a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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I'm curious about people's experiences with griefers.
Last edited by futurebird (2019-04-04 14:01:55)
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
Here are the results.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
im not going in a life like "im gonna kill the next town"
but yeah, i was pissed many times from little things and revenged on towns, also some updates were quite unplayable after a while, like ginger update where everyone was ginger and females were off the charts but also you were hard to recognize by your look
im a bit subjective about it, as everyone else, who is called a griefer, basically a lot of people are too subjective about it
i was cursed for composting becaue im hiding food and lockign up carrots
that guy followed me for my whole life, eating the berry bowls and the carrot and verbally abusing me, ruining my work and even cursing me
and very often i meet this people who just cant get over things and do the same to you what they pretend to not believe in
"you are a murderer so i kill you"- so you want to be the murderer?
"you killed a productive member"- so you kill one more productive member?
i had an experiment, i was naked since the start and griefed the hell out of the camp over and over and over
i was killed for killing a real griefer before it, and people let me die cause "you killed a kid who just wanted to hunt at age 11"
i was filling bowls, filling every tile with needles, smashing adobe, making kiln out of oven, making newcommen foudnations under oven
did i get cursed? no. some player was following me but she couldn't prove anything on me, i just acted as a silly boy who clicks too much
they actually only got mad at me when i named kids stupid names, and talked some dumb stuff to them, i had zero curses and i bet it took 2 veterans to clear up the shit i left in there, but 90% of people would have suicide if they see what i did, like every type of griefing from the book, planting and watering carrots, replanting all seeds, rewatering, filling everything with needles and corn seeds, kidnapping, murdering, multiple fires, overheating babies, holding babies to starve, opening the pen in few places, hiding bellows and breaking tools. it was a mess, no one cared
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=7986 livestock pens 4.0
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=4411 maxi guide
Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.
im not going in a life like "im gonna kill the next town"
but yeah, i was pissed many times from little things and revenged on towns, also some updates were quite unplayable after a while, like ginger update where everyone was ginger and females were off the charts but also you were hard to recognize by your lookim a bit subjective about it, as everyone else, who is called a griefer, basically a lot of people are too subjective about it
i was cursed for composting becaue im hiding food and lockign up carrots
that guy followed me for my whole life, eating the berry bowls and the carrot and verbally abusing me, ruining my work and even cursing me
and very often i meet this people who just cant get over things and do the same to you what they pretend to not believe in
"you are a murderer so i kill you"- so you want to be the murderer?
"you killed a productive member"- so you kill one more productive member?i had an experiment, i was naked since the start and griefed the hell out of the camp over and over and over
i was killed for killing a real griefer before it, and people let me die cause "you killed a kid who just wanted to hunt at age 11"
i was filling bowls, filling every tile with needles, smashing adobe, making kiln out of oven, making newcommen foudnations under ovendid i get cursed? no. some player was following me but she couldn't prove anything on me, i just acted as a silly boy who clicks too much
they actually only got mad at me when i named kids stupid names, and talked some dumb stuff to them, i had zero curses and i bet it took 2 veterans to clear up the shit i left in there, but 90% of people would have suicide if they see what i did, like every type of griefing from the book, planting and watering carrots, replanting all seeds, rewatering, filling everything with needles and corn seeds, kidnapping, murdering, multiple fires, overheating babies, holding babies to starve, opening the pen in few places, hiding bellows and breaking tools. it was a mess, no one cared
People do not react until they see the bloody bodies on the ground of their close relatives ...
I have called bears in several overpopulated cities, and people keep working as if nothing happened ...
Many times I have seen griefers creating chaos in the city and although the signs and explain it to the people of the town ... no one seems to mind
I do not know if it is very easy to generate chaos in OHOL because there are no mechanisms to find out or simply people behave like robots that only care about their personal project
Last edited by JonySky (2019-04-04 09:33:19)
http://onehouronelife.com/reflector/ser … ion=report
You are... Megan, Max, Morgan, Masha or Misha? u are my kid!
