a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building
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I was born Finley To my mother Paris Dante. I have not been on the forums or the game in over a year and was thrilled to try and get dogs (still am so if you come across a kid trying to breed dogs an make carnitas its probably me lol) so at a very young age I set out to make a bow an arrow to kill some boar! The town already had corn and everything else I would need. However my great aunt was the only one with arrows so I began making a bow an more arrows for my hunt. I would stop an tend to the farm or make a quick batch of pies now an then for everyone. by the time I was about 14 I noticed my cousin Andrew also making a bow an arrows.
I approached him an told him my plans to hunt the boar an he gladly teamed up with me. arguing for a brief moment with our great aunt to give us the arrows we announced to the town our glorious hunt an promised to return victorious! Now in our twenties we both headed North into the swamp land bows in hand to kill the boars. Andrew running a few paces ahead of me tried shooting the first boar we came across, it mauled him!!! In a fit of rage at this stupid beast brazen attempt to kill my brother in arms I tried to fire my arrow as well, only to be mauled by a second boar that popped up behind me..... so as we huddle together reflecting on our mistakes Andrew confessed to me in his last breath how he planned to "grief the town" before I had rallied him to the cause. I died laughing lol.
I was reborn in the town as Aria Dante, I found our old bodies and told the town what happen, my mother was still alive at the time. I had many children, Dante Dante II, Martha, Lily Dante II, Rosalie, Martin and my very favorite special boy Miguel. He was a evil seed indeed but he was my evil seed. I loved that lil kid darkness and all, he was killed before my very eyes and it broke my heart. everything went to shit after that and murder ran rampant.
Last edited by MistressZues (2019-04-17 13:48:50)
Check this out upvote if you agree!!! https://www.reddit.com/r/OneLifeSuggest … heck_this/
It really feels like there are a ton of boars lately. In my last life I started a swamp clearance program and killed 12. Do they respawn? There is no earthy reason to breed pigs when there are so many wild boar just roaming around and few legit uses for carnitas in the game. I'm glad nice dog breeders exist. I'm very suspicious of anyone messing with pigs or dogs since sadly most of my experience with those animals have been at the hands of griefers.
omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus
Yea I hadn't played in like a year so I was really excited to see the dogs and it seems everyone I ask about them gets pissed an wants me to die and thinks I'm evil :(. I think the dogs should be given a purpose though like everything else in game. My idea is that you can name a dog when it is a puppy and once you name it then it is loyal to you. The dogs can be called by saying the dogs name an then the /yoohoo . The mutton getting them pregnant still but carnitas is to train them by breed. So like German sheps can be personal protection an taught a kill command (this will make them kill closest person with a bloody weapon) Airedales can find horses, collies increase sheep or make it so you don't have to feed lambs, beagles hunt rabbits, schnauzers kill snakes, dachshunds dig wells, etc etc. If a dogs owner is killed or dies its loyalty can pass to the oldest child of that person or the persons sibling if they don't have kids or something. Im still thinking it over but I want to propose it over on reddit. It just seems like a waste to have them in game for no purpose what so ever. I MUST FULFILL MY DOG TRAINER DREAM IN GAME!!! lol
Check this out upvote if you agree!!! https://www.reddit.com/r/OneLifeSuggest … heck_this/
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