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#1 2019-04-20 01:26:18

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Living in a little fenced hermitage.

It was very amusing! I must say, I built these fences when I was very young and they only became proper when I was nearly 50, so, really you are making this for kids. Doing this as a dude was a bit silly.

I was born to an Eve who died and decided to play with the fences since I was a dude. I fenced an area with some wild bushes, soil and water and was able live in my cloister without leaving for the rest of my life after doing a little gathering. 


While doing the gathering I learned that gate placement is key. That and just adjusting to how to rotate the walls (use a round stone no steaks needed)

It's a little hard to set down the bundle of twigs and the bundle never decayed during my life which seemed strange to me, it could be used a griefing clutter. It will be interesting to see how this all develops. Worse case, I can just be a hermit in my own little area. Kinda sad. But, I don't think it will come to that.

OH-- and fencing huge areas is totally doable. Though, things like milkweed, and trees are a bit annoying.  What are the rest of you doing with the new fences?

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


#2 2019-04-20 04:26:13

Registered: 2017-02-13
Posts: 4,808

Re: Living in a little fenced hermitage.

Yeah, setting the bundle down was the hard part of the design.

Right-click places a fence, so how do you drop the bundle?  You can swap it with something else, and that works.  But you can also click on a piece of fencing, which turns the bundle into "gather mode," allowing you to either gather up more or set it down with right-click.

And regarding clutter, two bundles can be combined.  But yes, it is currently impossible to destroy that one last bundle.


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