nice survey, though it's griefing not greifing, from causing GRIEF
i had an experiment, i was naked since the start and griefed the hell out of the camp over and over and over..., but 90% of people would have suicide if they see what i did, like every type of griefing from the book, planting and watering carrots, replanting all seeds, rewatering, filling everything with needles and corn seeds, kidnapping, murdering, multiple fires, overheating babies, holding babies to starve, opening the pen in few places, hiding bellows and breaking tools. it was a mess, no one cared
griefing is easy
the cluttered mess of every town is everywhere already without outright griefers & is in itself already causing grief
cause Jason, not including stackability on a regular basis with every new object he introduces is the griefer par excellence
i see disturbing the flow of work as a natural adverse force, nothing more,
it could be a volcano, a flood, a drought or it could be a griefer, for me it's the same
that's why i don't care for griefers much, they don't really matter imo
as i already wrote repeadedly,
stackability of all stuff is the basis to get a huge part of griefing out of the game already
for practical & for psychological reasons
the only thing i care about regarding griefers are killers
murder is what concerns me because it gives another player the power over my gameplay
since i see the multiplayer feature as one of the most important parts of OHOL, so is running away & playing myself not any valuable option,
in hopeless cases i prefer just to suicide
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People do not react until they see the bloody bodies on the ground of their close relatives ...
what does "close relative" mean in OHOL ?
it's some other player, with some level of experience & you'll probably meet them again in game anyway, so ...
if murder within the family or death in general of one of its members has no direct impact on your own life, then why bother ?
bothering just shortens the option for you to do stuff you want to accomplish
it would be different if there were features in place, where your own wellbeing in game would be directly linked to your care for the members of your family, of your town, of your lineage
the better those other people were off, the better your own life would be
that's the only incentive people can grasp
it would be different if i could cast a blessing on those who do good, & if that blessing would remain at least throughout several lives & be recognizable to others
so far, players don't understand that if i, an experienced constructive player am a naked male baby while a noob gets fully clothed, then it will be to the disadvantage of the entire town, because i have to care first for my own survival, while i could have already be working for the greater good
I do not know if it is very easy to generate chaos in OHOL because there are no mechanisms to find out or simply people behave like robots that only care about their personal project
both but even moreso, because there are no benefits to be constructive
good work is not being rewarded, being supportive & caring is worth nothing, so why do it ?
i do it only because i am a nice person IRL, not because it's good for me in the game,
the game not only is not rewarding but quite the opposite,
if i am not being selfish & egotistic, then i will be punished by less options in game
rude, violent, egotistic players get always benefits because the game doesn't reward the opposite
they take, because they want to have, not because it will benefit all
the game can be at times extremely discouraging to constructive players
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the game can be at times extremely discouraging to constructive players
If in OHOL you are able to make a smithy, an oven and have sheep ... you do not need anything else to survive
few people care if you build a car or a radio ... because they are not necessary at all
I understand when an experienced player decides to generate chaos in a city
it becomes a circle of life ...
1.- generate chaos
2.- Assassinate lineages
3.- Donkey town
4.- constructive lives in donkey town
5.- Donkey town exit
6.- return to chaos
http://onehouronelife.com/reflector/ser … ion=report
You are... Megan, Max, Morgan, Masha or Misha? u are my kid!
that's why we need some features or options so that the players participating become important, that it is not a single player game but a player is in some way dependend on the wellbeing of others
but not directly dependend on their survival, not that their work is needed but with a feature where the good life the others have reflects on my own life,
so, if others live a miserable life, my own life is not as good as it could be
atm, i could live alone a comfy long life,
but to what end, it's boring as heck, i've done it already, so why ?
for me personally it's way more rewarding to help others, but that's my personal reward & is not included in any way in the gameplay itself
& imo that should change
the most strong point of OHOL is its multiplayer aspect
& the combination of that multiplayer not only, not even mainly, for the purpose of killing each other & conflict
OHOL has the potential of actual cooperation as gameplay, so far this is not gameplay content, it is not encouraged within the game,
cooperation depends solely on the good will of the player & it is not rewarded as gameplay content if you do so, same as your gameplay content is not touched in a negative way if you grief the heck of the town you're in, the family you belong to, your parents, your siblings, your kids
that's why it is way more attractive to grief than to be cosntructive if you're bored with the gameplay, it has no direct negative outcomes, the addition of curses has improved the situation but griefing has no direct negative effects on the griefer themselves & that's already an incentive to grief
there also is included why i find being a female in OHOL as extremely unsatisfactory
a player is in no way rewared if enduring as a female character constant baby interruptions
the other players don't value really females in their midst as much they had to io to reward the female sacrifice of that player's time & work
IRL you get the reward of being unconditionally loved by your kids, that's already often reward enough
but one cannot simulate such a love in a game,
in a game there needs to be a clearly perceptible difference to every player, if the others are doing good or doing poorly in their lives
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Last edited by breezeknight (2019-04-04 13:00:03)
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