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: Beyond twins

DestinyCall wrote:

For example, using the current curse system, you could have it be that people are more likely to give birth to players who have a lifetime curse value close to their own.   People with very high curse values give birth to more griefers.   People with very low curse values give birth to more pacifist players.  People with average curse scores give birth to more average players.   Over time, villages that kill or exclude griefers would be less likely to have them born to their towns.   Villages that encourage or turn a blind eye to random murder would be more likely to have high-curse players born into them.   You would still have the chance to get a "bad" kid or a "good" kid, if there was no better match available from the pool of fertile females.   And towns that are experiencing a population boom would be more likely to gain abnormal offspring.      This would also mean that your curse score would have a lasting impact on your game experience and future lives.   Living a more violent life would lead you to being around more violence.   While living a more peaceful life would increase your chances of being born into a more peaceful village.   A kind of "genetic heritage".

I think this is a brilliant idea and I think it could be positive for people with high and low curse values. I don't like the idea of a private server because they tend to be empty and I'd rather deal with nonsense than be alone in an empty place. Players who want more "excitement" would get it. I don't think that any totally restrictive system is good or realistic, but this could help with Jason's "have cultures" goal since not all towns would be the same. Some would be full of try hard goody two shoes and others filled with "helpful" greifers. (being a bit tongue and cheek there if it isn't obvious)

I wonder what other people think?

DestinyCall wrote:

Alternatively, you could take a very different approach to the idea of grouping.   Allow people to join clans or groups - like The Builders or The Daddy Diesels or The Guardians or The Farmers.   You could assign yourself to specific clan/group/occupation in the screen before being born and this clan affiliation would be visible in-game beside your name  "John Smith the Baker".   Through out that life, you would be literally labeled as belonging to the selected group and other members of the group would be able to see that you are one of them.   This could be used to allow people to coordinate in-game and find other people with similar interests and skill levels.   Perhaps the available occupations could be unlocked by doing certain things in-game.  So you might start off only having access to the group "The Noobs", but as you advance further in the game and learn how to farm crops or tend berry bushes, you unlock access to The Farmers group.   And later on, you unlock access to The Bakers group by building an adobe oven and baking a certain number of pies in-game.    This kind of grouping might change the social landscape of an OHOL village in interesting ways.

I don't like this idea as much because it seems unnatural. I do think that being a nice and helpful person attracts other such people to you mostly. I do think being bold and cut-throat also has an impact and I don't think civilizations can function with only one type of personality. This would also ruin opportunities to teach new players which is something I love to do when I get the chance and it would mean fewer chances to learn.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#6 2019-04-03 04:15:42

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Beyond twins

yeah, just lower percent to get with your "blacklist"

im very double edge: i will help people who work hard and provide some fun and crazy stuff for newbies
i adapt to map and make good decisions for that kind of situation, which makes sense logically even to them
most of people who shittalk about me nevver played with me, or don't realize how their attitude is so similar to general griefer behavior
a lot of veterans just talk it out and drop some hints, knowing the other guy has awbz and already knows what is the situations "keep an eye on XY'
heck, someone even killed both of my dumb sisters to revenge me not knowing who i am, only knowing im a good player

but im getting really angry when spoiled babies go around saying fck you, and curse you for any offence, like someone who never made a piece of clothing give it to a baby and she thinks that she has ownership for the towns only knife, and the whole cmap is naked and he stands 3 more minute in fire while you need a pack to get a sheep

then there are this people who arent new or bad players but they think they are so smart and shit, it just annoys the hell out of me when an old woman sticks to fire talking bullshit, cursing others and stirs shit and acting so smart, when in reality nothing she can say is new to me
yeah i can recognize a griefer and if you defend it then you deserve to be stabbed too
so instead of acting butthurt, why don't you just go and work?

this people just search for an excuse to be pissed about, then they spend their life cursig, convincing to curse and doing nothing just eat and act that they run shit, i always lose cause they don't care about the city, they act like they care about people, they don't really they just want the drama
"oh poor kid just wanted to hunt"
"you are a murderer" then stabs you
"you are a rude shithead"

then ofc the crown maker, dog breeder paper maker, fence builders who eat your food and distract half the camp until they starve, and they stab others cause they were cheating on them

if i would have 25% less chance to get in the same family as them i would accept it
like Lishuh, the other day
i get she is a decent player,  not like carting some clay is so hard to do
if she wouldn't be a blindfuck noob, would see that ive done everything that the camp needed
i killed the snowballing twins, now i don't eat his story of they snowballed a guy who hiding pies
run after and bring back the pies, or tell others to deal with the griefer
you are fucking twin kids, you don't snowball anyone at age 3-4
also i seen that they hit an old black guy and he wasn't a griefer for sure
and if i kill one i surely gonna kill the other one, i was fed by others and i didn't even move

this kiddo Lishuh just went into the town center to publicly curse me
now that's one thing that she doesn't like me, i don't really care, go out of city and curse me
at the point you didn't prove something just  go framing me in front of others you will die cause i get less curses killing you than letting you spend your life to frame me
i get he might be a decent player but if you want to overpower others, don't be a backstabbing coward
if you don't like how i lead come duel me, or mind your own business, or come and do a competition on who can make more ingots with a single fire livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#7 2019-04-03 04:34:35

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: Beyond twins

DestinyCall wrote:

For example, using the current curse system, you could have it be that people are more likely to give birth to players who have a lifetime curse value close to their own.   People with very high curse values give birth to more griefers.   People with very low curse values give birth to more pacifist players.

high curse doesn't mean griefers, yes, more agressive
i guess i meat trustyway a few times or others who are good at duels, they go  down with honor, not cursing you for winning or not shittalkign after they die

some players just want drama, like one single snowball and a girl came with bow at me, one single player was working on the whole camp, this naked bitch was the one who told that im a griefer, told others to kill me
yes it's my fault too, but this people annoy me and they do this every game with everyone, so you can easily get cursed by even talking to this rp noobs

i would rather put together the highest ranked cursers, cause they spend so much time with talking drama and cursing, i bet they would never make a workign camp together

meanwhile i met griefers who were trying to kill me, i dodged it and told them to don't try this again or they will be dead, and their reaction was surprisingly positive
also one time in donkeyland i had 2 kids and we made a decent camp with a farm within 15 minutes, how often you got that in a normal run? that both kids survive on wild food and they actually helpful? like we had a fire going and we were chatting feeding each other

this pacifist people are the most aggressive ones:
"reeeeeeeeeee he is a  murdeerer, i want to be the murrderer''

i would say some personalities just don't match
like we don't really kill each other with Tarr, not like that we know who is the other
or not like we personally talked about our rules
it's just logical if you don't want trouble you don't do trouble, if you honest is better than a stupid story, even if you are a bit shady
i was killed by him and i totally deserved it, and i didn't really cared about that town
and  i guess i killed him as well and he wasn't aggressive about it either
but generally we just keep people in check and if we see the other is chasing a naked kid with a bow
we arent like "oh poor kid just wanted to hunt" livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


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