a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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Honestly what’s worse than greifing is being a pest. In one town one of my kids decided to focus on annoying me (i think because I had two knives and didn’t want to give her one choosing to recycle in instead I could see how that might seem like a slight but she was 7 years old come on) She followed me snatching items I was using standing to block me from picking things up. I think she wanted me to stab her (is that a thing? trying to get killed?) I didn’t stab her but I lost interest in playing and just did mundane things she couldn’t botch. The town needed food and I didn’t want to waste time talking about it. It was so much more annoying than greifing. Let the sheep out eat all the carrots but don’t shadow me like that. I wonder if she was really mad or laughing and misery and occasional “please stop” “please move”. “PLEASE”
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
If she was actively hindering your progress to get a reaction out of you, I’d say she was griefing.
For the time being, I think we have enough content.
If she was actively hindering your progress to get a reaction out of you, I’d say she was griefing.
Yep. That's pretty much the definition of griefing, isn't it?
Yep. Not all griefing is death and murder.
It is probably a really good thing you didn't give her that knife ....
I got one good griefer: said as a kid he'd kill me. Of course I said "do it, but know I didn't mean no harm". On some lagspike or such I had "left him to die", but he started griefing town (I mean, we had a place for eggs, early town, he fried it. I asked not to harm town but concentrate on me... nope, he took plates. He took our only four patches away before shooting me with an arrow-I said watch out for that one).
Just reading the griefing article I realized I should've said he came from NW when I noticed patches missing and him with a bow. I was on my golden age so no worries, no more kids but adventuring-was going to make a cart and go get some mine setup going but was too slow. Oh well.
Nobody harmed,
Good Life.
Pages: 1