a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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Pages: 1
I built some of my first stone walls today and the animation of running slowly with a rock made me think about how people moved large stone in Egypt and at Stonehenge. You would have rollers (straight shaft) and a team of people pulling a rope. What if we had a "huge rock" item that could be found in stone biomes but maybe not all of them? What if it takes two people pulling and one moving the roller to get those suckers? But you can make an obelisk, or a stone pillar or cut it up to get 4 or 5 big stones so it would be a faster way to make stone rooms, but you must coordinate the task...
Anyway, I had no idea moving stones took that long I moved enough for someone else to make the room. Maybe they will.
Yes yes I know some don't like stone walls because they can't be removed when they get old, but really... they look better.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
And even after apocalypses and decays, those structure would be there. Haha Stonehenges would be deep.
You can just put the rocks in a cart. It's a lot easier.
The rocks at stonehenge would crush most carts.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
made me think about how people moved large stone in Egypt and at Stonehenge
Then watch that!
Last edited by Glassius (2019-04-03 21:19:49)
Suggestions: more basic tools, hugs, more violence, day/night, life tokens, yum 2.0
Pages: 1