a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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I was in a bustling but small-feeling town, and every job was taken. Smith? No someone is doing that. Pies? Nope. Stew? Nah. Build. (eh not in the mood) I grabbed a cart and thought: I just get stones, ropes and iron and wander a bit. So, I wandered north and by 18 I had found only two pieces of iron and one rope, as I returned to the town I felt kind of down, I'd tied up the cart for 5 min and not done much with it! But, when I got back I saw that people had made two more carts so I didn't feel bad about going out again, this time south east.
I didn't find much but then I saw a triangle stone on the ground "odd" I thought. Then I saw some human bones. I followed the signs and found an abandon settlement, a little smaller than ours, but all kitted out with tools and rope. I was super happy! I loaded up my cart with shears, and iron and all kinds of things but then I had a little girl.
I dressed her in the clothes from the settlement and told here this was not our home. We'd make her a cart too and THEN go back. Well, I kept having kids, I had 4! Only 2 girls made it, though. Those kids who /died really missed out on some fun. We couldn't find the adz but one of my girls could smith so we got the fire going raided all the rope supply and made two more carts by the time that was done they were old enough to pull them and in a great caravan we headed back to town with all the goodies we could carry. I wish I could have made carts for all 4 kids what a sight that would have been coming in to town!
Finding abandon towns is one of my favorite things, and it made up for the not so great first attempt at getting iron.
I was proud to bring back lots of loot but more proud to bring back two smart women for the town.
Here we are on our joyful return!
http://lineage.onehouronelife.com/serve … id=4078997
I forgot to name one of my girls so when we got back I named her Robin after Robin Hood. We didn't really "steal from the rich" but we got the goods.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus