a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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I've been in this town today 3 times. Yes 3. I died young of hunger the first time and popped right back where I was. It's not a huge town, nor super old but the first two times I was there nothing was getting done. I think part of it was just the low-ish population. But, they also had one of those vast berry fields that I hate. I told my mom "lets remove a row" "NO DON'T DESTROY" I told her I would add a column to make up for the row but she could not understand the point of the project and it was frustrating. In that short life I realized that the field was the least of the issue. There was no compost, no wheat, no carrots, and the pump was dry. I fixed all of these things in my second life and added the column of bushes and removed half of the row.
But, it was the kind of town where the fire was always going out with people standing next to it.
So, the one person who made all the difference the third time I was there wasn't me. I will get to that person...I think there were other people trying to fix things, someone got iron and my mother in the life was getting milkweed and took me all the way "home" when I was born. Really most of the crumbyness was due to just not enough people. That and trying to do a row removal project which is a great way to get people mad at you when they don't get what you are doing. I had to explain and explain. But I thought the town was doing better until I tried to chop up the bushes I took out for kindling for the pump. No Ax. So, I'm realizing that:
-there is no kindling for the pump.
-there is no ax it broke or got lost
-there is no milkweed to make a hatchet.
-the berries are all brown again, not as dire as the first time since there were carrots, but still, dire.
Would I have to wander in the wilds to make a hatchet? I didn't even have a backpack and the town was short on baskets. I braced myself for a long hungry walk.
I wander in the wilderness and find a fishing hut with shrimp. The stone hatchet was there! I was a bit annoyed that someone left it out there, but what town has no ax when they have a pile of iron?
Anyway. I resolved to make an ax and everyone got in my way. The last straw was when I find that the fire was totally out. No, embers nothing and 4 people are just standing in the room next to a pile of wood. I got the fire going again and just as I'm about to smelt the ax the fellow comes up with a cart of clay (there were also not enough plates) I say "not now need to smelt" but then feel bad about being kind of sharp with someone who was doing something so useful. So, I added "thanks the clay is really going to help"
We became smelting buddies ("smelting buddies" sounds like a euphemism... uh, I just mean we did a bunch of smelting.) We got through the load of iron and and made all the plates. We made the ax and a bunch of other things people needed. Suddenly my grumpy-ness was gone. Someone was working WITH me and understood what I was doing.
So, whoever that was you made all the difference for that life. It wasn't a story about a grumpy man who had to do all the work while the fire kept going out. It was about a town coming back from the brink.
And I do think they will be OK. If they can just get enough people to keep that fire going.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
Were we by chance in the same town? What was the fam name? If that was sometime yesterday. Sounds like the shithole I was in.
Made compost there before running off to die because that life was utterly boring.
Some other younger kids were useful but the adults were literally slacking eating machines.
in most cases it's not about the town
but it's always about the people you meet
& indeed, nice people seem at times to be extremely rare
i fear, the property update will make players even more selfish & mindless regarding cooperation
there will be needed some features & options to make players realise their dependence on a mutual good
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