a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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This will be a series of fourm posts I will do if i feel like the family that I lived till 60 deserves a fourm post on from me. So I was playing as "Ruby Luna" and guess what I was a "Stew Woman" I probably made like 10 things of stews (which honestly I feel is not a lot but I am not sure I would like someone to tell me some adverages on the amount of stews people make per life and some tips.) But anyways I was stew maker and I just peacefully made stews, had kids, had people help me here and their, and yeah I was living the simple life in the outskirts of town. (I don't understand why no one eats stews I made several of them and no one was eating them, people weren't even coming close to me but I was barely that far from the nursery/bakery/smithing area.)
Feel free to tell your tell about the Luna family.
Open gate now. Need truck to be more efficient!
Heyo, I was the graveyard keeper.
I laid you to rest next to lazer in the middle like you wanted.
Last edited by Jaona (2019-04-13 22:46:03)
Mofobert on discord, message me for a good time.
I was first born of eve luna. She set her name right before naming me. She was great. Took care of us all while we were young and set off to get kindling and all the iron stuff like flat rocks and the iron itself. She made everyone feel welcome and even gave us tours around to let us know where bananas and berries were at. Ily virtual mum.
I spent my early life collecting bananas, clay and making the first fire (bowdrill and hatchet). Then as my byounger brother focused on our fledging berry farm. I went for rabbits and baked the first batch of many of rabbit pies.
Always made time to talk with the new members of our family. Saying hi and teaching some babies some how to whistle (very important stuff!). Everyone was super nice and hardworking. Managed to get 8 seal coats/skins which brought some more smiles to town.
It was a great start and I'm very glad to see it is still prospering after 10 generations.
I wish we had stew. I would loved to taking a bite of yours.
Last edited by Thaulos (2019-04-13 22:54:37)
stew!!! STEW!!!!
Thanks Jaona and very cool Thaulos I always love to do eve runs /see how a town turns out from the beginning to end
Open gate now. Need truck to be more efficient!
10 is respectable, generally you wont have crocks or wont have consumers cause they don't really know stew, how to eat it or plant it
it was one life when the biome was shifted a bit, the swamp to grass, the desert was near ponds, etc. i seen 2 crocks, and made 3 more then taught a little girl to make stew, i was already made 2, then i show her once, twice, let her do it alone
then she had no crocks and just carried his son showing the steps without actually doing it
i gave my chef hat to her, she was cute enthusiastic new player, and she had fun with it and i think it's a better way to make stew, than just putting 10 crocks same place
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=7986 livestock pens 4.0
https://onehouronelife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?id=4411 maxi guide
Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.
Pages: 1