a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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My what a crazy trip this was...
Though I don't remember much else from my earliest days other than my loving nana coddling me.
She's long gone now, and all memories of her are foggy, but those were some of the few cozy days
in my life. But the earliest I remember was, I wasn't really named until I was five, think mom had a
speech issue and none else really cared much about it as she kept mulling bout how to call me until
'X' stuck as my finally moniker.
Not like it mattered, I wasn't the kind to bustle in the busy town, so I can't say anyone really cared
bout me, if I was there or not. Nor can I admit that I had a relationship with my mother. I really
actually spend my time at the berries, there wasn't much else to do, plant some carrots, keep
the berry grove well watered, and of course. the sheep. I grew up with the sheep practically.
I was truly the only person that spent almost all their time there, and my, the loneliness of that place.
Only the bleating of the sheep and the sounds of me working on the wells refilling the buckets.
The quiet was serene.
If only it lasted.
See, this place was very quiet and remote. All of my relatives preferred to work in the kitchen or at
the workshop and smithy. Can't blame them. Smelled like shit over at the farms. And precisely this
is what attracted a few curious people here. Ya know. Supposedly this boy, My auburn baby cousin
once removed, the son of my cousin was with his blonde auntie, supposedly his mother abandoned.
What a superstition. What even is an evil baby. Yet I was not a person to not be suspicious of it all.
I listened closely as I minded my business. Pick, fill, pick fill... I felt mildly threatened, the blondie
cousin did have a weapon of her own. I had none. And two people conspiring? Against who? The
auburn's eldest brother, a boy older than me but still my blonde cousin once removed. The two
arrows on his pack were suspicious.
I went around asking why my blonde nephew had two arrows. He sure was young and my mother
could only give me some messy directions of him acting high. That was no good evidence really.
It did make me scared.
As I entered my teenage years I overheard even more. This time another woman was suspicious along
with the blonde cousin once removed. At least so my auburn cousin once removed spoke. This time
others were present and I finally go out of the farms to inform everyone else about the suspicious duo.
His adoptive mother however long gone now, nowhere to be seen.
And of course, she was gone. The adoptive mother was quite a suspicious girl too.
Next time when the Auburn boy returned, now a young lad, he was accusing his mother of plotting to
kill the village. "Should I kill her?" . I say "No, watch her every move." That sure is a big accusation...
I would not side yet, no. He too was suspicious, he the auburn apron boy. My greying cousin was
around to witness. Everyone else left so I felt easy to spoke after we conversed about the village
I jokingly say: "I'll be the first to die" to him, whom I trusted well enough. Though the tone of my
voice was indeed riddled with underlying concern. I WAS doing an awful lot of spying around town.
And If somebody was going to be shanked first, My...it was going to be me. Of course, I kept telling
people to keep an eye on X Y and Z. I was too scared.
Slowly I matured and clothed three children, my children, nephews and nieces. And that was the only solace
I had in m life, the sheep, they too began to grow more angsty as time went on. More and more people
huddled around the berries and the sheep. Many carrying weapons of some kind.
Alas, that burden was soon to be lifted.
As my blonde cousin once removed retrieved a bison calf, I quickly dismissed the two conspirers as rabble-rousers.
In fact, I felt at ease. Two arrows are indeed to get bison, that's what I would do If I wanted to get a cow.
Gather two arrows and protect them from harm for a later date where they were needed.
While taking care of some business in the town, finally feeling more courage to run around the kitchen
and workstations... I run across my blonde cousin once removed organising bows and arrows...And it hit me.
It was a misstep on my end combined with a mishit on his...
"I AM SO SORRY, IT WAS MY MISTAKE," I yell out at everyone as I gritted my teeth in pain to make
sure my blonde cousin once removed was indeed innocent. There was so much trouble and conspiring, I almost
felt slightly guilty of it as well. But him, he was innocent and it was MY mistake. I feared too much,
As I was rushed to the nursery everyone scrambled around to save me, one by one. There was
hesitation in cauterizing the arrow out of my body. Oh, the pain...
alas, I bled to death before they could patch me up.
What an ironic way to die. Wasn't it me who predicted that I would be the first victim?
I AM SO SORRY ELVIS LOL but goddamn this was an interesting conclusion to Maria's life.
GJ everyone haha this was hilarious.
Also apaprently we had a murderer niece indeed D:
Last edited by Amon (2019-04-05 21:45:51)