a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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Since the temperature overhaul made us wear clothes and build houses, here I'm going to only focus on the clothing
We should have inner and outer type of clothing, which will help us keep more warm.
We have coats and cloaks, which are known for the outer type clothing, so we should have be able to put those clothes on other clothes.
Example: You put on a button up shirt and you can put a sealskin coat on as well, on top of that shirt.
Maybe we get socks as well, well, we have wool sock, so we should be able to put of wool sock and wooden shoes on them.
What ya think?
I enjoy the simpler things in life, but only if I'm calm.
I'm scared that people will wear socks and sandals. This cannot be allowed to happen except past the age of 45.
Sock art may need a rework since they're kindof chubby and the wooden shoes are thin.
I'm scared that people will wear socks and sandals. This cannot be allowed to happen except past the age of 45.
Sock art may need a rework since they're kindof chubby and the wooden shoes are thin.
Ok, let's make the sandals and sock a joke feature, where only people, who have played 3 quarters of their time, can wear socks and sandals
I enjoy the simpler things in life, but only if I'm calm.
Pages: 1