a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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Pages: 1
I was born to a small village in the marshes of Oneula.
I spent my childhood there, aweing the hats and shoes they had.
I was happy there, farming, making things. My village was not the best, but it was humble.
When I became a young adult, still working in my village, I heard people talking of an amazing land, full of wealth, order, innovation and freedom, close in the east. I quickly became interested, even telling my best friend about it. He was concerned about the lack of horses and I would make their progression slower.
I was indeed worried, but someone caught a wild steed, so I went quickly to work, feeding a sheep, borrowing a knife to kill said sheep to make saddle. It was done, I took two pies for food, a knife for defence and a slip of paper, written by an ancient ancestor of mine. I seated on my horse and rode east. I rode and rode, never looking back. I was very careful in the deserts of the snakes, as those pesky buggers could kill my horse. I was getting closer, I heard the sound of city life in the distance. I saw a bell, no TWO bells, a sign of power.
I rode and rode and... I made it, I made it there! It was bustling, I was greeted, but there was one woman, this woman, she was as greeting as the others, in fact, she even hated me for coming there. She claimed us immigrants were ruining the land, I guess a native.
Then soon after, I became friends with an unlikely person, Supreme Lincoln (Not real name), the female representative of this great land. I looked around the land. At the time, I was wearing bowler hat, pants out of cheap cloth and wooden shoes. We discussed a bit and we made a name for the land, United States of One Hour, shortened to USOH.
I looked around some more. They all were right, well, a big part of it at least. It wasn't very wealthy, but wealthier than my village, there was order, a lot of innovation, I even saw one of the so called wright brothers making a strange contraption, but most important of all, there was freedom. As time went on and did some work there, I got myself my first set of fancy clothes.
I was proud of this land, I even saw the new president, well, representative. I became old and became weaker. I knew my time was running out, I heard this very faint music that people talk about as they are about to die. I heard how the music was ending, so I said goodbye to my friends and drifted to sleep.
Next thing a know, I'm born to mother in...
I enjoy the simpler things in life, but only if I'm calm.
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