One Hour One Life Forums

a multiplayer game of parenting and civilization building

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#1 2019-04-21 05:48:02

Registered: 2019-02-19
Posts: 456

The future meta of property is not family nor profession: it's class

After a playing a few games and going so far as actually owning a house inside a fence (like a real life house with a garden) I reckon people will inevitably tone down these "property projects".

While having a farm inside a fence might be cool. There are considerably annoyances regarding distance of walk, non availability of water and constant need to reinforce tens of rickety fences.

I believe we will eventually move towards a more modest and smarter way of handling property.

Before the update I was planning some fences like these:

I implemented it a couple times and saw others doing the same but I ran into the problems I mentioned above.

Instead here what I believe is the future for farming:

The important tiles are actually only the seed row and possibly a bow with seed bowls. Having a couple gates right next to each other should allow you to easily access the area without too much hassle and close them just as easily. This should keep maintenance to a minimum while still providing the essential function of keeping seeds available which might or not be an issue depending on the surrounding environment.

In real life Norway exists the "Svalbard Global Seed Vault" ( … Seed_Vault) containing next to a million plant seed samples in an effort to prevent the permanent loss of plant species for whatever reason. In game we could perhaps have something similar in a couple closed box with bowls of all the seeds we need (carrot, wheat, milkweed, beans, squash, etc). Maybe this way we wouldn't need to have one box per farm.

For storage we might go a more modest direction:

Having knifes, bows and other sensitive stuff such as keys behind property protected boxes might help mitigate the access to those objects from griefers or just newbies who don't know how to use them. Right now we end up with people carrying 4 knifes on their inventory or to try to pick some random person to give them the knife before they die. Bows hidden far away from town forgotten by the ages which no one knows where they are when the random bear attacks. Perhaps we could also have an extra area with protected pads & needle to help make sure those are available when that naked kid starts walking around with the bow in his hands.

Having sensitive items in a centralized designated area and whitelisting people who are trustworthy could allow better item management and ensure their availability.

Or maybe property fences/gates are destined to allow the storage of keys. A sort of two-factor authentication in-game.


So far the most useful thing property fences allowed was for me to have my own "yum storage" while being the last female. I actively made each type of food and stored it inside only giving access to the area to my daughters/granddaughters. It was great having those available without the fear of them disappearing to some random dude who didn't care about yum and could be eating mutton pies instead.


What do you guys think? Are fences/gates here to stay? Are they really going to be family based? Profession based? Or will access be divided "by class" in which people considered useful/experienced members of society will have access to additional goodies such as knifes, bows or keys?


Last edited by Thaulos (2019-04-21 05:56:45)


#2 2019-04-21 09:24:13

Registered: 2018-03-31
Posts: 4,337

Re: The future meta of property is not family nor profession: it's class

elite still has some subcategories and doesn't guarantee good intention
and what you consider grief might be a legit revenge so be nice to killers, maybe they were right
as for the ones who destroy towns, no mercy

the main town must be shared and newbees do whatever they want

we need outposts after we got the tools

generally your own kids have some chance to be good, but thye are not your kids and they are not inheriting anything, even with 1000 hours there is no difference, your kids can be dumb af
that's why i like good players regardless of relation
the ones who do a job you ask for, for like 10 min
the ones who compost or smith
the ones who gather and clean up livestock pens 4.0 maxi guide

Playing OHOL optimally is like cosplaying a cactus: stand still and don't waste the water.


#3 2019-04-21 12:08:26

Registered: 2019-02-20
Posts: 1,553

Re: The future meta of property is not family nor profession: it's class

Why would anyone continue playing, plodding along unless they know they can get access to all of the items in the game? Since this is a game everyone will think THEY are the ruling class other classes won't exist, people will /die until they are born to some one with lots of stuff or they will /die until they can eve which people do now anyway.

No one is going to spend their game time doing something that isn't fun. Hence the hoarding meta.

omnem cibum costis
tantum baca, non facies opus


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